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Terminators... 7 or 4+3?

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Hi battle-brothers,


I'm going to enlarge my Death Guard army and I've bought a terminators box. Now, with them and with the other that I've already at home, I have enough models to make a big squad of 7 Plague Terminators, but...


I can't decide if it could be better to use all of them in a single squad as a retinue for Mabrothrax (my lord AKA Typhus), or split them in four & three: four as a retinue embarked in a Land Raider and three as a Termycide squad to deal whereever I need.


I fear that if I use a single squad it will attracts too much fire, with the risk to see most of its members wiped out before that I can use them.


On the other hand, if I run two squads the four Termy inside the Land Raider will be reasonably safe, and they'll be probably capable to charge without losses, but the other squad is really an "One shot team", plus they haven't the Nurgle Icon for obvious reason, but it distrub me, because they sound me as "infiltrates", in my all Nurgle army...


These are the two configuration which I intend to use:


7 Terminators + N. Icon + 1 Chain Fist + 1 Power Maul + 5 Power Axes + 4 Combiplasma + 3 Combimelta


4 Terminators + N. Icon + 1 Chain Fist + 3 Power Axes + 2 Combimelta + 2 Combiplasma

3 Terminators + 2 Combimelta + 1 Combiplasma + 1 Power Maul + 2 Power Axes


This is mine consideration, I cannot found the best way, so would you help me with your experience or advise?



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Combi-plasmas are good, if you DS in and rapid fire. 10 S7 shots is nice.


Combi-meltas are good for the same reasons, if you know you're going against mech.


Combi-flamers are good because you are guaranteed a hit.


I magnetized mine because I have a hard time making up my mind, but in my mind, meltas and flamers are better for units without FnP, as you won't have any overheat problems. I run plasma on my plague marines, but they have an extra save for when I roll that 1.


I run 6+Terminator lord (equals 7 in the unit), with 2 chainfists and a power fist, with 4 combi-meltas (total) and 3 TL bolters (since twin linked, rapid-fire bolters are still pretty good). I usually deep strike them into the most precarious positions, but try to wait for the right time to do so. I have a mk I Land Raider on the shelf, but I bought it in a lot and stripped about 4 layers of paint off it, so it's in need of some love before I can field it.


4 Terminators is expensive for the IoN... well it's expensive for what it does regardless. If it had FnP or even Blight Grenades attached to it I'd be a lot happier with the cost. 6 or 7 Termies with an icon is a bit more viable, but you're limiting your tactics to deep striking (which isn't so bad if you have a personal icon on one of your Plague Marine squads in a rhino, 5 points) as they can't all fit in a Land Raider.

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In this case, I'd say wait until the new codex, or magnetize.


If rumors hold true, and we get both Icons and Marks for our Terminators, running a larger squad will obviously be the better idea (an Icon and a Mark will likely be very expensive, but it'll make Nurgle Termies oh so tough with T5 and FnP). Breaking them up into smaller units with either a Mark or Icon will most likely be a huge waste of points just as it is now.


Running smaller, less equipped squads, however, still could be a good choice. They'll be cheap, and with Terminators' new effectiveness in 6th, they'll pack enough of a punch.


For myself, I'm actually considering getting back to a squad of Typhus and his retinue, since running Typhus will be reasonable again. I'll likely take 4 Termies for him in a Land Raider, and kit them out with a mix of melee and ranged fire to compliment his psychic powers (if they stay the same), and help him in combat. This would mean two champs with pairs of lightning claws (to deflect challenges if needed), and two with a H. Flamer, combi-plasma, and Power Mauls, or Axes. I'm still working it out, and obviously waiting on the new 'dex before I finalize things. I'd also like to get them FnP, but we'll have to see how pricey that will get.

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In this case, I'd say wait until the new codex, or magnetize.


If rumors hold true, and we get both Icons and Marks for our Terminators, running a larger squad will obviously be the better idea (an Icon and a Mark will likely be very expensive, but it'll make Nurgle Termies oh so tough with T5 and FnP). Breaking them up into smaller units with either a Mark or Icon will most likely be a huge waste of points just as it is now.


Running smaller, less equipped squads, however, still could be a good choice. They'll be cheap, and with Terminators' new effectiveness in 6th, they'll pack enough of a punch.


For myself, I'm actually considering getting back to a squad of Typhus and his retinue, since running Typhus will be reasonable again. I'll likely take 4 Termies for him in a Land Raider, and kit them out with a mix of melee and ranged fire to compliment his psychic powers (if they stay the same), and help him in combat. This would mean two champs with pairs of lightning claws (to deflect challenges if needed), and two with a H. Flamer, combi-plasma, and Power Mauls, or Axes. I'm still working it out, and obviously waiting on the new 'dex before I finalize things. I'd also like to get them FnP, but we'll have to see how pricey that will get.


I'm hoping (please please please) that we get some kind of Land Raider variant that has a higher carrying capacity (which seems to be the trend with new MeQ releases). It's just good business. More options for Land Raiders means more of them sold, after all. I'm betting they do it. A 14 model cap would mean a solid 7 Terminators in an assault vehicle, and well that's just perfect for us followers of Nurgle now, isn't it?


But yeah, wait for the new codex, or magnetize your terminators just in case. If you know you want 7 terminators just because you want 7 terminators, build them anyway, but fussing over the loadout so close to the release of the new 'dex may turn out to be a waste of your time.

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In this case, I'd say wait until the new codex, or magnetize.


If rumors hold true, and we get both Icons and Marks for our Terminators, running a larger squad will obviously be the better idea (an Icon and a Mark will likely be very expensive, but it'll make Nurgle Termies oh so tough with T5 and FnP). Breaking them up into smaller units with either a Mark or Icon will most likely be a huge waste of points just as it is now.


Running smaller, less equipped squads, however, still could be a good choice. They'll be cheap, and with Terminators' new effectiveness in 6th, they'll pack enough of a punch.


For myself, I'm actually considering getting back to a squad of Typhus and his retinue, since running Typhus will be reasonable again. I'll likely take 4 Termies for him in a Land Raider, and kit them out with a mix of melee and ranged fire to compliment his psychic powers (if they stay the same), and help him in combat. This would mean two champs with pairs of lightning claws (to deflect challenges if needed), and two with a H. Flamer, combi-plasma, and Power Mauls, or Axes. I'm still working it out, and obviously waiting on the new 'dex before I finalize things. I'd also like to get them FnP, but we'll have to see how pricey that will get.


I'm hoping (please please please) that we get some kind of Land Raider variant that has a higher carrying capacity (which seems to be the trend with new MeQ releases). It's just good business. More options for Land Raiders means more of them sold, after all. I'm betting they do it. A 14 model cap would mean a solid 7 Terminators in an assault vehicle, and well that's just perfect for us followers of Nurgle now, isn't it?


But yeah, wait for the new codex, or magnetize your terminators just in case. If you know you want 7 terminators just because you want 7 terminators, build them anyway, but fussing over the loadout so close to the release of the new 'dex may turn out to be a waste of your time.


We do.. according to the latest batch of rumors:



Q: How many troops can our land raiders carry? Any variants or new special abilities/upgrades that are noteworthy?


A: 12 for the basic, 16 for the new one.

New one can ram fortifications and you can launch an assault on the occupants, except that you don't consolidate at the end, you remain locked in combat.

If the enemy unit flees they immediately exit the terrain. If the door is blocked (by your land raider for instance), they count as having been caught ala Sweeping Advance

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