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Eliphas the Inheritor (termy)

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Hey there folks, I've been on a dawn of war binge recently, (the old and new) and I've been getting back into how awesome eliphas is, and amazing sorcerors such as Neroth/Sindri (yup, same voice actor I think, so awesome ;P )


Anyhoo, back on track. Ive been wondering if anyone knows any parts you could use to make a near- perfectly similar model of him in his terminator armour, with no additional stuff added on; the way he looks when you click on him to start the campaign before giving him any items.


Hes armed with a power sword on his right arm and a combi bolter on his left.


Any help would be appreciated!

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The Chaos Terminator Lord I think would be a good place to start. Only thing you'd need to find and add would be the sword, and they'd likely be swapped as far as hands go unless you hunted for parts to swap out....It's been awhile since I have played DoW 1 or 2 so going from memory....could even do him based on the later additions via fairly simple conversion work.


This kit here is the one I am talking about: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1090190


It is multipart and comes with different heads and weps, but no sword if I recall correctly. There is a sword in the dark angels veteran sprue that GW sells that might work for ya...I have one and was looking at it, might take a little bit of work but it could be used.


Good Luck with it!




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