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Using my Minotaurs as a Death Company army

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Hello Brothers,


I am thinking of fielding my Minotaurs as a full Death Company army (1500pts) using Ivanus Encomi as Astorath. I 'd like to use a Storm raven, a DC dreadnought and 1-2 Land Raiders. I would not like to use many jumpackers. My second option would be a mixed army of Terminators, Death Company, Astorath, scouts, bikers and a Land Raider/Storm raven. Would that be better?


My objective is to have a nice fluffy army which can compete adequately and provide me with new tactical challenges.


Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated as my 20 years of experience in 40k is mostly about Space Wolves and Chaos.


You can find my army so far by clicking the link below...

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Hello Brothers,


I am thinking of fielding my Minotaurs as a full Death Company army (1500pts) using Ivanus Encomi as Astorath. I 'd like to use a Storm raven, a DC dreadnought and 1-2 Land Raiders. I would not like to use many jumpackers. My second option would be a mixed army of Terminators, Death Company, Astorath, scouts, bikers and a Land Raider/Storm raven. Would that be better?


My objective is to have a nice fluffy army which can compete adequately and provide me with new tactical challenges.


Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated as my 20 years of experience in 40k is mostly about Space Wolves and Chaos.


You can find my army so far by clicking the link below...


Well, a few things:


- Ivanus Enkomi doesn't have a JP, while Astorath does. So you'd have to include a unit of jump-packed DC or put him and the unit in the Stormraven. Nontheless, you'd have to model Enkomi with a JP. Not sure if you wanted to spoil such a nice model. :D


- Our Terminators have to pay +5 points per thunderhammer&stormshield, just so you know. It has become better since we now can actually use the 2+ armour save, but still.


- Scouts are quite mediocre. We don't have a guy like Telion who can actually make sniper scouts badass, and we don't have a Land Speeder Storm, so you'd have to ally with C:SM to get one(or your buddies won't mind you using it!).


- The DC dread has lost some of its efficiency since Blood Talons are AP3 now, but has gained an extra attack to make up for it. As long as you can avoid terminators, you'll be fine.


I'm not sure how competitive this army will be, however. If you kit them out, DC aren't that cheap anymore and once a Raider is gone, the DC will be as well soon. You'd want some Chappies in there besides Astorath, which costs you some points again. Without JP, you'll ignore a lot from C:BA that gives us strength.


then, the whole fluff aspect...might be better off using regular assault squads instead of DC. They get a discount on vehicles and will represent the cc-featured nature of the Minotaurs good enough. Since Land Raiders are dedicated transports in our 'dex, you can save yourself some points here. :D


DC are killer. I can't think of any Space Marine unit in the 40k universe that can compare to them game-wise and fluff-wise.

Their special rules are too unique for me to see it happening with other armies. But hey, that's just my opinion.





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- Ivanus Enkomi doesn't have a JP, while Astorath does. So you'd have to include a unit of jump-packed DC or put him and the unit in the Stormraven. Nontheless, you'd have to model Enkomi with a JP. Not sure if you wanted to spoil such a nice model. :)


I believe he has the option to take a jump pack.



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I think Astorath in the lead is going to be a necessity!

Especially for a DC army.


The issue you may find is that BA are quite expensive :(


How about the following:


As your core:




DC Dread

8 DC - Fist,


8 DC - Fist,


10 Scouts- Rifles, 1ML



(this is 1165 leaving you 335)


You can use 215 of that for 5terms with 3 hammers and then the rest on bikers?



The first option




6 Terms- 4Hammers


DC Dread

10 DC - Fist


10 DC - Hammer


10 Scouts -9SR, 1ML





I don't see the combo being particularly strong at 1500 to be honest - especially not with lack of Jump guards for Asty.



I'd sooner look to something like this (but then unsure of it's success or your interest in the structure/fluff of it):



Priest - JP, PW


8 RAS - MG, TH


8 DC - Fist


8 DC - Fist


7 DC - Axe


DC Dread



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Thanks a lot for your advice and suggestions...Thinking again about it I might use the full potential of BA in order to take advantage of some really good units. They will give me the opportunity to fully convert my army...Stay tuned to my blog, I already finished my Minotaurs "count as" Mephiston...^_^ Some bikers are on the way as well... ^_^
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Thanks a lot for your advice and suggestions...Thinking again about it I might use the full potential of BA in order to take advantage of some really good units. They will give me the opportunity to fully convert my army...Stay tuned to my blog, I already finished my Minotaurs "count as" Mephiston...^_^ Some bikers are on the way as well... ^_^
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