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DC Dreadnought vs Furioso Dreadnought


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Hello Brothers!


So I'm building a list and a have an open elite and open troop choice. I wanted one of these monsters with blood talons in the army but I feel really torn. One has more attacks and str on the charge, the other, higher ws and armor. So one is constantly better, while the other is better when I can get a charge in.



Hes just walking up, so the armor would be awesome(str 7+ glance), and with the higher ws hes hitting ws 5 better(but its going after Armor 3 squads, so I don't know if this will even come up).





BUT THAT EXTRA ATTACK AND STR :'(! And the fluff. Nothing like a madman piloting a dreadnought to make your mouth water on the charge.



So any oppinions either way? I dont know other armies well enough to recite their gun's str or their troop's ws, so maybe the furioso's +s might come in handy more often than not.


EDIT: lol don't think I had a clear question, so I added one B)

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They both have their perks, and I may be a bit biased, but I lean towards the Furioso, that front AV of 13 is a god send, especially because without a fist or other suitable strong melee weapon it keeps you from being hurt by most close combat and grenades, aside from melta-bombs, haywires, etc...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't grenades strictly WS to WS now for placing them on walkers in combat? Versus the old "This thing is madness in close quarters, good luck sticking a grenade on it, 6+ to hit" This means that while your dread will chew stuff up still, it is far more open to the ubiquitous Krak grenade messing up its day with hull points. And don't forget they can THROW those Krak grenades at you. So your DC dread could get taken out, theoretically, by a pitching machine's worth of grenades from an SM squad.


Also, with the advent of power weapons being AP3, which includes the blood talons, I foresee a huge shift back into terminators and that means my Furioso is getting his "grippy" hands back. S10 AP2 fists that strike at initiative please.


My final verdict, Furioso is still my favorite. Play how you want, but I suggest big red versus big black.

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Its a bit of a tough question. The DC dread has more damage potential, but more importantly, can get into CC much more reliably thanks to Fleet. On the flipside, the Furioso will be more survivable, but less reliable.


Its really a tough call. I think I may have to give the nod to the DC Dread, but I honestly haven't really playtested either, so take that as you may.

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I think as close as those 2 are it really comes down to what you are fielding around it. if you have DC in your list or are tight on elite slots the DC is a good choice, if you have a slot open, are not taking DC (why the hell this would happen I dont know) or are walking across the field to get there, the Furioso is a good choice.
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So your DC dread could get taken out, theoretically, by a pitching machine's worth of grenades from an SM squad.

Also, with the advent of power weapons being AP3, which includes the blood talons, I foresee a huge shift back into terminators and that means my Furioso is getting his "grippy" hands back. S10 AP2 fists that strike at initiative please.


Grenades in cc can really hurt, but a squad can only throw one grenade in the shooting phase. So dreads may be worse against a marine squad but still awesome against vehicles, nobs and paladins. Talons took a big hit and I think fists are the way to go, the extra 2attacks the dç dread can deliver at s10 is huge.

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Thanks guys for your quick replies ^_^. I see the rest of the internet is as torn as I.


I know fist are GREAT now a days with power weapons being AP3, but i got plasma cannons, and assault squads with plasma guns. So my AP2 is doing decent. I felt that I needed some talons to rip up some lightly armored blob squad of IG or orks.


I think I'll try the DC for a couple games, if he gets blown up often enough I'll try the Furioso and see if I can get some better results. Again thanks guys :)

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DCD - Statistically a squad of 10 marines with kraks shouldn't cause him too much trouble, it's melta bombs he hates & the difference between AV12/13 is pretty insignificant against them. DCD has fleet, this is very important if you're planning on charging stuff (say out of a SR), also whilst he 'only' has AV12 & 'only' has WS5 he does ignore 50% of the pen table, so the DCD in my mind is probably better value for money, I think you need to decide what you want your Dread to do, personally the AP3 nerf to Talons doesn't bother me, I never ever sent my DCD up against things with a 2+ anyway (Terminators, MCs). I use mine with Talons to delete huge units of Gaunts or just wipe out a Tactical squad, anything biggish or worth 200 points + with <3+ save gets his attention. The only thing that fits into this category which I never charge is Genestealers & Fiends (high I & rending is not good). That said, I might try running the DCD with Fists, I'm just not sure...


I say Furioso for: Frag Cannon build, DCD for: Fists/Talon build.

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I think they fill different roles. I prefer my DC Dread rockin the talons due to his huge number of attacks, and the Furiosoto DCCW Fist things. Only thing that really changed is now in 6th ED the DC dread dodges Tac Termies. I run a very mixed and balanced list. Bout 60/40 Dakka vs CC. DC Dread adds alot of chop to whatever CC unit he's rolling with, be it his brothers in Black, Seth and friends, or the ASM's.


Mr Furioso however, only dodges Eternal warrior Fist/Hammer guys, and could give a :lol: less bout anything else. As always, he combo assaults with other units.


Both are good at "takes no :cuss, gives no :cuss" but Big in Black is for large squads to evaporate, and the Big Red Machine is for smaller, heavier units.

I love em both. Furioso gets benched more for the DC in a points crunch, but that's because I don't leave home without 2 Typhoons, and a handful of jump packed melta.

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I think they fill different roles. I prefer my DC Dread rockin the talons due to his huge number of attacks, and the Furiosoto DCCW Fist things. Only thing that really changed is now in 6th ED the DC dread dodges Tac Termies. I run a very mixed and balanced list. Bout 60/40 Dakka vs CC. DC Dread adds alot of chop to whatever CC unit he's rolling with, be it his brothers in Black, Seth and friends, or the ASM's.


Mr Furioso however, only dodges Eternal warrior Fist/Hammer guys, and could give a :tu: less bout anything else. As always, he combo assaults with other units.


Both are good at "takes no ;), gives no :cuss" but Big in Black is for large squads to evaporate, and the Big Red Machine is for smaller, heavier units.

I love em both. Furioso gets benched more for the DC in a points crunch, but that's because I don't leave home without 2 Typhoons, and a handful of jump packed melta.


Im curious, what list do run with 2 typhoons etc?


Met 2 players a few days ago, both with typhoon speeders. Went down a bit too fast imo.

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A pair of typhoons comes just short of 200 points and rocks more firepower than a missile launcher dev. unit, whilst at the same time being much more mobile. Your typical dev unit will plop down in heavy cover and hope to glance the opponent into submission, while the speeders will skirt around the flanks, taking pot-shots at side side armour.

They are excellent in a fast raven focussed list.


In my oppinion dc dreads lost more in this edition than furiosos. from being immune to half the glancing results and a third pen, to ignoring just a third of the pen changed quite a bit.


Blood fists also gained more from the new edition than talons. we will probably see a shift towards more 2+ on-table stuff. With ap 2 close combat weapons getting tanked by low initiative (fists and axes). this results in the dual fist configuration becoming much more viable, as it ganks 2+ dudes before they react.


Personally I prefer dc talon dread for sheer mayhem, though I've just ordered another pair of dreads. one for fist, the other for libbynation.

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Personally I prefer dc talon dread for sheer mayhem, though I've just ordered another pair of dreads. one for fist, the other for libbynation.

Magnets my friend! The Furioso Plastic kit is pretty easy with 6 little magnets and some green stuff to be able to switch fists and talons!


I second this! Magnets are a must for Dreads.

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