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Blast weapons and exploding transports


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There are a few BA players in my local GW who use razor spam and it has just got me thinking about the new rules for blast templates on vehicles; with 6th edition rules any part of a blast template that touches a vehicle can cause damage to it so what would happen if you manage to Explode two adjacent loaded transports?


For example:


There are two razorbacks side to side.

I fire a vindicator at one of the razorbacks.

I roll a hit and then I penetrate both razorbacks.

I then roll an Explodes! result on both.

The troops inside then have to disembark and take their S4 hits from the vehicle they exited.


But do they also take another S4 hit if they are within the explosion radius of the adjacent exploding razorback?


It seems to me that they probably wouldn't unless I decide to resolve the result of one penetrating hit and then the other but even then all this should be occurring simultaneously.


It's an unlikely scenario but what are your thoughts?

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Don't qouote me on this, but I believe it should go like this:

1. Explode Razorback 1

2. Disembark+S4 hits for Squad 1

3. Explode Razorback 2

4. Explosion hits for Squad 1 and S4 hits for Squad 2.

The way I see it you need to complete all the result on one vehicle (inluding passengers) before you move to the second one. If it is the case, passengers of vehilce no.1 will disembark before you go to damaging vehicle no.2. In fact, you should only roll for penetration/damage table for vehicle no.2 after you finish whole procedure for vehicle no.1.

But I can be wrong. :tu:

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All of a unit's shooting is simultaneous. The Vindicator shoots, hits both transports simultaneously, both embarked units take their explodes result damage simultaneously, and are then disembarked simultaneously. If each transport were destroyed by a seperate unit then the second firing unit could damage the first disembarked unit with the explodes results area blast - but not both from the same firing unit.
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