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Specifically regarding Chapter Master Tenebron and the Chapter of the Void of the Word Bearers.


Anyone know where he is named as the Master of the Void?


First Heretic?


Battle for the Abyss?



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If I remember that correctly, there were a Couple of Chapter Masters and Chapters named near the end of "Battle for The Abyss"

Could be he is among them. I Chose not to remember much more from that book though.

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I don't remember much at all about the book other than me not liking it very much and since then I seem to have lost it somewhere.


Would be much appreciated if anyone could confirm/deny it.



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Gimme a few minutes and I'll check Battle for the Abyss and see......



Chapter Master Faerskarel, Chapter Master of the Opening Eye --BftA, p 405


Chapter Master Tenaebron, Chapter Master of the Void -- BftA, pg 404


".....Compared to most Astartes he looked old and weak, and some who did not know the Legion's ways might have thought he was a veteran, half-crippled in body, whose role was to advise and lead from afar. In truth, his small wet eyes and sagging, mournful face concealed a warrior's soul, which he could back up with the force staff scabbarded on his back and the inferno pistol at his side. Even that was of little significance compared to the horrible injuries that Tenaebron could inflict on an enemy's mind."



Is that what you were looking for TDA?

I don't recall any mention of him in First Heretic and don't yet own Aurelian so don't know if there is more mention of him there or not...


Hope that helped...





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Yep, he appears in battle for the abyss ( chapters 16,21). Is there more information you seek?


I have looked ino the First Heretic and Aurelian without success. Tenaebron seems to appear only in Battle for the abyss ( which makes kind of sense)


Concerning "The Void", it is described as one of the least respected WB chapters, since it is " by far the smallest" with less than 700 marines, which role was to act as reserves, and "to create and test new weapons and tactics" for the rest of the legion ( Battle of the Abyss, chapter 16)

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Cheers guys, got all I'm looking for.


Now I can with certainty say which Chapter my Dark Apostle originated from before becoming a Dark Apostle and given his own Host. :tu:



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