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BRB FAQ - Compilation?


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i think its more telling of an oversight. Which as I said above is the reason I'm asking.


Well, if you are going to ask about "oversights" in addition to those aspects of the rules that we are actually unsure of, then please also include the following questions:


1. Why does Bjorn the Fell-handed not come with an option for a Drop Pod as a dedicated transport, when all other Dreadnoughts in the codex do? As far as I know, only Grey Knights Dreadnoughts lack this option, but they get Stormravens and the Summoning as alternate mobility options.


2. Why do Swift Claws not come with an option to upgrade a model to have the Mark of the Wulfen, when all other units do?


3. Why do Sky Claws not have the ability to be joined by a Wolf Guard Pack Leader, when all other units do?





These are all 5th ed specific/related to the initial SW release and not 6th ed and therefore have no place in what we're discussing.

If you wanted to include those, you missed your boat a couple of years back.

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Why do you think it's an oversight runes of warding does not seem to have had it's range reduced either. Psychic hoods don't use a the same technology /fluff to runic weapons. If anything runic weapons fluff are more similar to the eldar than crystalline tech of the marines use.



I can see why you thinks its oversight on the basis its a marine using it

But its not unpresendented the DA used to get defense hoods which managed to keep their old rules when hoods got reduced to 24" IIRC. Runes of warding, Shadow of the warp IIRC (the nid one), wolf tail talimans and runic weapons all have not been changed to 6 so we are not the only one.


Its not unusual for codex specific items to retain their unique powers with edition changes.


I dont disagree with this. However, say for example all SShields as they are at 3++ are changed to 4++ in 6th ed, except for DA Shields. Would you think "oh they want to buff DA" or would you think oversight? It's not the fact that a codex specific item has been left unchanged, its that it's been left unchanged in relation to what has been changed that is odd. Farseer runes and Nid SitW I dont believe are in the same category. Its just too odd for me to accept at face value that it's the case


On the plus side it leaves most SW allies the option of buying superior Psychic defence just as we have option of buying flyers


What im finding interesting is the reaction to my questioning of this.


Its very, very simple guys -either its an oversight, or its not. If its not- it will stay and all the whining in the world wont change it. At least we'll know its intended.

The random question of some internet nobody like myself is not going to make the designer go: "Ooooh yeah! Why NOT change this too?".


And if it is the case that its an oversight, it will simply be updated and once again all the whining in the world wont change it.


Again, as ive stated, there are a few incidents of wargear not being FAQed properly - the most obvious one is the BA raven and POTMS.


I dont think its a stretch to ask.

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i m happy for you to ask


i was pointing out in a backwards way and vqlerian in more straight way is this not a rule clarification thread ? or rule modification thread?


if its the later i have a lot more questions


but seriously i feel questions should be about rules with open interpretations otherwise the questions will be endless and the thread lacking in integrity and direction

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If a Transport is destroyed in the enemy (not owning player's) Turn, does the unit inside get to Assault on their next turn (if they are not otherwise prevented from doing so)?

This one is answered on p. 79 of the Rulebook. It's a "no".

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This one is answered on p. 79 of the Rulebook. It's a "no".

I understand that reading of it. I'm not entirely convinced the writer was thinking/meaning that when they used the word "subsequent." I think it's worth asking, just as much as "If I have a Power Fist on a Space Marine do I Pile In on Init 4 and attack at Init 1?"

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On page 51 there is the rule "No Specific Melee Weapon"


It states that a model gets a generic CCW if the model has no weapon with melee type on his profile.


Pistols can be used in CC, using the generic CCW but they don't have melee type as such.


I know the interpretation is very RAW but does this mean that all vanilla marines get a extra attack in CC? Gaining the generic CCW and using their Bolt Pistol as a CCW in assault.


So I wouldn't play it like this but I can see this being an issue on tournaments. On the fluffy side of things this can be defended because every Space Marine should have at least a combat knife with him.

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Page 9 of the BRB states that the person whose turn it is decides the order in which it's resolved. Therefore the Chooser can be applied last, after the reduction to BS 1, allowing the model to fire at a flyer at BS 2.

- Chooser is a Codex rule, Hard to Hit is a rulebook rule, Codex trumps rulebook as per page 7.



In the FAQ it says if you have two set modifiers (a banshee with a mask in combat with a wraith with a whip) THEN the player whose turn it is gets to determine which order they resolve in. You can choose which order to apply all your +/- modifiers, but then the snap fire "You are BS1" kicks in and down you go.


So surely that prohibits the Chooser from helping vs flying opposition?

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With respect to my peers here at the OR, several of these seem to be "requests for changes" masquerading as questions. Quite a few of these have very clear rules and don't merit asking in a FAQ; if there is no confusion about how a rule works, where is the question?


That being said, however, the majority are good questions with some abiguity, and really ought to be addressed.





Agreed. Also, I think that some of these questions are answered in the BBB.



Q: Is Flat Out movement during the Shooting Phase?


Q: Can Eldar/Dark Eldar Jetbikes make their 2D6" move in the Assault Phase after they Turbo-boost?

A vehicle can elect to move Flat Out instead of firing in the Shooting phase, immediately moving up to 6";

So in the Shooting phase, you can choose to not fire. Instead, you move Flat Out. This has an effect, which is moving up to 6".


[...] or execute any voluntary action for the rest of the turn after Turbo-boosting.

Is moving in the Assault phase voluntary? Of course it is, the player controlling the bike chooses himself if he wants the bikes to move. Since he can't make any voluntary actions, and the assault move is in the Assault phase, i.e. after Turbo-boosting, he can't make the assault move.


Something I've seen pop up elsewhere on the internet (and haven't found here, after a quick scan):

- If a transport vehicle Explodes! the passengers do not disembark but are placed where the vehicle used to be. Can they then declare a charge in their subsequent Assault phase, seeing as they never disembarked? Compare this to if the vehicle suffered a Wrecked result, in which case the passengers do disembark; therefore they cannot declare a charge in their subsequent Assault phase.

- Under Arriving From Reserve, it says that "you must roll a D6 for each unit being held in reserve". Does this mean that you roll for both your and your opponent's reserves each Player Turn? Or do you roll for both your and your opponent's reserves at the beginning of each Game Turn? Or do you only roll for your own units at the beginning of each Player Turn?

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the reason its a question is because the sentences:


"A vehicle can elect to move Flat Out instead of firing in the Shooting phase, immediately moving up to 6"




"A vehicle can elect to move Flat Out in the Shooting phase instead of firing , immediately moving up to 6"


are very, very different.


The first sentence is not what alludes that the move is done in the shooting phase - its the fact that this rule is listed under the rules for shooting. As the rule is written it doesnt indicate which phase the move is done, only that it's done immediately "instead of firing in the shooting phase".

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Fair enough.


The way I see it is, if I instead use the sentence:

A vehicle can elect to move Flat Out, immediately moving up to 6"


This says that as soon as you elect to move Flat Out, you move up to 6". It never imposes any restrictions on actually electing to move Flat Out, which comes in below:

When do you elect to move Flat Out?

instead of firing in the Shooting phase


So when you, instead of firing in the Shooting phase, elect to move Flat Out, something immediately happens. Since you have to make this decision instead of firing in the Shooting phase (i.e. to elect to move Flat Out), and since you cannot elect in any other phase, and since the result of electing to move Flat Out is immediate; the conclusion is that you have to move in the Shooting phase. Only during the Shooting phase can you elect to forgo firing in the Shooting phase, which is the requirement of electing to moving Flat Out. Since the effect of moving Flat Out is immediate, the phase cannot have changed yet, except maybe if its the last unit left to do anything, then its a case of immediate vs when every unit has shot is finished, its the Assault phase. That is my opinion.


Of course, writing it, as has been said

"A vehicle can elect to move Flat Out in the Shooting phase instead of firing , immediately moving up to 6"

would have been much clearer, and I only really understood the difference in nuance after writing half of this post.

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