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njal Driving Gale

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Hi all. I have a question about Njal Stormcallers Lord of tempest Driving Gail. The codex says that "enemy models within 24 inches are at -1 BS this turn" my question is, does this ability cause any snap shots to automatically miss or does it just prevent them from happening?


I know it says some where in the BRB that models with 0 BS can't shoot.

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No, read the section on Applying Modifiers at the beginning of the book (not sure what page exactly, don't have it with me). Modifiers are applied as follows:

1) Apply multipliers

2) Apply pluses and minuses

3) Apply "fixed values"


So the -1 BS gets applied to their normal BS, but when they Snap Fire the BS 1 gets applied "last" thus overriding all other modifiers.

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Hi all. I have a question about Njal Stormcallers Lord of tempest Driving Gail. The codex says that "enemy models within 24 inches are at -1 BS this turn" my question is, does this ability cause any snap shots to automatically miss or does it just prevent them from happening?


I know it says some where in the BRB that models with 0 BS can't shoot.


you apply modiifers first, and then set values. As a result,t he unit would be at -1BS and then immediately reverted to BS1.

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