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Word Bearers Chaplains


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The title says it all. What do you all think would be the best way to handle them, rules wise?


As mere Champions, as Lords, or Sorcerers? I want to know what others think before I decide for the force that I'm building.

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In some novels ( Dark apostle series from Anthony reynolds) they somewhat despise sorcery, or at least despise tzeentch sorcerors.

Since they worship the whole pantheon and not individual gods.


In that series the Dark apostles are the spiritual leaders of the host, and have a Coryphaus (sp?) for the more strategic things.


now if you have some patience, they might have a seperate entry in the new codex ;-)

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I disagree that their dislike for sorcery means you shouldn't run them as sorcerers. In the same series the Dark Apostles and 1st Acolytes are powerful psykers and while they don't practise true sorcery they practise daemonmancy and draw "blessings" from the gods and chaos undivided that seem like sorcery and they clearly use their own psychic might as a conduit for these blessings, add in the idea that a dark crozius should be a power weapon or a power weapon+ I like to run them as sorcerers to represent these divinely granted powers and force weapons to represent crozius(as per the new rules I would count them as force staves since besides being a force weapon they have nearly identical rules to power mauls). But a Lord is fine too, the 3.5 codex' dark apostles were lords w/ extra abilities.
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In some novels ( Dark apostle series from Anthony reynolds) they somewhat despise sorcery, or at least despise tzeentch sorcerors.

:tu: I think you're talking about the Black Legion guy. They hated him because he was Black Legion. Not because he was a sorceror.


I agree with the Lord thing though. Dark Apostles are just like a normal Chaos Lord, only with some faith, favor of the Dark Gods and an added slice of awesome.

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In some novels ( Dark apostle series from Anthony reynolds) they somewhat despise sorcery, or at least despise tzeentch sorcerors.

Since they worship the whole pantheon and not individual gods.


In that series the Dark apostles are the spiritual leaders of the host, and have a Coryphaus (sp?) for the more strategic things.


now if you have some patience, they might have a seperate entry in the new codex ;-)



I have to completely disagree here....it is a issue of semantics...... In the Anthony Reynolds trilogy they state they dislike sorcerers, ( Like the Black Legion one for ex), yet the are often using psychic abilities themselves: Spirit traveling through the warp, Attacking each other and/or communicating via telepathy, precognition, I even think I recall Jarulek throwing warpfire at the IG at some point while he was riding that Tzeentchian disc. ( Have to dust out my books and double check) I think its a case of the old DnD clerics vs wizards argument. Both use magic, just different types and different ways. Hence my semantics statement. I'm sure the Dark Apostles take the view of clerics in that their "powers" are divinely given.


As for in game representation, it is much easier to make them more like they were in the books through the new Telekinesis and Telepathy powers (Wish we had access to all types as some of the Divination and Biomancy powers would be perfect. I hate the limitations GW put on everyone in that respect) from 6th ed. Also the rumour mill has that Dark Apostles will be represented in the new codex due out soon (again according to rumour).


Long story short, they are your characters/models in your games. Run them however you see fit. If running them from the chaos codex, run them as either a sorc or a lord. If running them from another codex as a "counts as" then run them as a chaplain.....It's your game and it's up to you in the end. I have run mine both as lords and sorcs to various success. I found that I can run a Coryphaus as a lord, and my dark Apostle as a Sorc and they complement each other very well on the battlefield, just as, imho, they do in the fluff. ( Despite their dislike of each other personally)





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You could also use a Daemon Prince, Dark Apostle must be the most zealous followers of the ruinous powers, and some of them are therefore bound to be rewarded at some point.

This way you could use a DP Apostle, a termie lord coryphaus and a PA sorcerer first acolyte, to bring the light of truth to the unbelievers.


An example for this is the Daemon Prince M'Kar ( The Chapter's Due & Iron Warrior , Graham McNeill).


If you decide to run them as marines, i'd go with a sorcerer Apostle, with a lord as a coryphaus.

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An example for this is the Daemon Prince M'Kar ( The Chapter's Due & Iron Warrior , Graham McNeill).

Or Periclitor the Foresworn (the 3,5 codex and one of the Forge World books revealed as a Word Bearer)


or Kor Megron (featured in a GW website article)



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Thanks guys. These points kind of concur with what I was already thinking, but it was nice to hear the same from others.


I must be living under a rock (actually been out of the game for about 6 months) not to have heard the Chaos rumors before I read the responses to this thread!


Checked BoLS & others...sounds like a massive release. Considering that I'm just getting into Chaos (having only 10 Termies, 3 Oblits, a Defiler, & a metal Demon Prince that I obtained by trading my ancient 3rd ed. Dark Eldar minis for), I think I'll take it as a sign of divine favor that my new Gods approve of my foresaking my oaths to the False Emperor.


12 years as a loyal Space Marine player, thrown away for temporal power and glory...gotta love it! :)

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