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Skilled Rider, Move Through Cover, and ICs


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In going through the 6th Ed BRB in preparation for a tourney on Saturday, I noticed that ICs no longer have Move Through Cover or Skilled Rider as free abilities. In all the combing I did, I was unable to find it, but the book is a tad scattered/disorganized in its construction.


Is this hidden anywhere, or did ICs indeed lose these abilities for good?

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I did a very thorough search for that as well. Sad. Oh well, perhaps it's time to convert up some training wheels for my bike captain.


Stick him in artificer armor and it's almost the same. You get armor saves against failures now, and if you also ride with a Command Squad, you'll even get a FNP roll against that string of bad luck.

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I did a very thorough search for that as well. Sad. Oh well, perhaps it's time to convert up some training wheels for my bike captain.


Stick him in artificer armor and it's almost the same. You get armor saves against failures now, and if you also ride with a Command Squad, you'll even get a FNP roll against that string of bad luck.


Definitely. My bike captain always has artificer armor, and that will continue for 6th ed. I like that we now get armor saves against dangerous terrain. He usually rides with his crew, so the FNP will be there too. Honestly the loss of skilled rider isn't bad at all, but you just know that there is going to be that one time when you fail every roll and take a wound at the worst time.

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