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Weapon Skill 0

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This would probably be solved if GW would send my LGS the damn rulebooks he ordered so I could finally get my copy instead of mooching, but here goes...


I've never encountered a WS 0 model before tonight. GK friend had a LRC parked Just off an objective shooting tenuously around some wrecked rhinos and cover around an objective. Had to deal with his dread knight first so he got a good couple of turns sitting and shooting before what was left of my assault marines and their chaplain got a crack at it. I broke my chaplain off to deal with a rhino carrying a bothersome squad. I had three Assault Marines with shots at assaulting the LRC with Melta Bombs. It hadn't moved, so I thought the old auto-hit was still in effect. He says that with vehicles getting a WS now, there was no "auto-hit" Now the rules say that if a vehicle doesn't move it's considered WS 0. We couldn't find what that meant. It's not on the hit chart, and it's not referenced anywhere easy to find in the index. We looked in all the places we could think of. We had three possibilities:


Does this mean auto-hit?

Neither of us had ever run into WS 0 before. But that it's included at all seemed to engender to us that some roll to hit was necessary. This was my preferred interpretation, because how do you miss a big damn tank that isn't moving, and hasn't for a while. I've seen convenience stores smaller than an LRC. I think I could walk up to them and hit them. If something has a 0 value it effectively means it has no skill at whatever. No way to defend itself. Is the tank going to parry? Is a terminator going to open the door and swat the melta bomb off the table like LeBron James?


Does this mean 2+?

Is the WS 0 just meant to imply the old "1 is always a failure?" I could see that. Your grenade was a dud, you were so excited that you forgot to pull the pin, you dropped it when pulling it off your belt, et al...


Does this mean 3+?

Because of the old "to hit never falls below 3+? Since I rolled 3 2's this was the ruling he was pulling for.


After some deliberation we finally decided to meet in the middle. The old "1 is always a failure" was in effect, and the 2's hit. (He later rolled a 2 when trying to take out my LRC with a dread, so it evened out a bit. Both long-empty LRCs went boom right next to one another. Funny aside, they never fired at one another, there were better places to point the multi-meltas.)

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