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TrentL's BloodAngels (Pic Heavy)


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So 6h Edition has me excited to pick up and play my army again, though where I live in Ontario Canada (30-40min outside of Ottawa) I don't get many games against anyone but my wife.


Each of the pictures is taken with different camera's lately I've just been using my iPhone4s which takes decent photos and is easy to upload to photobucket.

I don't have any pictures of my RAS's I'll try and get them up, I generally run them with 1 FLamer 1 melta, but I'm thinking of startting to field them with 2 plasma now ;)


So here are some pictures:


New Photos of Dante and his JP (Old photos follow as URLS) (NOt 100% complete yet obviously)


Dante: (Not happy that I left too much wash on his right arm... looks bad)





Dante's JP (I'm happy with most of it... first time I tried drawing on scroll work)






Troops (Just so you don't think I lied:P)






WIP Photos Changed to Links to save space:

Dante WIP:




My Librarian affectionally called Denzil Bloodmoon who was my wizard from D&D as a kid.





Lemartes and some DC (My DC are all magnetized for easy swapping of arms and JP / Backpack)





Two of my Sanguinary Priests



Two of my Sanguinary Guard... their swords have me scared... so I haven't started doing them yet. (Still Alot to be done on finishing these up... slow and steady wins the race)




Still have a LOT of work to do:


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Great work, and some nice models there!


I think the gold could do with a little shading, though, something like a sepia wash, followed by a watered down purple wash into the deeper crevices would work wonders ;)

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Great work, and some nice models there!


I think the gold could do with a little shading, though, something like a sepia wash, followed by a watered down purple wash into the deeper crevices would work wonders :lol:


I'll be honest here... if it doesn't come straight from a bottle (Minus watering down paints which I do do) I tend to have no idea what to do with it.


Dante did get a wash of sephia on the gold...


How do you know if you have added enough water to the purple wash? Do you just apply it in the recesses? (I generally wash the whole model (or the area I want shading so the gold in this example) then I go back over the higher points with the paint again.


Definitely like suggestions!! I need something to make these guys stand out :cuss

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nice work on your HQ's/ special characters. Now get cracking on yer troops . :)


I do have 2 full RAS teams that I generally never leave home without they are 100% done I just don't have pictures of them :)

I am working on 5 scouts now because the new sniper rules have me thinking they may be good for picking off Power Klaws, AP2 weapons etc.

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what spray on red are you using?


Ah that is CHaos Black Primer then I used my airbrush to do a layer of white gesso (Canvas primer cheaper than dirt), then blood red, then a wash with the red wash, then going over the spots that got too much red with blood red by brush.


I did try and use army primer or whatever that stuff is, but it has a horrible case of leaving alot of grit on the models which I spent hours scraping off.... so I just use my airbrush now for bulk guys.

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I'll be honest here... if it doesn't come straight from a bottle (Minus watering down paints which I do do) I tend to have no idea what to do with it.


Dante did get a wash of sephia on the gold...


How do you know if you have added enough water to the purple wash? Do you just apply it in the recesses? (I generally wash the whole model (or the area I want shading so the gold in this example) then I go back over the higher points with the paint again.


Definitely like suggestions!! I need something to make these guys stand out :)


No worries, I use straight from the bottle too!


You can really tell that dante has had the wash, Id maybe do another thin (1:1 sepia to water) wash into the very recesses only (paint it in with a thin brushg as opposed to washing) to bring out the face definition, then rehighlight with your base gold colour :)


The purple is really there to make the gold 'warmer' and 'set it off' as it were, something like a 1:2 purple wash to water mix, and again, paint in the cracks, like between the abs, in and around the chests and knees and stuff - the purple stands out more against the gold so makes the gold seem brighter by contrast, if you get what I mean?


It's like shading red marines with a green wash looks awesome (to me anyway...).


Really liking your work so far - can we see some detail on Dante's jump pack parchment?

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Okay added some photos (I tend to keep them at the start of the post not sure if thats easier or not)


I did wash Dante in purple in the recesses and touched up some higher points with the base gold. To be honest the wings are giving me mucho trouble....


Let me know what you think of the scroll work from table distance I think it looks awesome. (Like in a game) Up close probably not as good.

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So my first completed scout





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