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Daemon Prince Advice!

WA Blue

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What the best way to play with a Nurgle Daemon Prince from the Codex? If they deep strike, they cannot shoot because it ain't got weapons, cannot assault because of the deep strike, cannot join a unit because they are a MC. If you place it on the board the it's a bullet magnet? Really like the model and the concept, but seems pointless when you compare it to a Chaos Lord.


Any suggestions?

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If you are in a non-english speaking country you can make it fly. ;)

within a few weeks, we can all do that ... ( I hope)


on topic : you need terrain to 'hide' behind to block line of sight, or as said you can stay behind transports.

Fact is, a daemon prince is a bullet magnet, but it attracks heavy fire, same kind of strength that can take out your transports.


So If you keep it basic, you've got a nice diversion.. if he dies, well he diverted some fire away from other units.

if it survives, it can still dish out damage in HTH

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The Daemon Prince is a truly amazing unit. The only downside is it does not have the option to upgrade it's 3+ armor, but a DP with Wings is only 130pts! In 5th edition, this was a bargain in itself, when compared to the price of wings in any other Codex. Now in 6th, it becomes a flying MC, and can Glide and Swoop etc, making 20pts an absolute steal. Not to mention that MCs in general just became a lot more useful, due to them effectively ignoring armor, unlike power weapons.

Another thing you have to watch out for is the T5 instead of the usual MC T6, but you can always rectify that with the Mark of Nurgle if it bothers you too much. You can also, as mentioned, buy Doombolt for 10pts to unlock a 6th edition Psychic power, or just go with the tried and tested method of Mark of Slaanesh / Lash. Although it rolls to hit now, it's still deadly, dragging enemy units no less than 2D6.


A Chaos Lord, in comparison, is one of the worst units in the book in terms of points and usefulness. They only have a 5++, compared to the loyalist 4++, can't have any of the loyalist wargear that's usefull, most notably the Storm Shield for survival, and if you give him the Mark of Tzeench, your left with a terrible Daemon Weapon option. The only way I would consider running a Lord is Mark of Slaanesh with Blissgiver, (high Initiative + Instant Death = happy challenges, if of course they don't just accept the challenge with a suicidal squad sergeant), or Mark of Khorne with Bloodfeeder for the massed attacks at AP3. Even then, this is only because we need a replacement for the, IMO, massively nerfed Kharne. Mark of Nurgle looks like a good idea, the T5 keeping him Power Fist splatting-proof in 6th edition due to the Toughness increase rules changes, but if I were to run a Nurgle IC in 6th, it would definitely be Typhus, who went from useless to pretty damn badass in one edition. :P


Basically, be clever. With wings, you have a whole load of maneuverability, especially now you can fly to position him. Use the cover to your advantage, and assault when it seems best. The most direct route is usually the one that leads to death. Even if this does happens though, you just gave them a really cheap fire magnet. :)

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What mattmatt said of Typhus is true, he got a buff with the 6th ed. faq. Also, he is to see a points reduction in the next codex. And zombies. Zombies. 4 points a pop if the rumours are true, and that's 2 points cheaper than the FW plague zombie rules.


However, only the Daemons codex DP is a Flying Monstrous Creature. For some reason they saw fit to make the CSM Daemon Prince a Jump Monstrous Creature, but don't get me started on that. It's still a good unit. What Muskie said, put more Terrain on your table, and DS it into cover. Have a 5-point personal icon on [at least] one of your Plague Marine units, in a rhino, and keep it in reserve until you're ready to use it. Works nicely when you tie up a unit in close combat, deepstrike your DP right next to it (on the other side from enemy units, so they can't fire on you) and then charge into the unit that the PMs are chipping away at.

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Have a 5-point personal icon on [at least] one of your Plague Marine units, in a rhino, and keep it in reserve until you're ready to use it. Works nicely when you tie up a unit in close combat, deepstrike your DP right next to it (on the other side from enemy units, so they can't fire on you) and then charge into the unit that the PMs are chipping away at.


Unless the FAQ changed it, I am pretty certain our icons only allow for daemons, termies and oblits to DS without fail. Things that are winged or using jump packs are excluded, because the game makers hate us. :P

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Have a 5-point personal icon on [at least] one of your Plague Marine units, in a rhino, and keep it in reserve until you're ready to use it. Works nicely when you tie up a unit in close combat, deepstrike your DP right next to it (on the other side from enemy units, so they can't fire on you) and then charge into the unit that the PMs are chipping away at.


Unless the FAQ changed it, I am pretty certain our icons only allow for daemons, termies and oblits to DS without fail. Things that are winged or using jump packs are excluded, because the game makers hate us. :P

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However, only the Daemons codex DP is a Flying Monstrous Creature. For some reason they saw fit to make the CSM Daemon Prince a Jump Monstrous Creature, but don't get me started on that.


Hmmmmm, just looked through the FAQ, and it does indeed say that you just add "Jump" to the unit type. I'm pretty sure this is an oversight, because I do remember it saying that in the last 5th edition FAQ as well. Perhaps they forgot to change it? And as I recall, the White Dwarf had them using it as a Flying MC? Perhaps I am misremembering?


Ah well, it makes sense that ours are only 20pts then, in that case. Not that it's not that important, we get a new book soon. :P

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Hmmmmm, just looked through the FAQ, and it does indeed say that you just add "Jump" to the unit type. I'm pretty sure this is an oversight, because I do remember it saying that in the last 5th edition FAQ as well. Perhaps they forgot to change it? And as I recall, the White Dwarf had them using it as a Flying MC? Perhaps I am misremembering?


Ah well, it makes sense that ours are only 20pts then, in that case. Not that it's not that important, we get a new book soon. ^_^


It may not be an oversight. All rumors are pointing to the new codex leaving our DPs as Jump only. So long as they don't increase their wings to match the Daemon codex cost, I think I'll be okay with it. We can always take Daemon DPs as Heavies from our allies to get the benefits.


But you're also not misremembering the White Dwarf battle report. They tend to get things wrong, though.


There's also talk of more Daemon codex-like upgrades for our DPs, so this is good news. It'll be great if they're no longer psykers, too (like real Daemons), but that may be wishful thinking.

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