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Need your creativity and suggestions....

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After reading the Cult troops in different legions thread, I came up with the beginning of an idea, that I may or may not follow through with depending on the layout of the new codex, although I think I'll still do it anyway just because it's a kind of cool idea.


My idea is to use the Rubric marine rules to run a counts as consisting of a Dark Magos, and several mechanicum units; cataphractii, sagitarii, crusaders, and any others that can be modeled. Where I need help is in finding links, pics or other places to spur ideas for conversions and models on which to base the conversions. If you have seen anything that would work for the mechanicum units, please reply and post a link, or if you have seen other cool conversions done please post links or where to find some. I have "googled" and looked but not finding much, and with the plethora of talented, knowledgeable and creative modelers here I thought I'd come to you all for ideas and inspirations. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions are most welcome! Thanks in advance!



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I don't suppose that you've got a copy of Rogue Trader? That's got loads of near-Robbie the Robot style dudes, including something that looks suspiciously like a tracked Dalek.


Well that's just ludicrous, it'd never make it up stairs. :P


Yours sincerely, the post-2005 Daleks.

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