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Adventures of a born-again wargamer


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Back in my high school days, I played both WFB and 40K (as well as battletech and couple of others). When I started college though, I lost many of the friends that I had gamed with. I have been out of the hobby for well over 10 years now. I was recently inspired to start back up. I thought it may make an interesting read for some of you all to follow along on my journey back.


Since I do have some experience in the hobby, I won't be starting from scratch. I will, however, be starting with a tremendous gap from where I left off. The rules have changed since I was last involved in 40K (not to mention the prices). I am also without an army. Both of those problems are easily remedied however. I have chosen to play space marines upon my return, and I will be painting them up as Salamanders. I have begun buying some of my models and will post pictures and updates as I expand my army, assemble my troops, and paint them as best I can.


Hopefully along the way, you all will provide me with some wonderful advice and criticism to help me make the most of the hobby.


[Pics of 1st and 2nd Tac. Squads coming soon]


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