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Movement and friendly units...

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I am trying to get some overview over the new rules and was checking the movement phase. There wasn't really much written - the only thing was ok you can't move through or too close to a enemy unit. So I thought hmm I never thought about it but how are my own units interacting with that.


Can a friendly unit stand "inside" another unit? (like a dreadnought inside a infantry unit or something like that)

Is that a dirty trick to force the enemy to a unwanted multi assault?

Can a unit move through another friendly unit? (vehicles or infantry)

Can a unit charge through a friendly unit?


I guess thats not really an issue but I really have no clue.


Thanks in advance.

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you can never move through the base of another model, enemy or friendly. If you have enough room to physically move the moving model between the bases of two friendly models, you can absolutely move in that manner. But if you try to move a 25mm base through a 20mm gap, you're out of luck. The 1" buffer from enemy models is in addition to that, so tomove between two enemy models with a 25mm base, you'd need 2"+25mm of space (1" on either side of the width of your base).
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Well I was going to start with "Well it's right here on page X that..."



...but I can't. You're right, the Movement Phase page is sorely lacking in any detail at all. Even skipping around to Impassable Terrain (what friendly units used to be classified as) didn't produce anything. It wasn't until I got to page 71, under Vehicle Movement, where I found: "Just like other units, vehicles cannot move over friendly models."


Except, they never specify that Movement Phase section, where, y'know, that'd kinda be important. It is mentioned in passing in the Assault Phase, under Move Initial Charger, but even then only the Initial Charger has to move around friendly models; the others aren't bound by that rule.


I am shocked that they left out such a crucial piece of information that you don't come across until the 71st page...


A player that has never read the Vehicles section (foolish them, of course) would therefore be able to move through models because they don't know otherwise. Wacky.

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It wasn't until I got to page 71, under Vehicle Movement, where I found: "Just like other units, vehicles cannot move over friendly models."


Well, it refers to models, not units - so it seems it's still perfetly legal to interpenetrate your units.

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But over a unit is not through a unit.


So if I had a speed bump unit in front of something tasty (i.e A Guardian Squad "shielding" a Howling Banshee Squad), I couldn't move the Banshees through the stationary Guardians (if room) and would have to go around?

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As long as the models are friendly (which is not the case with Allies that are not Blood Brothers), and the gap between the models in stationary unit is bigger than base of moving unit (coherency is 2", a bit more than 50mm, while most unit has 25mm or 40mm bases), I believe you should be able to make that move.
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Can a friendly unit stand "inside" another unit? (like a dreadnought inside a infantry unit or something like that)


Yes, so long as the unit the Dread is standing within maintains coherency.




Is that a dirty trick to force the enemy to a unwanted multi assault?



Possibly. You choose which unit you assault. Assault charge gives you permission to move within 1" of enemy models and makes no distinction between the unit or model being charged, so assaulting lets you get within the buffer zone of any enemy model. I.e. you could pass entirely through another unit to get to another behind it on the charge, assuming you can move around their bases and don't touch bases.


So long as they can get base to base with the unit they are assaulting, without touching bases of the other unit, they can choose their target.




Can a unit move through another friendly unit? (vehicles or infantry)


No. pg 10. Models in the Way gives you two rules. First rule is the 1" from enemy units. Second rule is to move past interfering models, they must go around.


Can a unit charge through a friendly unit?


Again, so long as you have a base wide path to move through, yes.

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