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BRB FAQ - Compilation?


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Should the B&C maybe attempt to compile a list of very grey areas for the BRB FAQ ?





<3 :)


ADDENDUM: The caps are intended to express excited yelling. Also, please and thank you. <3

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Although i think we should do it in a similar fashion to what we did before, with the position of both camps stated if there is a disagreement.

That is ever how the Grey Area works. <3

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This would be most excellent.


Although i think we should do it in a similar fashion to what we did before, with the position of both camps stated if there is a disagreement.



I assumed that would be par for the course here, i meant for submission to GW though! :)

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A week or two ago I started a FB group for 6th edition q/a that needs addressing or points out new rules changes. I can just copy/paste stuff into a FAQ thread here.
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Well we've got the Grey Area rules thread for rules and arguments for and against. Which now I think about it, should probably be updated soon.


Of course, compiling those same grey areas into an email etc for GW would be a good idea. We could all send the email separately, so they'll got loads of them and can't ignore them. :)

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We on the SW forum have started a list already


happy to join up with our BA brothers




Well we've got the Grey Area rules thread for rules and arguments for and against. Which now I think about it, should probably be updated soon.


Of course, compiling those same grey areas into an email etc for GW would be a good idea. We could all send the email separately, so they'll got loads of them and can't ignore them. :lol:



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If someone would like to start compiling those issues, preferably in this thread, then go ahead. Note, that it'd be a compilation of issues, not a debate on the issues. These are to be sent to GW asking for them in a FAQ, we've likely had many threads about them in the past.


I'm a little busy today (and this week), but I'll mention a few off the top of my head:

- Missile launchers get flakk missiles?

- Signum can be used to snapfire at BS5.

- Ork Burna Boys weapon AP in combat.

- Initiative and Pile in step in relation to NF halberds, unwieldy weapons etc.

- Mix and match Codex and BGB psychic powers?


These are a few that perhaps could be clarified by GW. Some are more grey area than others, but all need clarification.

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SW Questions so far


1)Does a character with Saga of the hunter pass on His outflank rule to the units he is attatched?


any unit that contains at least one model with this special rule

2)If an Obel unit outflanks with a Character with saga of the hunter attatched do they roll on the obel table?


If a Wolf Scout unit makes use of its

ability to outflank, roll a dice when it enters play to see

where it may be deployed


3)Do any SW missile launchers get Flakk, How much are flakk missiles or are they free?

4)Do all wolf guard have character status? p411 BRB

5)Is the wolf priests Crozius Arcanum a power maul, what about Ulrick

6)What are the stats of the axe of morkai is it a frost blade and powerfist?


The Axe

Morkai may be used as a frost blade or, if logan wields it

with both hands, a power fist.

7)Can an IC without saga of the hunter join wolf scouts and outflank because at least one model (wolf scouts) has the ability?

8)Does the Wolf Standard ability to reroll 1's apply to the entire Assault phase, and thus 1's can be rerolled on Overwatch To Hit and To Wound rolls?

9)how do challenges work in multiple combats? can I challenge / accept from unit which are not directly in CC with the other

10)how many hull points does Bjorn have

11)if Fen.Wolves bought as wargear are included in an ICs challenge combat.

12)Chooser of slain does the +1 BS come after the Snap fire modification(signum as well)


Basic vs Advanced: Snap fire is a basic rule, Chooser is advanced. Page 7 of the BGB says that advanced rules always override basic rules, therefore you fire at BS 5 with the Chooser when snap fProxy-Connection: keep-alive

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Control: max-age=0




Page 9 of the BRB states that the person whose turn it is decides the order in which it's resolved. Therefore the Chooser can be applied last, after the reduction to BS 1, allowing the model to fire at a flyer at BS 2.

- Chooser is a Codex rule, Hard to Hit is a rulebook rule, Codex trumps rulebook as per page 7.


13)Do tempests wrath or murderous hurricane force dangerous terrain tests on zooming flyers as it is aerial rather than ground terrain?

14) skyclaws do not seem to be affected by headstrong as it states bloodclaws only or able to be joined by wolfguard with jump packs s the deliberate?

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Cache-Control: max-age=0



If a pack of Blood Claws is within 6" of an enemy model at the beginning of the Shooting

phase, that pack will forgo its Shooting phase altogether as it prepares for a devastating charge



Wolf Guard has the option of being split off from his pack and assigned to lead a different pack from the following list: Blood Claws, Swiftclaw Bike Packs, Grey Hunters, Wolf Scouts, Long Fangs


15)Are Arjac and Lukas characters?

16) Do the thunderwolves rending carry on to special weapon attacks. The 6th ed rulebook indicates but the FAQ h

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Cheers for them eyeslikethunder, very useful. I'll keep them in mind when I'm attempting the crush the Space Wolves under then heels of my boots. ;)




Really dont see why the Flakk issue is being asked. But, I guess thats why there was a huge thread on it.


And I reckon it should be asked because of the massive thread. Anything with a massive thread should probably be asked, even if we think we've got it resolved in the end.

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Q: Does Fear affect Walkers, since they don't have a Leadership value?


Q: When do models Pile In and Attack? Certain effects only affect when the model strikes but not their actual Initiative value (Difficult Terrain, Unwieldy, GK Halberds, etc), while others affect their Initiative but not when they strike (Howling Banshees with power axes, Quickening + Unwieldy/DT, etc). How do we resolve this?


Q: When you Glance a building, does the wound suffered by a model inside count as being from the weapon that shot the building, such as a lascannon or meltagun?


Q: What armies/units can take Flakk missiles, if any, and for what points?


Q: If you have two different Specialist Weapons, like a Lightning Claw and a Thunderhammer, do you get the +1 Attack for having two weapons?


Q: Does a Dangerous Terrain test count as a Difficult Terrain test for the purposes of the Razorwing Nest?


Q: Which happens first: Feel No Pain rolls , or unsaved wounds caused by an activated Force Weapon?


Q: Can purchased Fortifications models prevent you from losing if you have no other models on the table?


Q: Is Flat Out movement during the Shooting Phase?


Q: Can Flying Monstrous Creatures really get a cover save from being in Area Terrain? (or anything, for that matter)


Q: Can Eldar/Dark Eldar Jetbikes make their 2D6" move in the Assault Phase after they Turbo-boost?


Q: Can you make a Look Out, Sir! roll for wounds from Perils of the Warp, Dangerous Terrain, or anything else like that?




Chaos Daemons

Q: Do all daemons gain the 5+ invulnerable save from the new version of the Special Rule (ie. Soulgrinders)?



Chaos Space Marines

Q: Why is a Daemon Prince with Wings not a Flying Monstrous Creature?


Q: When does Typhus attack with his Manreaper? Initiative 5 or 1?


Q: Do Possessed, Obliterators, Daemon Princes, and any vehicle with the Daemonic Possession upgrade get the new Daemon special rule?



Dark Eldar

Q: Does Lelith's The Penetrating Blade special rule apply to Shooting Attacks made from her plasma grenades?



Space Marines

Q: Can anything override the limitations Snap Shot, much like the limitations of other game affects? For instance, Voice of Experience, Tank Commander, and the Signum?


Q: Does Sicarius' Coup de Gras attack at AP2 or AP3?




Q: When are you allowed to Bladestorm, and does "the subsequent Shooting phase" mean your opponent's?




Q: What kind of power weapon does the Burna count as?





That's all I can think of for now, but I think something well organized like this would be the best to have presented for ease of reading.

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* Can fliers use their Flat Out move to leave airspace in the turn they arrive?


* Does signum change how Hard to Hit is resolved on fliers? What about Chooser of the Slain, and Tau BS upgrade wargear?


* Lelith's attacks ignore armour saves. Does this include Plasma Grenades?




* Is Dante's Axe a unique power weapon or a power axe?


* Are Sanguinary Guard's Glaive Encarmine's unique power weapons or as they are modelled?


* Can a BA Storm Raven really fire its POTMS if it has moved Flat Out as per the BA FAQ?




* Do Space Wolves really get a 4+ nullify to ALL psychic powers within 24" unlike the Psychic hoods of other chapters?

(more like wishful thinking this, but i honestly think its an oversight rather than intent- at least thats what I hope for fear of absolute insanity).

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On the warhammer world facebook page, there is a picture with the quote "don't leave your rule queries with these reprobates, the best place to send rules questions is gamefaqs@gwplc.com".


And a reply:"Games Workshop: Warhammer World Deke- the FAQ studio guys get, on average, 200 questions a day, so answering every single one would be impossible, even for the rules servitors! What they do is collate all the questions together and prepare the FAQ documents, so your question will eventually be answered via an official FAQ document ;) Nick"

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* Does signum change how Hard to Hit is resolved on fliers? What about Chooser of the Slain, and Tau BS upgrade wargear?


The Tau target lock upgrade grants +1 BS. Since set modifiers apply last, I don't think this should have any effect on snap shooting.

One could possibly make a case for markerlight hits to increase BS after being set to 1, but not a strong one.

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* Do Space Wolves really get a 4+ nullify to ALL psychic powers within 24" unlike the Psychic hoods of other chapters?

(more like wishful thinking this, but i honestly think its an oversight rather than intent- at least thats what I hope for fear of absolute insanity).

Given it states 24 " in the SW 6th ed faq very wishful


but if we are being wishful why not add


Is Runes of warding only six inches now?(please nerf it pretty please)




Or do wolf tail talismans work like psychic hoods now? after all their rules are closer to hoods than runic weapons

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With respect to my peers here at the OR, several of these seem to be "requests for changes" masquerading as questions. Quite a few of these have very clear rules and don't merit asking in a FAQ; if there is no confusion about how a rule works, where is the question?


That being said, however, the majority are good questions with some abiguity, and really ought to be addressed.





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Certain things were omitted and overlooked of revue in various places the FAQs included - I dont think its out of place to ask.


Given it states 24 " in the SW 6th ed faq very wishful


It also states in the BA codex that Ravens can use their POTMS when it moves flat out- when POTMS in the BRB says you cant (its in black though, not pink which means its a hold hover from 5th FAQ).



The fact that they nerf how psychic powers are blocked across the game for all armies with ability to do so, but don't for SW doesnt speak to favouritism -i think that's a childish assumption- i think its more telling of an oversight. Which as I said above is the reason I'm asking.


EDIT: If after the next few FAQ releases it's not changed and SW retain their ability to influence every power in 24" I'll reconsider my juvenile favouritism comment and have words with PK next I see him ;)

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i think its more telling of an oversight. Which as I said above is the reason I'm asking.


Well, if you are going to ask about "oversights" in addition to those aspects of the rules that we are actually unsure of, then please also include the following questions:


1. Why does Bjorn the Fell-handed not come with an option for a Drop Pod as a dedicated transport, when all other Dreadnoughts in the codex do? As far as I know, only Grey Knights Dreadnoughts lack this option, but they get Stormravens and the Summoning as alternate mobility options.


2. Why do Swift Claws not come with an option to upgrade a model to have the Mark of the Wulfen, when all other units do?


3. Why do Sky Claws not have the ability to be joined by a Wolf Guard Pack Leader, when all other units do?



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Why do you think it's an oversight runes of warding does not seem to have had it's range reduced either. Psychic hoods don't use a the same technology /fluff to runic weapons. If anything runic weapons fluff are more similar to the eldar than crystalline tech of the marines use.



I can see why you thinks its oversight on the basis its a marine using it

But its not unpresendented the DA used to get defense hoods which managed to keep their old rules when hoods got reduced to 24" IIRC. Runes of warding, Shadow of the warp IIRC (the nid one), wolf tail talimans and runic weapons all have not been changed to 6 so we are not the only one.


Its not unusual for codex specific items to retain their unique powers with edition changes.


On the plus side it leaves most SW allies the option of buying superior Psychic defence just as we have option of buying flyers

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