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Enfeeble is.....


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......freaking horrible!


In one 2d6 roll my sanguinary guard go from about to punch out a dread and slice a lowly tactical squad to bits to singlehandedly knobble a flank, to shiny gank with nought but a 2+ save. Cue 3 dead sanguard from mere bolters (T3 hurts bad) and a S6 powerfist for trying to beat a fistless dread in CC (It didn't). Ultrasmurfs go on to beat bloodangels. Chairman Woo is sad panda. Sanguinius sheds a tear. Emperor continues to be a big dead dude in a chair.


Out of all the powers avalible to us enfeeble seems to be the one that can completely turn the tables on an otherwize potentially scary enemy unit (or our own :pinch: ), rad grenades were already questionably good. Enfeeble is like having (very) throwable rad grenades, but rad grenades that have been smoking crack through a vaccumb cleaner! <_<



Has anyone else witnessed this monstrosity in action yet (from either side)? Its a terrifying prospect for any army that relies on CC to a large extent (my nids fear it deeply and are very sad they cant take divination :devil: ) and while its not something you can base tactics on, if it commes up for your opponent (1/3 for most I belive) it may well force you to completely change how you go about attacking them. Sudernly that librarian NEEDS to die! (I'm assuming you are bringing some kick ass CC units, if its a mostly shooty mech army not so much I suppose)


How do we deal with this mentalism when its used against us? Clearly having our own libby for the psy-hood will be super handy (shut down on a 4+ right?) but other than taking a gamble and going for the throat with our own libby buffed squad (making sure more than one squad capable of doing the job is nearby incase they do get gimped and need bailing out) I'm lost for decent alternatives. Its going to be very dangerous to hang about nearby (T3 will get you torrented to death) and if they have any sense the enemy will have him nicley tucked away behind the frontline somewhere as 24" is plenty when you need no los!


Used offensively by our own libblies seems pretty strightforwards by comparisson, just makes the things we were going to punch or torrent to death squishier and less likely to hurt you back (S6 marine powerfists I'm sure are hillarious when its not one of yours!), but dealing with it comming back at us seems like its going to requiire some carefull consideration on our part. TH/SS termies, sanguard, death co., vanguard all potentially suffer very very badly if enfeebled to the point they may struggle to do their primary job vs even a well tooled tactical squad or two.


Thoughts brothers?

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Not much else to say, really. In actuality, BA get hit a lot less worse by this power since FnP helps (slightly) the survivability effects and furious charge aids the melee effects.


Wait, we are still taking Priests, right guys?.......guys?



Anyhow, Priests help against enfeeble to make BA closer to 'normal' MEQ. Think of the poor codexes who have no succor at all... T2 gaunts or IG? Ouch.



That being said, this is among the reasons I will continue to ally SW for my JP-RunicArmor Libby with rune-ax..... for that too has 24" range <_<

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The answer is just death company. they're so cheap that they don't matter. Also with a chappy they have reroll hits and wounds which means S3 aint all that bad.


Geez thinking about it the answer always seems to be death company :D

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just a note, as the rulebook says to multiply, the additions/substractions, then set values, your powerfist was actually S7. S4, x2(powerfist), -1 (enfeeble) = S7


Other than that, I think the addition of a runepriest ally sounds like a prime solution for this. Other than that, just make either the enemy librarian a target priority or take your assaults to different parts of the board.

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just a note, as the rulebook says to multiply, the additions/substractions, then set values, your powerfist was actually S7. S4, x2(powerfist), -1 (enfeeble) = S7


I stand to be corrected here, but I believe enfeeble hits your base attributes.

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You folks haven't played much Fantasy have you? B)


I like Enfeeble. It's pretty much a shadow magic spell from warhammer fantasy but shunted into 40k. It's devastating when used at a pivotal moment. I think it just seems harsher than it is because psychic powers are easier to get off than magic spells in Warhammer fantasy.

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