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Pre Excommunicate Traitoris Soul Drinkers

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i will point out that the quality is from my first attempt all the way to my present ability (you will see flash/mold lines :lol: not happy myself. I like to see how far i have come along in only a year in the hobby). all squad and chapter markings free handed to different levels of skill.

For your viewing pleasure.............

first up is Assault Squad Saseron


combat squad A




combat squad B




And the man himself Sgt Saseron (note the Space Wolf thunder hammer gifted to him after joint ops with the Wolfs of Fenris)


Devastator Squad Limus


Tactical Squad Dens

note the "beaky" with a skull pattern on his face!


Tactical Squad Viscious



please feel free to leave C&C

(EDIT reason... Engrish and pics added July 26th 2012)

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Lysander will be along shortly to escort them to prison cells. :)


in my fluff i am thinking the battle company i will one day make were on patrol away from the chapter and are intercepted by the Imperial Fists. Mortified Captain Puri pledges an oath of revenge!


Lysander obviousness not satisfied assigned Imperial Fist veterans and Chaplains to watch over 4th company (Soul Snatchers) so the plan is to eventually make all my IC's Imperial Fists and have Lysander lead them!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always loved the Soul Drinkers, and man these do look awesome; the purple especially is vibrant and much better than the grimy purple on the one SD I've pained... good show!


Have you done a Sarpadon? Can't spy him in the pictures. Though I guess a pre-traitor Librarian won't look too different than any other! :P


(I'm still tempted to do a post-traitor one where he has a MASSIVE spider body as opposed to the small ones people usually do)


Keep up the good Soul Drinking!

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thank you for the words of encouragement, i am glad that you like the way they look! The places i play the patrons herd of the Soul Drinkers for the first time when they see the purple and bone on the table top and ask "why purple?" and that leaves me explaining the story of the Soul Drinkers...... "oh there cool" anyway.


@omo667, as far as the clear coat......... I was painting these models and was faced with transporting them half way around the world in a manner much more brutal than regular mail (in a sea bag), anyway the LoD are full pewter and so are the sternguard, through the course of a few games i was left having to repaint them due to paint chipping off, so i needed a way to stop that and all i could get my hands on was Krylon mat clear coat, it stopped the chipping and actualy added depth to the color!?! in regular lighting they are not shiny but in photographs they always come off super wet/shiny looking.


@Jupiter Forge i don't own a librarian yet but he is in on the cards for sure i will have him up and on here when i get him done!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Here is some pictures of my "glossed" marines in natural light and a little better look at the individual marines. Comments and critique welcome as always enjoy!




Thunder Fire Cannon "invicto" quite honestly the most amazing weapon i have put on the battlefield


In the works i am putting serious time into my command squad and company commander (will be the chapter master with jump pack and power fist) will post as each models gets done but really wanting to paint these guys up to the 100% best of my ability so progress is slow, once all these guys are done its onto my Imperial Fists Legion for 30k (going to be 100% forgeworld MKIII, IV and V i want to do them right)

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Liking the desert bases man.


Sneaky addition of shrike there as well :P


MWAHAHAHAH, oh whats that????? 6th edition kind of nurfs him?!?!?



gotta say, the newer stuff is looking great, there is a marked improvement in your quality of painting and you should most definitely be proud! Looking forward to seeing more of these


thanks brother! i have been going for about a year now i guess, i really cut my teeth on the bulk of the army, i look at this thread as not only pictures of my pride and joy army but an evolution of my ability. And as i go forward i can add modeling/sculpting

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