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Vehicle Hull Point Question


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Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question. I just have not been able to find anything to make it clear to me....


Glancing and Penetrating hits cost a vehicle a hull point. Once a vehicle has been reduced to zero hull points it is concidered wrecked.


A Tech Marine can make an attempt to repair a vehicle. When successful the play may reverse a weapon destroyed, immobilized result or replace a hull point. Can the Tech Marine make this attempt on a wrecked vehicle?


I see that the Rhino's repair roll can't be used. The vehicle is left on the board. He's in base contact with the hull. Zero plus one is one and therefore back in service. Did I miss something somewhere?

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It's not considered wrecked, it is destroyed and becomes a wreck.


page 74 of the rulebook.


"a vehicle that is reduced to 0 hull points is immediately wrecked. The tortured vehicle simply cannon take any more. The vehicle is destroyed, and its crew are slain. The model is left in place and becomes a wreck."

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