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The Hunt for the Bloodied Hand

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"My Lord, we have dropped out of the Warp and are on a direct course to the planet Tingeris. We have also reccieved numerous reports from the planetary governor's of the planets Kalseto, Aquilance, Bista and Morika that the heretics of the Iron Warriors Legion went straight to Tingeris as if the rest of the planets were not there." The massice figure, clad in the blackest of black power armor, his red crested helm resting on a plinth, his long ragged hair stopping right above his shoulders, framed a face of tanned skin and noble descent. His power sword, Litgos which stands for "Bloods Victory" in Epsonri, was belted onto his left hip in easy reach. He looked over at the chief deck officer "Thank you for the update Johanus. Inform all hangar workers to begin prepration for descent onto Tingeris. Also, tell all sergeants to go to the war chamber to be briefed on our campaign here." Johanus bowed. "As you command Captain Maxamilius. Should I also inform Adept Br-457 to begin loading the bombardment cannons?" Second Company Captain Decarius Maxamilius of the Blood Guardians Adeptus Astartes, rose from his throne on the command bridge, looked at Johanus with pale grey eyes, that danced in the bridges lights. "You should." He then picked up his battle helm and left the bridge, going to the war chamber to being the campaign briefing.


As Decarius walked into the war chamber, all of the sergeants of Second Company and the sergeants of Eighth and Nineth Companies, and the Imperial Guard commanders that had joined Strikeforce Bloodied Revenge, rose as one and the Space Marine Sergeants slammed their fists against their chestplates three times, saying as one, "Ti Chritum Heraldus!" which is Epsonrian for "Protectors of the Imperium!" Decarius nodded, signalling everyone to sit. the sixteen sergeants from the Blood Guardians Chapter sat to his right, which twelve of them belonged to Second Company, with the Imperial Guard commanders sitting to his right. The only one missing from the briefing was Second Companies Librarian Alexadian, who was on the Battle Barge Defiance, preapring his half of the strikeforce for deployment. Most of the strikeforce was on the Strike Cruiser Bloods Glory. "Lets begin this war council. Activate hololith display." The lights dimmed and the room turned into a light green as the world of Tingeris was brought to life in the war chamber. "From the gargled reports from the PDF that was left on Tingeris, it has been reported that the Iron Warriors have fortified the capital city, Balitica, to near impenatrable status. Also, they have also captured much of the manafactorum district. Nothing has been reported of the Planetary Governor nor his family, so they are presummably dead." Decarius began, his deep voice echoing around the chamber. "So, basicly the Iron Warriors have captured two major objectives, but nothing else?" spoke Sergeant Vulcarius, Sternguard sergeant pulled from First Company. "That brings me to my next point. As you stated Vulcarius, they only have two objectives. They didnt bother capturing the adamantine ore mines to the south, nor did they take the merchants quarter. Why is that? and what do they want from Tingeris?" Silence followed Decarius's question, his pale grey eyes looking at everyone present in the room, waiting for someone to answer. "My Lord?" Decarius looked at the source of the voice, who was Sergeant Rikal, Sergeant of Second Companies second Tactical squad. "Speak Rikal." Rikal, youngest sergeant of the ones gathered, spoke in a crisp, but determined voice "Wasnt Tingeris a Chaos world before the Space Marines of the White Scars chapter drone them off?" A smile spreads across Decarius's face. "That is correct Rikal." Rikal nods, resuming his answer, "So, wouldn't that mean that they have come back, seeking a device of the Ruinous Powers of great importance?" Decarius nods. "That is also correct Rikal. The device that you asked about is a fallen Warlord Titan, belonging to the Iron Warriors, which has been rumored to be a Warp Gate." Silence once again falls on the gathered war council. "A Warlord Titan, being used as a Warp Gate? How is that even possible Captain?" Sergeant Ares, Sergeant of the Terminator forces from the First Company,whose features are war torn and harden through the fields of war, asks. "That I can not answer Ares. The ways of the Iron Warriors few Sorcerors are hidden from us. All of Second Company is tasked with this." Decarius replied, before contiuning the briefing. "Most of the strikeforce will land at one of the remaining Imperial holdings that are left on Tingeris, in the city of Setro. Imperial Commander Octavius Ottoman has barely three regiments left and not even a full armored column. I will be leading that portion of the strikeforce. The other half will be lead by Librarian Alexadian, who will land in Kiltaro, the other Imperial stronghold, and launch a distraction drop onto the armory and power planet city that feeds Balitica. Most of the citizens have already turned to the whispers of Chaos. Once the power plant and armory city has fallen, Alexadian will then go back to Kiltaro, defending it against any heretic attacks. Then, I will lead the rest of the strikefroce to Balitica to purge the traitors off Tingeris once and for all." Decarius finished the briefing and waited, hoping someone would ask the question he wanted asked. "Captain, do we know the Warsmith who is leading these Iron Warriors?" Sergeant Raphael Cortun, Sergeant of the assualt squad in Second Company. "As of now, we do not know. All we know is that the Warsmith has locked himself inside his citadeal in Balitica and hasnt left." Decarius answer. But, the next question that was asked took him by surprise. "But Captain, reports have said that a Daemon Prince has been sighted with the Iron Warriors, as have a group of Possessed. Isnt their only one Warsmith we have encountered with those allies?" spoke Sergeant Dante Altaria, sergeant of the first tactical squad in Second Company, and by far the oldest Sergeant in the room. He has six service studs in his right brow, only three of them are of true service, the other three is because he wanted them there. "You are correct Dante, but we can not assume it is him." Decarius said. "But Captain, can we not at least consider the possibility that Sergeant Dante might be right?" Spoke Sergeant Bilen, Sergeant of the Devastator squad in Second. Decarius looked at Bilen, ready to scold him, when a voice from the shadows, coming from a vox grill, said. "Decarius, heed these officers words. They may be right." said Valtarius Vulgrim,first member of Decarius's command squad, stepped out of the shadows, in full battle plate, his lighting claws retrached into his gauntlets. Decarius sisghs, and then nods. "Alright Valtaire, I see the reasoning in your advice." Valtaire chuckled, which came out as a vox growl through his helm grill, but said nothing. Decarius looked back at the gathered warriors. "It is believed that the Warsmith is Drekan the Bloodied Hand and that Dal'Jron, the Daemon Prince of Khorne, is with him." Silence fell upon the group once more. "With that out of the way, how do we plan to deal with the two of them?" Kaldoris, the second member of the command squad, stepped out into the light as well. "That I do not know yet.." a laugh is heard after Decarius answers. "Easy, just shoot both of the bastards and be done with them." Daltaire, the plasma gunner of the command squad, answered and walked out of the shadows. "No Dal, you know doing that to a Daemon wont work. You have to behead it and Drekan to make sure they are dead." counters Alquilianis, the last member of the command squad, since the Banner Bearer has yet to be replaced. Decarius smirked as Daltaire and Alquilinais contiuned to aruge, but it faded as he spoke. "Once we get to them, I will handle them both. You have your orders on your dataslates, this war council is finished. Attended to your men." Everyone left the chamber, except Decarius and his command squad, who then sat down around him. "You should have told them about the lone Eldar Wraithlord that show how ended up on Tingeris." said Valtaire. "Why? It is mentioned in there orders on there dataslates." countered Decarius, who had stood up and was walking around slowly. "Still, you know what a Wraithlord can do to a Strike Force. Remember Vulcronus?" Decarius remained silent, then he answered. "I tasked Veltonius with it." Daltaire snorts. "Veltonius, the old Furioso dread we found on Sycreda?" Decarius grinned. "Yes, that Veltonius." Daltaire snorts. "He hasnt spoken a single word to anyone since we found him. He only speaks to Chaplain Galtoris." Then, like a soft rustling wind, a voice speaks. "That may be true Brother Daltaire, but Anicent Brother Veltonius has told me he will hunt the Wraithlord down before going on to his next task." Then Chaplain Galtoris stepped into the light, the hololith display now deactivated, his black armor trimmed in gold and his skull masked belted to his right side. Daltaire bowed his head. "Forgive me Chaplain, I meant not offense or disrespect." Galtoris smiled and nods. "No offense nor disrespect was made Brother Daltaire. We are all surprised to hear that Drekan still lives, even after seeing his dead form on the fields of Yeltor, on the planet Tetoris." Everyone nods in agreement, but only Galtoris can see Decarius gripping the hilt of Litgos, but says nothing. Then, the command squad leaves to prepare for planetfall, leaving Galtoris and Decarius alone. "Decarius, what is ailling you?" Decarius looks at Galtoris's crimson eyes. "I saw Drekan die that day. I ran him through on Litgos.. through his face. How can anyone, even a champion of Chaos, survive that?" The Chaplain nods, taking a seat next to the Captain. 'Decarius, we only know the bare basics of the magicks of the Ruinous Powers. I cannot explain how the monster lived. But, I can tell you, this time, he wont live to see the next sunrise. Even if it means stabbing him again and again till you can not." Decarius looked into his Chaplains crimson eyes once more. "If that fails?" Galtoris, reaching for his skull helm, grinned. "Then we bombard Tingeris till there is nothing left."



Hope you enjoy, next installment comming soon.

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Valdarius watched as the sniveling cultist was thrown into the wall, his back breaking into thousands of tiny pieces inside of his body as he slumped to the floor, blood trickling out of his slack mouth. "My Liege, was that truely necessary?" Valdarius asked, his helm clipped to his belt, bouncing off his armored thigh as he walked towards the figure on the obsidan throne. "Absolutely Dar. The snivelling wretch reported something unpleasing to my ears, so his life needed to end for his failure in life." said the figure, clad in gunmetal Terminator armor, his red helm, with four golden spikes protruding from it, sat at his feet, within reach, as well as his red bladed power axe leaned against the throne. "If you say so Drekan." Drekan, Warsmith of the 45th Grand Company of the Iron Warriors Legion, also know as the Bloodied Hand, looked at his second in command, his blood red eyes staring into Valdarius's icy blue ones. "Valdarius, you are my most trusted commander and advisor. Do not test my patient." Valdarius, who was standing off the right of Drekan, became straighter than a illumination pole, hands and arms at his side, silenced. Drekan shook his head, the eight black braids that ran down his head moved as well. "Ever since Javtoris Prime, Decarius has been hounding us every step of the way. He almost got me on Tetoris, on the fields of Yeltor, by running me throw my face with his power sword. But, the Chaos Gods adore me, letting me survive the grievous wound and giving us two Daemon Princes to serve us. The Prince to Slaanesh didnt last long, being killed on Delvori by multiple misslie strikes. But, Dal'Jron, Daemon Price of Khorne, still lives and serves us well." Valdarius tensed up at the mention of Dal'Jrons name. Drekan, notcing the movement, chuckled. "What? Afraid that he will appear as I say his name? Ha! He wont be appearing. He is currently purging the spaceport south of here of the weak Imperial Guard." Valdarius eased up abit, reliefed that the daemon would be appearing."Do we have anything from Sinjonus or Balanois?" Valdarius shook his head as the next cultist was motioned to report to Drekan. "Nothing from Balanois. But Sinjonus reports flashes of light flying through the sky towards Kengori, just south of his postion." Drekan nods, listening to the cultist report about the scouting of the badlands. "Have the lights been identified?" Valdarius nods. "They have my liege... they are drop pods.." he paused before he said the next few words. "They belong to the Blood Guardians.." Drekan red eyes narrowed, his gauntlet hand turned into a iron fist, slamming it into the cultist face, shattering every bone and tooth in his face, throwing the cultist into the fall, landing in a heap on top of the other dead cultist. "Which Company?" Valdarius prepared himself to be punched as well. "Second Company.. The Strike Cruiser is Bloods Glory while the Battle Barge is Defience." Drekan stood up, picking up both his helm and power axe. "Decarius Maxamilius... Hound of the Emperor.. Has found us once more.. Who is in charge of Kengori?" Valdrius looked at his enraged Warsmith. "No one sire." Drekan nods. "A distraction then.. But why attack it? Only the crazed citizens that follow us live there." Valdrius looked and walked towards the door. "But Kengori is were most of our manafactorums and generators are at." Drekan smirked, and laughed. "So, he seeks to kills us piecemeal. Let him. I have bigger plans at stake here. Dal'Jron will handle it, since he is closet." Drekan walked towards a sealed adamantium door. "Put Balitica on full alert and activate all wall guns." Valdarius slammed his fist to his chest and walked out, not smelling the blood oozing out from the door as Drekan opened it.



Hope yall enjoy. Next installment coming soon, this time from the view of a doomed citizen from Kengori.

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here is installment three.











Priscella looked up from her work as she saw the bright lights soar across the crimson sky, falling towards Kengori. She then heard the sirens begin to scream loudly throughout all of Kengori, Priscella standing up, letting everyone know that a impending assault was coming. Priscella ran to her home, grabbing the las rifle she had and headed towards the towns center. As she jogged into the square, she heard the questions people were asking: "What are they? Who are they? Is it the Grey Saviors?" Priscella ignored them, her eyes locked onto the lights. She noticed the lights to be like the grey saviors metal canisters they landed in when they first came to Tingeris. But, she also noticed that they were black as midnight, not grey. But, before she could speak a word, one of the objects crashed onto the wall, throwing stone chunks into the square and in every other direction. More of the objects crashed into Kengori, killing both people and buildings alike. Priscella looked around, her legs broken under a piece of stone, one of the objects barely a few feet away from her. As she looked ay it, the doors of the drop pod fell open, revealing no one inside. But the whinning sound of the bolters in the pods began to get louder, preparing to fire into anything and anyone. Priscella watched before her eyes as friends and family and loved ones were cut down in a hail of bolter shells. Her eyes watered, she aimed the las rifle and fired, but the fire bounced off the drop pod patheticly. Then, she saw the barrels of the bolters aimed at her and she knew she was dead before the first shell tore her body open.






Alexadian, Librarian of the Blood Guardians Second Company, stood in his black Terminator armor, his right pauldron inset blue while the left one was red, both trimmed in silver, stood on Kiltaro's rampart, watching the horizon and Kengori as it fell silent, the drop pods fulfilling there mission. Tactical squad Xentari, under the command of sergeant Zanfealis, came back from Kengori, reporting that everyone was dead and all the generators and manafactorum was silenced. Alexadian smiled as he reported back to Decarius the news and then he walked onto the rampart and waited. That was four hours ago. Alexadian, arms crossed over his chest, looked all along the horizon, looking for signs of movement when he spotted a faint red dust cloud, not far from Kengori. He spoke into his his vox on his collar. "Scout squad Broltain, report." He waited for the sergeant to report, slowly grabbing Hiltaro, his two handed power broadsword. "Sir, its the foul daemon Dal'Jron, leading a score of Iron Warriors, who have sieg equipment, lots of it." Before Alexadian could reply, he heard heavy footsteps and he turned to see Ancient Brother Veltonius, the Furioso Dreadnought they recovered from Sycreda. "Brother Librarian, I heard that Dal'Jron is heading this way." The Librarian only nods. Veltonius spins on of his Blood Talons. "He will go to the town center. I shall meet him there and bring his death." Then the anicent walks off, leaving Alexadian alone. He then spoke into his vox, speaking to every Blood Guardian and Imperial Guardsmen. "Men and Women of the Imperium heed me! The enemy apporches our walls, thinking to tear them down and slaughter us. They think wrong! We will kill them with bolter, flame, blade and fire from every angel! We will destroy their minds and bodies! We will make them pay for the ground they have taken with there lives! WE ARE BLOOD GUARDIANS!!" Alexadian roared, getting a massive wave of roars and cheers back at him. He hosited Hiltaro in the air, the cheers increase in volume. He looked over at Techmarine Jentario. "Activate the Thunderfire cannons. All of them." The Techmarine nods, walking off the wall to the cannons, praying to the machine spirits as he does. Then, a voice breaks on the vox. "Sir! Daemon spotted! and the Legionaires! Moving Fast! Wait.. No! Ba-" The voice is cut off by bolter fire and a scream. Alexadian bows his head for the fallen scouts, then looked at the horizon, seeing the red dust cloud is closer and larger. "Devastators, to the walls!" Devstator squads moved to the walls as Alexadian gripped Hiltaro in both hands. "For the Emperor! For Demonus!!" roared Alexadian as Dal'Jron flew over the walls into the cities square. As he landed, he saw Veltonius, who fired both his melta and storm bolter into the daemon, taking chunks of skin and armor out. Dal'Jron laughed, his obsidan black maw roared with laughter at Veltonius, swinging his power sword at the Dreadnought, missing Veltonius by a hair. "You think you can stop me mortal? I am a Prince of Khorne! you can not slay me!" Veltonius shook his head. "So you think daemon" Veltonius then rammed his blood talon into Dal'Jrons stomach, grabbing the piping and wiring that was in his stomach and ripped them out, blood and warp energies flowing out of them. Dal'Jron roared in pain and anger, swinging madly at Veltonius, taking some of his ornate sacropahgus with each swing. Then, Veltonius rammed his other talon into the under side of Dal'Jrons head, impaling him through his skull, tosses the daemon across the courtyard, Dal'Jrons head coming clean off his body, the skull stuck on Veltonius's talons.


Alexadian cleved another Iron Warrior in two, spinning on his heel, shooting a stream of lighting into the body of a Terminator. Alexadian watched as the Imperial Guard fought as if they were fighting hell. Then they all heard the roar and Alexadian saw as Veltonius ended the life of Dal'Jron, tossing the severed head to the ground. Alexadian roared "Dal'Jron is dead! Push them back!!" The other soldiers and Marines roared, killing with renewed vigor. The Iron Warriors, shocked that there champion was slain, begain to retreat, there sieg equipment being destroyed by the Devastators. Alexadian halted the Marines and Guardsmen as the Iron Warriors retreated from Kiltaro. "Victory is ours!" They roared in victory. Alexadian then voxed Decarius to tell him the news.

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