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Chaos Dreadnoughts and allies of convenience

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Hey all after looking through the new rulebook in the allies section I noticed for allies of convenience it says they count a an enemy unit that "CAN'T BE SHOT, CHARGED, TARGETED BY PSYCHIC POWERS etc" does this mean that a Chaos Dreadnought that goes fire frenzy near a squad of imperial guardsmen (or traitor guard) that are taken as allies can not shoot the squad since they are allies of convenience hence as the rules state can't be shot at. I don't know if this is right or not but thought it would be cool putting a dread in the middle of a large blob of guardsmen (converted as traitor guard) advancing on the enemy with a large meat shields to soak up some fire directed at the dread with out going crazy wiping out half of the meat shields.
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Hey all after looking through the new rulebook in the allies section I noticed for allies of convenience it says they count a an enemy unit that "CAN'T BE SHOT, CHARGED, TARGETED BY PSYCHIC POWERS etc" does this mean that a Chaos Dreadnought that goes fire frenzy near a squad of imperial guardsmen (or traitor guard) that are taken as allies can not shoot the squad since they are allies of convenience hence as the rules state can't be shot at. I don't know if this is right or not but thought it would be cool putting a dread in the middle of a large blob of guardsmen (converted as traitor guard) advancing on the enemy with a large meat shields to soak up some fire directed at the dread with out going crazy wiping out half of the meat shields.


I think the spirit of the rule, ie "Dreadnought goes bonkers and shoots at nearest thing it sees", overcomes this. Fire Frenzy is a codex originated "Advanced Rule", so would beat it on RAW too, as I see it.

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codex > rule book . dread shots closest dudes . But it would be fun to make a 20 man circle around a dread and crash the game , because there are no rules telling us what to do what happes , if you both can and can not shot at the closests dudes , if we check closest[viable to be shot] and ally rules[can not be shot by ally units] at different steps of shoting phase.
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The fluffy thing to do would be to deploy your allies as far away from the psychonaught as possible. :lol:


I beg to differ. My interpretation of the fluffy thing to do would be put your allies squarely between your own troops and the psychonaught. "Never mind Tuna over there, mates, he's got your flank covered."


We are, after all, Chaos... :P

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The fluffy thing to do would be to deploy your allies as far away from the psychonaught as possible. :D


I beg to differ. My interpretation of the fluffy thing to do would be put your allies squarely between your own troops and the psychonaught. "Never mind Tuna over there, mates, he's got your flank covered."


We are, after all, Chaos... :ermm:


KhorneWolf is right after all I will take imperial guard allies as meatshields as long as my dreads are not killing my tanks or plague marines I don't care what they get up to, plus it would be funny after all Chaos is all about killing their own troops to fulfill their goals I just will be killing a large amount of my own troops each game

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