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AC/LC Predators


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Ok what I'm about to say will be no-suprise to the vast majority out there. Mostly I'm posting for newbie-lurkers, and also a request from veteran players.


First of all, the request I'd like to make is "Who has used the Blood Angel Autocannon-Lascannon Sponson Predator yet?" I'm not going to get a chance to play for a few weeks after gorging myself this on gaming this last weekend, and this is a unit I did not had a chance to playtest yet.


One thing that did not catch my eye until the close of the weekend was a startling difference to Fast vehicles.


SM and SW AC/LC Predators are 120pts. Moving 6", they fire 1 weapon at full BS and snapshot the rest.


BA Predators are 135pts. Moving 6" they may fire all weapons at full BS- no suprise.


But they can move 12" and fire TWO weapons at full BS (heLLOO Lascannons!) and snapshot the autocannon. (cue the eyeroll from the vets, they've noticed this ages ago already lol)



So for 15pts over the SM-cost, you gain a huge ability to scoot-n-shoot using cover and 48" range to stay forward-AV faced make for a pretty great unit on-paper. Also 6thed lowers chance to get stun-locked (major downside to this guy in 5th)


If you have experience with this unit, pretty please post up your experience with it! Thanks :D

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I've used it a couple of times. Once I saw it get blasted in one turn thanks to some lucky shooting, but in another, I watched it keep trucking on through enemy firepower.


Autocannons need 6s to glance, Krak Missiles and Psybolt Autocannons need 5s. It's really easy to get a cover save now. And the fact that it can keep shooting even if it is glanced is spectacular.


I like it.

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Used it once against DE, and it cut through those paper airplanes with ease before getting shot to bits in turn 2 B)


I think they are still very viable if you need some heavy fire support, AV13 still isn't that easy to glance for most armies.

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I love my predators. So much it's not even funny anymore. ^^

They are the backbone of all my lists and I literally shed a tear if one of them blows up.


Can't speak of their power level in 6th yet, but my hopes are high because of shooting 2 weapons at BS while on the move.

And speaking of hull points. I 'm happier with a tank that shoots the crap out of the enemy for two turns and dies on turn 3, than one that survives the game not firing a single shot because he is stunned all the time which happened far too often.

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I used devastators to start with 6th edition but now I'm back to dual ac/lc predators. They are tough, cant be silenced by glancing blows, and even tougher for missiles to get rid of since they dont get a bonus on the damage charge. Front 13 is a big deal, and they are anti-everything, effective against both light and heavy armor. If you don't bust up a rhino or chimera with a predator in a turn you were very likely super unlucky. With the advent of the hull point system AC/LC predators are actually a LOT better than they were before.


Just my opinion. Also run 2 of them. One of them is terrible. Two of them or more is fantastic.

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I have to agree with the previous posts in that I found my predators lasting much longer then they would have in 5th edition and in playing against both Orks and DE they performed admirably. The front armor of 13 allows for great defence while its quick movement, due to our codex rules, allows it to remain manuverable until the last moment. I was able to corral most of my opponents by zooming up the field and blasting at their armor, forcing them to deal with it or to avoid it, driving them into my guns and killbox in either case. In other words, I have loved my experiences using two AC/LC predators in 6th edition and plan on using them many times going into the future.



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Vindis have been super awful in my experience in 6th so far. Everyone shoots them so much they never last long. I've found my preds kill significantly more. No doubt ravens are better, but I feel bad taking ravens purely as a gun ship, I should perhaps reconsider that stance though.
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but I feel bad taking ravens purely as a gun ship, I should perhaps reconsider that stance though.


Give it a dreadnought to carry.


BOOM! Effective way to make use of the points you spend on it's transport capability.

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Not for me, but they weren't before either. I tend to run very high threat saturation lists, so predators are fairly low on the "shoot me" lists, things like mephiston, land raiders, attack bikes with multi meltas, stormravens, etc all attract more attention. I've found anything that gets in my opponents face tends to be more of a focus, hence things like tactical squads are almost never killed in my list in 6th (havent had a game yet where the entire tactical squad was killed).
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