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Lugft Huron - FW


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Hurons Living Legend special rule: (the important bit)


'Allied space marines can always opt to use Huron's Leadership rather than their own while he is in play'


First of all, is there a clear distinction as to what a 'Space Marine' is? As in, are Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Grey Knights, Space Wolves and Black Templars 'Space Marines' by definition, or are they their own unit type?


Secondly, does this rule prohibit his own FOC detachment from taking advantage of this rule, as they are not allies.



I realise this was written before allies were legal, and I think the intent is clear - basically it's a different wording of Rites of Battle. But RAW? The inclusion of the word 'Allied' means something different today than it did a month ago.

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Yes, they are all space marines. They are all described as such. Youll even see "Tactical Marines" in their profiles for many of those books.


Cutists, Inquisitors, etc on the other hand...


Of course, you should note the FW allies rules dont really allow any of those books much access to him.

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