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Merik's WIP


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So I only get to work on some small projects every once in a blue moon, and this last week Ive had some time to do so. This is about as far as Ive got right now and Im just putting it up for some critique. I suck at GS so dont expect much on that and I probably wont be able to do any painting anytime soon.


To start off, I have to ideas for this guy, and after tacking on some pieces on the second picture Im not quite sure what to go with.






And lastly there is this guy. Again Im not very good with GS and Im still working on smoothing out the tabard.


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Second pose on the first guy, definitely. Awesome and (afaik) unique! Very templar-y. Looking forward to seeing him painted! :rolleyes: Not totally sold on the second guy's pose, though - he looks a little 'surprised to see you here', probably not the reaction a Templar would have on seeing a massive gribbly, for example. The GS isn't too bad, though, just a little bit of smoothing over on the top of the tabard and it'll look awesome when painted :D


Look forward to seeing more!

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Not totally sold on the second guy's pose, though - he looks a little 'surprised to see you here', probably not the reaction a Templar would have on seeing a massive gribbly, for example.


Look forward to seeing more!


Ahh, thats what it was. I kept looking at him and wondering what was wrong with this picture. Alright so Ill tweak that a lil bit and try to smooth out the lines on the tabard.


Also forgot to mention that I was going to try and put chains on his chest behind the cross to hold it in place.


Thanks for the tips.

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