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Harngvr Skyhowler's Killteam

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I've decided to call these mini's done now. I was going to add some more marking's to the Lone Wolf's armour but after much thought I've come up with a couple of reasons why he wouldn't have them (they'll be worked into his saga once I've got them nailed down properly). So here is Harngvr Skyhowler himself accompanied by the reincarnated spirits of his pack brothers in all their glory:





Closeups of Harngvr:





And his wolves:




I know that the brushwork is somewhat basic compared to some of my other mini's but I was aiming for 'tabletop' quality on this project. I know to some tabletop and display quality are the same thing but to me they are different ends of the quality spectrum ;).


As usual any comments or criticism is welcome,





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I like a lot of your stuff but I honestly think that even as TableTop quality, you could do with an extra highlight or two on the armour, just to pic it out a little, the blue-greys tend to look somewhat flat.


The face is cool though and I like the sword.



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Nice model, I agree with the highlights on the armour, I've had this problem painting models for the old collectors guides. In person a lot of the time the models are fantastic, but when photosnapping we always had to paint up the models to a two or three stage higlight more than looked good, because that was how they needed to be done for the photography. These days I think their photos are a little more advanced but for normal cameras this still applies!


Oh, one more thing, anyone else think this marine is the spitting image of the wrestler Steve Austin?

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nice neat painting as always.


something i noticed where the front legs of the wolves have what looks like a overpaint on them, like when the fur was painted the brush tip got the middle of the leg too.


if its meant to be like that ill get back into my hole

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm liking them. They could use a touch of highlight, but it still looks good without it. I, as well as many others, have difficulty doing it consistently well, so I don't mind the look without them.




In complete agreement with you, could do with another slight highlight - however, also looks good without


What colour did you use for the grey? Looks rather nice!

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