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The Nemesis Dreadknight kit


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Hello everyone,


I thought I would take the time to start a thread on the NDK kit.


Were you impressed with it? I certaintly was, I finished my first one ever yesterday(even though I have been playing gk for much longer), it took me 3 hours over the course of two days to build it.


I was impressed by how you don't need to magnetize the arm weapons(at least thats how its working out on mine) and that goes for the different cc weapons as well.


The only part i will need to pin is the pisons on the shoulders, but otherwise I am very impressed by the kit itself.


What do ya'll think of it?

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I actually love the model itself. The thing I love most is how they put effort in showing how it works; from the rack and pinion in the foot rests and hip/torso joints, to the mirrored pose of the pilot and Dreadknight. In contrast to a lot of other 40k models, I could see it actually functioning. :D


As noted, the things about the kit I like less are the static pose of the arms and legs you can only get around by converting. The Wraithlord, one of my favourite kits, is filled with various differently posed arms, legs and feet, Something I wish they would have done with the Dreadknight as well.

^ basically this. Awesome kit, awesome model, awesome (if ever so slightly silly) concept, meh pose. The simple addition of breaking the arms and legs into two distinct parts with a posable joint would have made all the difference in the world. Fortunately however I'm pretty handy with a hacksaw and the green stuff, but not everyone is prepared to put in the shere time and effort needed to convert it into a new more dynamic pose.


I do loves my big stompy robots :P

I guess I'm in the minority then - I'm one of those who can't stand the baby-carrier look.


I would have preferred something a little more Imperial and little less eldar-ish.


My plan is to someday kit bash the chassis from the Venerable Dread kit with DK kit, and see if I can make that work. In my mind, a DK should basically look like a bigger Terminator - not as stubby as a Dreadnought, but not as sleek as the Eldar stuff. That means a little more blocky, with defined edges, and an emphasis on the should pads.


Otherwise, I conceptually like the idea and the kit isn't so bad, but the whole strap a Terminator to the front thing just doesn't work for me.

One of my friend complains: "Why can't I just shoot the pilot in the head?" and I always laugh when he says that. :)


Yeah, marines have a tendency to leave their vital bits exposed, re: helmetless sergeants. But there's actually a bit of fluff about this one:


Codex: Grey Knights, page 34:

...When matched with the Nemesis Dreadknight's devastating weapon systems and the all but impenetrable force field that protects the otherwise exposed pilot, ...

I smell Harlequin connections on this one. I adore hidden connections.

I know I've seen a few examples here and there of the GK and the Eldar 'getting along'; the codex even has a moment, if memory serves, where the GK clean out then stand vigil over an Eldar craft waiting for them to come and retrieve it. Not to mention the fact that elements of the Inquisition and the Harlies have had a working relationship for a while now.


I suppose the GK wouldn't much care if their mighty war walker was in part either reverse-engineered or gifted xeno tech. In the end, they have one goal, and it's really the most important goal. By any means necessary.

Having read all the above comments im going to admit myself to the minority by saying the model falls short for me. It feels more like an action figure than a GW mini. As previously stated the model is fairly rigid in its pose options and other poses are not permitted unless you can break and reset limbs with a bit of skill. Yes, I conceed that the clip on weapon functionality is nice but to be fair, for the expense of the model it is the least we should expect.


Other than the general feel of the model being one of an out of place action figure, other spurious points include-


• The shoulder scaffolding.

• Some areas have lots of detail where areas such as the legs seem sparse.

• Baby cradle / Matrix ripoff.

• Eagle feet.


This is, however, my taste and opinion only. I will still use it because it terrifies opponents but do so with an element of self hate.


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