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Assault cannon terminator


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Working on a DIY chapter mainly because I want to run my own color scheme. I've been updating a WIP thread but I'd like to post here as well as models are finished. The first two are done except for the base. Also, no camera tricks here, the eyes really do look like that under bright light, I'm very pleased.




Comments and criticism very welcomed as these are test models. I think I used a bit too much of the damaged armour and am scaling it back a bit as I move forward. Thoughts?

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It's gotta be LEDs inside their heads. It's just gotta be...


There's no way it's possible to get OSL looking that bright/powerful.


Is it....? :tu:


About the battle damage, I think it looks fine, my only critisism would be that the damage is all fairly neatly spaced. I always imagine that battle damage would appear a little more random.

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Yeah, under the bright lights I take my pictures under the eyes do that. Under normal lighting it's a little more subtle, but still looks good.


I agree on the weathering. I plan on making it a little less random moving forward. I also plan on having most of the damage on the legs where it would likely get nicked.


Thanks for the replies.

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Mind... blown.


That is amazing, well done!


And besides the fantastic eye glow effect, the rest of all that looks really good too! ;)


(Looks at own models, puts face into palm...)


Exactly this.


Where is the tutorial on how to do those eyes???

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The eyes are a couple steps. I should do a proper tutorial with pics but for now all I can do is describe the process.


I'm not using GW colors for these blues. A royal blue is a very true blue. An ice blue is something like 50/50 blue and white.


Paint eyes white

Airbrush glowing area royal blue

Airbrush with a bright ice blue

Paint eyes white again.

Wash around edges of the eyes with ice blue

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I have no air brush, but perhaps with some misty drybrushing and patient washes I can approximate it.


So often when the painting is so amazing, the question "How is it so amazing?!" is met with "I own an airbrush." :D I have neither the space nor the resources to really manage one of those amazing devices.

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I have no air brush, but perhaps with some misty drybrushing and patient washes I can approximate it.


So often when the painting is so amazing, the question "How is it so amazing?!" is met with "I own an airbrush." :D I have neither the space nor the resources to really manage one of those amazing devices.


It does almost feel like cheating when it comes to OSL. A careful dry brushing can achieve the same effect?

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I have no air brush, but perhaps with some misty drybrushing and patient washes I can approximate it.


So often when the painting is so amazing, the question "How is it so amazing?!" is met with "I own an airbrush." :D I have neither the space nor the resources to really manage one of those amazing devices.


It does almost feel like cheating when it comes to OSL. A careful dry brushing can achieve the same effect?

No, I don't think so, haha. I'm just being optimistic.

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Wow, that last post made me look like a jerk. That was suppose to be a period not a question mark. You can definetly achieve a similar effect by drybrushing. Sorry bout that punctuation error.

haha No worries at all; I didn't think you were being mean. I am certainly going to try. We'll see. :)


Your models look great.

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Mind... blown.


That is amazing, well done!


And besides the fantastic eye glow effect, the rest of all that looks really good too! ;)


(Looks at own models, puts face into palm...)


Exactly this.


Where is the tutorial on how to do those eyes???



I think there`s some tutorials on youtube.

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Loving the eyes and the power sword, nice blues you have there. Also good job on the yellow a tough colour to pull off well and I think its working. Regarding the damage it all depends what look you're going for and if you are going to keep it consistent across the whole army, tactical marines with heavy damage can take the detail from the model thinking ahead to future projects. I would use a thinner paint for the highlights on the black, the front powerfist has a really obvious highlight with thinner paint could be knocked back a bit but still effective.


Are you planning on doing and freehand on the right shoulders? Some text or scribbles there could add a little more detail to the models without too much effort, some thin white paint would do.


Overall though looking really good!

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