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Double FOC Death Company?


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I dont think theres any "official" rules for 2 FOC


40k uses one FoC

Apoc uses none


(I think)


but even if we disregard that



Death Comp are ONE only.

They are herded together, pointed at the enemy and unleashed

You wouldnt take two Sanguinors for example, or two Dantes

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There are ow rules for a double FOC at 2k and above in the 6th edition rules/


As for the ruling itself, I don't have my codex on me ATM, but I feel that if it says one only then you are stuck with one, because it doesn't mean one per FOC, but it means one per army.

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We dont lock threads without reason at the BnC. We just let em fade away into obscurity. :)

Unless someone mentions Squats. :)


Why would leg exercises have anything to do with this? Or are your DC preparing to foot slog?

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As a corollary to this, If you do include Astorath, you will be able to have up to 12 DC units :lol:

So 2 squads of 30, and 10 DC Dreads...


With the changes to rage, would be interesting.



Ouch! That would be fun to watch. I guess you could call it "lunatic fringe". ;)

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As a corollary to this, If you do include Astorath, you will be able to have up to 12 DC units ;)

So 2 squads of 30, and 10 DC Dreads...


With the changes to rage, would be interesting.


I am officially confused. as I am looking at the dex right now, I am not seeing how 10 DC dreads could be taken. with Astorath you remove the 0-1 limit. so that means you could potentially have 180 DC on the table. 181 if you count Lemartes. that many DC would be crazy ^_^ without Astorath, you could have 30+1, if you include Lemartes. PLUS you can include 1 DC dread for every five DC in your army..........that is 6 for the non-math inclined. the problam is, the DCD takes a troop choice slot in your army. I say this because the standard precedent is the special entry option for a slot choice is always in a shaded box, in the choice description. DCD's are not that way, so it's a FOC slot per dread I'm afraid. you can actually take more DCD's with out Astorath.

(2x DC x30, 4DCDS) with the standard army list.

but, could you imagine if they were add-ons to the DC, with Astorath, you could field 180 DC, Lemartes, AND 36 DC dreads. thats an Apocalypse army all by itself....


but this is why I play Apocalypse only anymore. I like to do what I want.


I'm sorry if this busts bubbles but I have to do it. a kid with too much money tried nerfing the army list almost just like this a few weeks ago, we all laughed so hard hejoined a different league.



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In a single FOC you can have 1 troops choice of 30 death company, which then allows you to take 5 further troops choices of a single DC dreadnought. Take Astorath, and at 2,000pt or more you have double the potential troops choices available since you now have a second FOC. So yes, you can do 2 x 30DC troopers and then 10 x DC dreadnought.
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There is one thing that causes this kind of confusion IMO. I was looking through my textbook and it doesn't say that you get a second FOC but rather doubles the slots in your current FOC and describes it as a seperate 'detachment.' Now maybe I'm not reading the right section but there seems to be a lot of confusion based on this 2nd FOC idea that I can't find...


...and now somebody will point out how I'm a moron.


I'm a moron.

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