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Allies and Reserves Interactions


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So two questions have sprung up for me as i try to revitalize my old drop pod army:


First, does Tigrius' reroll to reserve rolls only work for C:SM reserves? Or can they be applied to allies also? I'd assume thats a hard answer, but would it for some reason work for Brothers in Arms and not Allies of Convenience, etc?


Doing Locator/Homing Beacons work for allied units? I havent looked at the FAQ in awhile so i cant remember if that was specified. If so, id think it would only be for brothers in arms because they qualify as "allies" right?


Does the "half your army in reserve, rounded up" rule apply per army or per detachment? Im pretty sure the answer is per army, but if you have an ally with 3 units can only 2 units be held in reserve? Or if your allied force+your main force is 9 inits is it just 5 units total?

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So two questions have sprung up for me as i try to revitalize my old drop pod army:


First, does Tigrius' reroll to reserve rolls only work for C:SM reserves? Or can they be applied to allies also? I'd assume thats a hard answer, but would it for some reason work for Brothers in Arms and not Allies of Convenience, etc?


Doing Locator/Homing Beacons work for allied units? I havent looked at the FAQ in awhile so i cant remember if that was specified. If so, id think it would only be for brothers in arms because they qualify as "allies" right?


Does the "half your army in reserve, rounded up" rule apply per army or per detachment? Im pretty sure the answer is per army, but if you have an ally with 3 units can only 2 units be held in reserve? Or if your allied force+your main force is 9 inits is it just 5 units total?



1. There is no concept of an main "army" and an allied "army". There is only the players army with the possibility of another detachment. Therefore, unless it's been FAQed, Tiggies roll will work for your allies too - definitely in Brothers in Arms, and the other two dependent on the exact wording of the the rule in the codex.


2. Again, this is the same for lcoators.


3. Same answer as 1.

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