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How to clean miniature?

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You're talking about stripping the paint off of a miniature. In the US I recommend picking up a bottle of Simple Green. Get a container that is large enough to hold the whole miniature, put the miniature in the container and pour the simple green in and cover the miniature. Let this soak for at least a couple of hours and then go after it with a soft toothbrush and some warm water. The paint should come right off. This will also weaken super glue, so be advised that some reassembly may be required. This will work on plastics, metals and resin with no damage to the material.


Good luck.

simple green is a biodegradable cleaner, also non toxic (wooo!) and doesnt smell that bad either(that might just be me from years of using it.)


Go to your local home depot, or hardware store, and get


This bottle. Its Simple Green concentrate, dont get the stuff in the spray bottles. Around here that jug is a little under $20.


1. Put all the stuff you wanna strip in a container, cover it in simple green, ie fill the container with it.

2.Wait 24 hours, grab a piece and hit it with an old toothbrush you aren't gonna use again.

3.If it works, give it a thorough scrub and rinse with said toothbrush and see step five, if not, repeat step 2 as often as necessary ( it wont hurt your plastic.)



How thick is the coat of paint that's already on the model? Because if it doesn't obliterate the detail, you can often paint right over it without needing to scrub everything off the model first. This probably isn't going to work if you have a dark-coloured model and now want to make it white, red or yellow (especially those last two), but the other way around typically presents no problems.
They're yellow and you want to put blue over them? Shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'd advise you to simply try on one of the models and see how it comes out — if it doesn't work you can still strip the paint off, while if it does work you've saved yourself some effort :(

Like for space marine sergeants and such?

Try these... I have some blank ones and some that you can print out with artwork already one them.


Banner templates

A whole host of banner related posts

How to make your own banners from cardstock


Any questions about them, drop me a pm or email.

Hope they help.


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