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What does the newest set of rumors mean for DG?


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Here's a snipit:


Q: What has changed with the Plague Marines? How much are they now? I also hear they get poisoned weapons? Is that all weapons shooting and melee?


A: They are 120 for 5, + 24 for more.

Poisoned only in melee. Can throw their blight grenades to reduce enemy movement speed to 2d6 pick the highest, or if already rolling d6 for whatever reason (i.e. cover, charging) pick the lowest.

Nothing for sacred number. Plague marines are now poison in CC. Can throw blight grenades

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Also, it looks like we can make proper nurgle terminators with +T and FnP, though it hints that you'll pay through the nose for it.


Marked vehicles are cool. I'm wondering/hoping that includes dreadnoughts. Come to think of it, why didn't anyone ask any questions about the dreadnought thing? They're supposed to get some kind of makeover, I dunno what.


I'm not too excited about the dragon thing... seems the trend lately is making units a bit childish. I would have much rather had a plastic Hell Talon or Hell Blade kit than some goofy mechanical dragon. Don't get me wrong, I love dragons as much as the next guy, but I don't remember reading about them in any 40k book other than Hammer of Daemons (from the GK Omnibus) and those certainly were not mechanical jet fighters with teeth and wings. I'll probably end up using a Hell Talon if the rules are good. It'll probably spit fire or something cheesed out for the ranged attack...


The Mauler-type Obliterator is intriguing, for a Nurgle-themed force. The T5 is appropriate for our forces, and I'm thinking the Plague Ogryns will work perfectly for the model.


Why they chose to make a generic HQ (Lord/Sorceror) with appropriate mark unlock Elites as Troops is beyond me. No other codex does this, and it's going to piss people off something bad. Not that I'm complaining... but I can already see that other people will be. Assuming this rumour is true, of course.


Zombies aren't scoring... too bad.

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Not much have change about the PMs i think... one more point and are now poisoned, thats not bad, and if they are 120 for 5 including AC then they are cheaper..

but somethings confuse: do they need an Icon to get FNP? (hope not)

can throw Blight grenades but are they still a Defence grenade? (really hope so)


maulers gonna be cool… i think we gonna see lots of sick conversions >=)


I'm thinking of an all foot slogging army with maulers, Obliterators, Plague marines and daemon princes

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Why they chose to make a generic HQ (Lord/Sorceror) with appropriate mark unlock Elites as Troops is beyond me.

Really? I thought it unlocks cult marines as troops which would be elites otherwise. That's different from unlocking elites as troops. It doesn't mean a big difference to the codes we've got ATM, so I'd be surprised to see people getting p--- off.


Cheers, JT


EDIT: I wouldn't think they'd need an Icon for FnP. They're expensive enough for FnP without one.

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Why they chose to make a generic HQ (Lord/Sorceror) with appropriate mark unlock Elites as Troops is beyond me.

Really? I thought it unlocks cult marines as troops which would be elites otherwise. That's different from unlocking elites as troops. It doesn't mean a big difference to the codes we've got ATM, so I'd be surprised to see people getting p--- off.


Cheers, JT


EDIT: I wouldn't think they'd need an Icon for FnP. They're expensive enough for FnP without one.


Well you have to take that statement in the full context of what I was saying, not just pick it out like that, so I'll reiterate: most (if not all) codices make you purchase a Special Character, not a generic HQ choice, in order to unlock Elites as Troops. It's my opinion that this is going to piss people off.


For the record, I happen to like this. It means I'll get to take my current, non-Typhus lists, though I will still likely end up using Typhus now that Zombies are involved.

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Hey I been out the game for awhile, work and stuff kept me busy. Now go more time on my hands. And looking to rebuild my death guard, finished my blood angles. So this is my next army.


Can some one point me in the right a direction to what is. New and changed. And this rumors of zombies? So I guess I can rebuild my siege of varks lists.



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As for the unlocking, I don't think people will care either. Sure, other codices work differently unlocking elites, but for Chaos, cult units were just troops in our current codex, so it won't really change what people see out there. If anything, it'll limit things since most people won't be able to mix Berserkers and PMs unless they take specific HQs -- which likely won't happen if Daemon Princes stay top tier. So it is ultimately restrictive enough, and it's not like we're getting something along the lines of Sternguard, Terminators, or Bikes as troops.


As for the other rumored changes, I'm amped for tossing Blight Grenades (I too hope they remain full defensive grenades). Anything to keep our boys in double tapping bolter range longer will be appreciated. The poison blades should be nice as well.


The biggest change to our standard lists, though, will obviously be the removal of the double DP cheese. We'll have to take a Lord or Sorc for our Plague Marine troops (or Typhus, which I plan on doing), and unless Lords get some really great melee builds, this might mean we'll suffer a bit without those cc beasts we're used to. The maulers might fill this void, or maybe taking dreadnoughts will come back into fashion (they're still crazy, I know, but the LOS clarification for Fire Frenzy still makes them useable in my book).


And of course, Defilers are getting some love. The Daemon rules add a little survivability, and they might also get It Shall Not Die (not mentioned in that AMA). Daemonic Possession might also be able to 'eat' nearby models to regain hull points, so those non-scoring zombie hoards just got really useful!


Then with Rhinos getting a little softer, and more difficult to manage getting troops into combat with, maybe we'll see more foot-slogging lists, or at least far fewer Rhinos, which is very fluffy for DG.


The 6th rules, combined with a lot of these rumors really make me think about the 3.5 dex, and how lists used to be, so that should be nice. We'll get all the fluffy Legion goodness without mandatory restrictions, I think.

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Hey I been out the game for awhile, work and stuff kept me busy. Now go more time on my hands. And looking to rebuild my death guard, finished my blood angles. So this is my next army.


Can some one point me in the right a direction to what is. New and changed. And this rumors of zombies? So I guess I can rebuild my siege of varks lists.




Not really much to point you towards besides the rumors (some linked by the OP). So, a bit of patience might be required. Gotta wait a couple months yet to really know which direction to go.


The zombie rumor is that Typhus will turn the new Cultist units into Plague Zombies (possibly with a 5+ inv, and FnP, but not a scoring unit). I know I'll be fielding some of these, as I made up a ton of zombies back in the Eye of Terror days.

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As for the unlocking, I don't think people will care either. Sure, other codices work differently unlocking elites, but for Chaos, cult units were just troops in our current codex, so it won't really change what people see out there. If anything, it'll limit things since most people won't be able to mix Berserkers and PMs unless they take specific HQs -- which likely won't happen if Daemon Princes stay top tier. So it is ultimately restrictive enough, and it's not like we're getting something along the lines of Sternguard, Terminators, or Bikes as troops.


As for the other rumored changes, I'm amped for tossing Blight Grenades (I too hope they remain full defensive grenades). Anything to keep our boys in double tapping bolter range longer will be appreciated. The poison blades should be nice as well.


The biggest change to our standard lists, though, will obviously be the removal of the double DP cheese. We'll have to take a Lord or Sorc for our Plague Marine troops (or Typhus, which I plan on doing), and unless Lords get some really great melee builds, this might mean we'll suffer a bit without those cc beasts we're used to. The maulers might fill this void, or maybe taking dreadnoughts will come back into fashion (they're still crazy, I know, but the LOS clarification for Fire Frenzy still makes them useable in my book).


And of course, Defilers are getting some love. The Daemon rules add a little survivability, and they might also get It Shall Not Die (not mentioned in that AMA). Daemonic Possession might also be able to 'eat' nearby models to regain hull points, so those non-scoring zombie hoards just got really useful!


Then with Rhinos getting a little softer, and more difficult to manage getting troops into combat with, maybe we'll see more foot-slogging lists, or at least far fewer Rhinos, which is very fluffy for DG.


The 6th rules, combined with a lot of these rumors really make me think about the 3.5 dex, and how lists used to be, so that should be nice. We'll get all the fluffy Legion goodness without mandatory restrictions, I think.


Yeah, the point that they were troops last [this] codex will probably offset that... good point and I didn't think about that.


@JT, np buddy, just wanted to clarify is all. Not mad at ya. :]

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I hope the poisoned weapon rumour is true I hate it when the people in my club get so annoyed that my plague marines are surviving everything they throw at them so they send a monstrous creature or two at them cowards. Hopefully Sorcerers can have access to a large amount of cool new wargear and dark artifacts including a chaos version of artificer armour as I prefer using a sorcerer over any other choice.
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I hope the poisoned weapon rumour is true I hate it when the people in my club get so annoyed that my plague marines are surviving everything they throw at them so they send a monstrous creature or two at them cowards...


Who cares when you probably have at least a powerfist and 2 meltaguns in a squad :tu:

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I hope the poisoned weapon rumour is true I hate it when the people in my club get so annoyed that my plague marines are surviving everything they throw at them so they send a monstrous creature or two at them cowards...


Who cares when you probably have at least a powerfist and 2 meltaguns in a squad :D


true but when your opponent kills your powerfist champ before he smack the big sucker though a challenge (C'tan count as characters apparently which sucks) using some annoying rule (Time arrow and I3 does not go well even with Defilers though feel no pain can be used against it), your remaining squad of plague marines have a very slim chance of even wounding it. Also most people who play monstrous creatures do not usually leave their big models where they can be targeted by your firepower usually hiding them behind a large vehicle like a monolith which blocks a lot of fire if it is wrecked.

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