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ATSKNF and shooting heavy weapons?

Brother Evar

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Can I still shoot heavy weapons normally if I use ATSKNF to fall back or must they snap fire, just confused. :blink:

Normally, a model which moves may only fire weapons using Snap Shot - does that make it clearer?

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You may 'move, shoot or run' normally after regrouping. So, exactly as it says, you do all these things normally.


However, Brother Evar, are you mixing up ATSKNF with Combat Tactics? You don't use ATSKNF to fall back, it just gives a very nice bonus to falling back. Combat Tactics allows you to fall back at will.


If you did fall back during your movement phase then you would only be able to fire snap shots. But, bear in mind that ATSKNF means that you automatically regroup so you would never be falling back in your movement or shooting phases anyway unless under very unusual circumstances (e.g. taking a sufficient casualties from dangerous terrain during your movement phase).

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hmm,this is interesting. in the 5th edition rules, in C:SM, it specifically states call out the restriction on "counting as having moved" but the new definition in the BRB does not. It only says you can move, shoot and assault normally (but normally as if you have moved/not moved?).

Rallying also occurs during your movement phase and the 3" would happen during the movement phase, so it's debatable whether your regroup move counts as having moved. If you regroup and dont move, then it's clear that you would shoot normal shots, however, it doesnt specify to ignore the regroup move to determine if you count as having moved.


Maybe it's worth adding this to the list requiring clarification form GW. I assumption would be that it still functions like it used to (ie: 3" for free, not considered movement) but wouldn't hurt to check.

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hmm,this is interesting. in the 5th edition rules, in C:SM, it specifically states call out the restriction on "counting as having moved" but the new definition in the BRB does not. It only says you can move, shoot and assault normally (but normally as if you have moved/not moved?).

Rallying also occurs during your movement phase and the 3" would happen during the movement phase, so it's debatable whether your regroup move counts as having moved. If you regroup and dont move, then it's clear that you would shoot normal shots, however, it doesnt specify to ignore the regroup move to determine if you count as having moved.


Maybe it's worth adding this to the list requiring clarification form GW. I assumption would be that it still functions like it used to (ie: 3" for free, not considered movement) but wouldn't hurt to check.

The way I read it, it's giving you some options.

- unit w/ a heavy weapon is falling back and regroups. It may make a 3" move, shoot all its weapons using Snap Shot, and may not charge.

- ATSKNF unit w/ a heavy weapon is falling back and regroups. It may make a 3" move, and then "acts normally". Either Moving normally (6" more) and shooting as if Moved (HW Snap Shot), or not Moving normally and shooting as if stationary (despite the 3" of 'free' Regroup movement).

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Yes it appears that I mixed up combat tactics into ATSKNF. It would seem that the 3 inch regroup if you did it would be considered as movement so you would be snap firing. However if you stood still and not use the three inch regroup, you shoot normally. So I will have to remember to not use the 3 inch move if I need the HW. I can see this perhapse being some use because of random charge lengths.
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