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What's the rule on changing base sizes

space wolf

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Page 3, boxed out part. The rules assume they are on the bases they are supplied with.

Don't have access to my book at the moment. So I can't place my power armored ic's on more heroic 40mm bases?

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Page 3, boxed out part. The rules assume they are on the bases they are supplied with.

Don't have access to my book at the moment. So I can't place my power armored ic's on more heroic 40mm bases?

You can, but it might cause problems with tournaments and opponents might not approve. Ask first if you want to do that.


I've received complaints for having terminators on 25mm bases, but that is what they came with when I bought them (my old Chaos terminators).

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Not to play grammar-nazi, but would the fact that it says "are supplised with" not "were supplied with" present a fairly clear intention of how they should be modeled?


Terminators for example are not supplied with 25mm bases? (They were- they are not now)



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Not to play grammar-nazi, but would the fact that it says "are supplised with" not "were supplied with" present a fairly clear intention of how they should be modeled?


Terminators for example are not supplied with 25mm bases? (They were- they are not now)



Yeah, the wording of the 6th rulebook says that.


Doesn't mean I'm changing the bases on my chaos terminators though.

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Not to play grammar-nazi, but would the fact that it says "are supplised with" not "were supplied with" present a fairly clear intention of how they should be modeled?


Terminators for example are not supplied with 25mm bases? (They were- they are not now)



Yeah, the wording of the 6th rulebook says that.


Doesn't mean I'm changing the bases on my chaos terminators though.


Hmm the passage I read is very nebulous and weak in terms of dictating what one can or cannot do.


"The rules in this book assume that models are mounted on the base they are supplied with. Sometimes, a player may have models in his collection on unusually modelled base. Some models aren't supplied with a base at all. In these cases (which are, in all fairness, relatively few and far between), you should always feel free to mount the model on a base of appropriate size if you wish, using models of the similar type as guidance."


Just does not look like "Thou shall supply models on the bases we provide"

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I've never understood why some people have a really big aversion to mounting their old TDA on 40mm bases. I understand if you have already based it and painted the models and don't want to risk ruining the paint job, but how come people are so against it? I personally took my old TDA and remounted them on the new size bases because I want them all to be uniform.
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I've never understood why some people have a really big aversion to mounting their old TDA on 40mm bases. I understand if you have already based it and painted the models and don't want to risk ruining the paint job, but how come people are so against it? I personally took my old TDA and remounted them on the new size bases because I want them all to be uniform.

Mainly I have no desire to buy 40mm bases when I have already painted and flocked these. I don't think it makes a big enough different to require me to spend money for larger bases and then repaint them.


Plus old metal terminators look so small on 40 mm bases anyway.

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There was a time when it was popular to equip older marks of Terminator Armour with Weihner Fields (Sp?) to bring their protective qualities in line with more modern suits.
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Not to play grammar-nazi, but would the fact that it says "are supplised with" not "were supplied with" present a fairly clear intention of how they should be modeled?


Terminators for example are not supplied with 25mm bases? (They were- they are not now)





the box also goes onto say that "you should always feel free to mount the model on a base of appropiate size if you wish, using models of a similar type as a guide"


more GW saying you will do what we say

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The key is in using your common sense. If the model looks like it fills that size base, then I doubt anyone will complain at you. That's half the problem. If it looks 'right' to base on that size, then it doesn't stick out to the eye and people probably won't notice. If it looks like you just stuck models on bigger bases for no obvious reason, that may well be a problem.


As far as the RAW are concerned... Well this is a sticky issue. GW really don't like discussing that other people sell modeling supplies and (rightly) assume that 90% of people will use the base that the models ship with, so they don't go into too much depth on what would and wouldn't be legal as such, mostly just assuming that people who are advanced enough in the hobby to scratchbuild things will put them on bases that fit them.


What occurs to me is that as long as your basing is consistent across your whole force then if anyone argues then you could reasonably make the case that the bases equally help and hinder you, because its EVERYTHING that is based that way.


Despite this, I would also suggest having a sensible way to resolve issues that may come up ready to go should anyone bring it up like subtracting a quarter of an inch from your charge range and suggesting your opponent takes a specific interest in your charge ranges, and also having a set of 25mm placeholder bases (perhaps with a flying base stalk on to aid moving in and out of combats) that can be subbed into a fight to check how many guys actually could get into base to base.


Basically, make it easy for your opponents to not have a problem with it, and you should be fine wherever you play.

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I think what is interesting is the change in language from 5e to 6e. I'm going to paraphrase here, but 5e was very prescriptive and dictated what must be done ("models must be mounted on the bases they were supplied with"). 6e does not take nearly such a firm tone, instead stating merely that: "these rules assume that models are mounted on the bases they are supplied with"... and "you should feel free to model on an appropriate-sized base..."


I take this change in tone to be a move toward leniency when it comes to base sizes. Just ensure what you're doing is "appropriate" and don't get carried away (e.g. don't try to put your Mephiston on a 3' diameter base).


Remember that 6e is the era of the narrative game, so I'm sure some flexibility is warranted. I, for one, have been putting my characters on 40mm bases for years (including even my Wolf Guard Pack Leaders in Power Armour). It helps them stand apart from the rest of the Space Wolves, and that size base adds to their status/stature as an army hero. I've done the same thing for the Nobz in my Ork army; this definitely helps them to stand out from the crowd.



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Not to play grammar-nazi, but would the fact that it says "are supplised with" not "were supplied with" present a fairly clear intention of how they should be modeled?


Terminators for example are not supplied with 25mm bases? (They were- they are not now)




But the specific models in question would be on the bases they are supplied with. Terminators in general might now be supplied with 40mm bases but these specific terminators are not.

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Not to play grammar-nazi, but would the fact that it says "are supplised with" not "were supplied with" present a fairly clear intention of how they should be modeled?


Terminators for example are not supplied with 25mm bases? (They were- they are not now)




But the specific models in question would be on the bases they are supplied with. Terminators in general might now be supplied with 40mm bases but these specific terminators are not.


Well, thats where the grammar police step in. The specific models in question would be on the bases they "were" supplied with. They are no longer supplied with 25mm.

Its a pedantic point though, and i dont think it will matter unless stipulated by TOs one way or another.

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