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Typhus's Manreaper


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So, because all daemon weapons (with unique, different rules) are not UPWs, but all nemesis force weapons (with unique, different rules) are UPWs? That's dreadfully inconsistent.
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So, because all daemon weapons (with unique, different rules) are not UPWs, but all nemesis force weapons (with unique, different rules) are UPWs? That's dreadfully inconsistent.

its one that if you were to ask me as a TO (in my local area) what it is, i would say that because there are different demon weapons in the books is a UP(F)W weapon, just like in th GK book.


Manreaper is a nurgle demon weapon, but not the same (has different rules) than the Khornate one (pardon me for not knowing, not a chaos player [at least right now depending on how nurgle is in the new book i may go to the dark side]).


yet again its a bad SOFT ruling on GWs part.

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So, because all daemon weapons (with unique, different rules) are not UPWs, but all nemesis force weapons (with unique, different rules) are UPWs? That's dreadfully inconsistent.

Its a special character, so hes got his own particular rules- wich includes shorthanding it to a Force Axe with extra rules.


I think this will be more common as 6th ed books come out.

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so by that, how would you do arjac?


is his thunder hammer a thunder hammer when its thrown? when does a thunder hammer stop being a thunder hammer?


when is a Twolf no longer a Twolf?


When is a demon weapon not a demon weapon? again ignorance on my side, but i do not know off the top knot if all nurgle weapons are called the same thing or if there are independant rules on man raper. i mean reaper.

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When is a demon weapon not a demon weapon?




This lethal intrument of death is shaped like a gigantic scythe. The Manreaper is both a Daemon Weapon and a Force weapon, Treat the Manreaper as a normal Daemon Weapon, and in addition any model wounded but not killed by the Manreaper can be killed by Typhus with a successful Psychic test, following all the rules for a normal force weapon. Typhus may take this test even if he has used one of his psychic powers in the same turn.

All terrible capitalization and punctuation are GWs.


So yeah. Its pretty straightforward, and apparently Scythes count as Axes?

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So, because all daemon weapons (with unique, different rules) are not UPWs, but all nemesis force weapons (with unique, different rules) are UPWs? That's dreadfully inconsistent.


The rules aren't listed in the same way. Daemon weapons are a category of weapon, like force weapons. They all do ag list of things, and each has an additional ability based an whatever mark of chaos. These aren't unique, like the +2 init bonus of halberds, which no other weapon has.


If they wanted it to be read as a unique weapon, they would not have mentioned the force weapon type. They would/should have said, it's a daemon weapon with the same instant kill ability as force weapons.

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When is a demon weapon not a demon weapon?




This lethal intrument of death is shaped like a gigantic scythe. The Manreaper is both a Daemon Weapon and a Force weapon, Treat the Manreaper as a normal Daemon Weapon, and in addition any model wounded but not killed by the Manreaper can be killed by Typhus with a successful Psychic test, following all the rules for a normal force weapon. Typhus may take this test even if he has used one of his psychic powers in the same turn.

All terrible capitalization and punctuation are GWs.


So yeah. Its pretty straightforward, and apparently Scythes count as Axes?

yeah idk. a scythe is NOT like an axe. i would say that its more like a haberd if it were me...

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Really? A halberd?


A halberd gives you distance to your enemy as it's kinda pointy in one end and can stab pretty well.


A scytche requires a serious momentum to do damage, counting on slicing the enemies to do damage. Have you ever held one?

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Really? A halberd?


A halberd gives you distance to your enemy as it's kinda pointy in one end and can stab pretty well.


A scytche requires a serious momentum to do damage, counting on slicing the enemies to do damage. Have you ever held one?


Ive killed people with them. You've merely held one? hah.

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Really? A halberd?


A halberd gives you distance to your enemy as it's kinda pointy in one end and can stab pretty well.


A scytche requires a serious momentum to do damage, counting on slicing the enemies to do damage. Have you ever held one?


Ive killed people with them. You've merely held one? hah.

Well, I pity you if that's true.


...but I'm curious where in my post it ever said that I have only held one...

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It's as simple as this, apply the rules for DW, which is that it's a two handed power weapon that adds d6 attacks, with the mark of nurgle all attacks wound on a 4+. The Manreaper is also a force Axe, so it also gains the +1S, AP2 unwieldy and force rules.


As a result the Manreaper is a two handed Force axe that adds d6 attacks, is poisoned 4+, +1S, Ap2 and has Unwieldy and Force Rules.

It is an Unusual force weapon, so you follow it's rules as stated in the codex, which thanks to the FAQ makes it both a Daemon Weapon of Nurgle and a Force Axe.


the Faq makes it an Axe which means it's rules in the codex are that it's a Force Axe that has the Daemon Weapon rules.


I said it in four different ways so every level of over-reading can be understood

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