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Angels Redeemed

Ajax Tlamunus

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Imperial Record LI-3s / A11 LI-3s
Input Ref. Ajax Tlamunus, Historical Revision Unit 48/237
Input Clearance Historicus Prefectus
Input Dated 007990.M41
Further Ref. Classified
Founding Date 4001001.M32 (Third Founding)
Founding Chapter Angels of Redemption
Progenitor Gene-Seed Legion I (Dark Angels)
Descendant Chapter(s) None
Homeworld Metzada
Fortress Monestary Towers of Heaven
Colours: Dark Green & Ivory, Halved
Specialty: Persecution of Traitors and Renegades
Strength: Approx. Full Strength (1,000 Marines)
Battle Cry:

Chapter Approved Scheme M.40
Brother Enosh, Third Company Second Tactical

Note: For some reason, unknown to me, the BBCode Tags that I am using for the captioned images seems to change when I post this. I type it one way, hit "Post," and then when I go back to edit it, the brackets on the tags have moved. I have no idea what is causing this, but it is making this process a royal pain.

Notable History

Chapter #713 of the Adeptus Astartes, formally named the Angleus Redemptio but more commonly known as the Angels Redeemed was founded in the wake the inter-legionary wars of the thirty second millennium. Tradition places the date at 4001001.M32 -- the very first day of the millennium. The chapter is therefore over eight thousand years old, making it a chapter of the Third Founding. Upon its inception, the High Lords of Terra gave it the chapter number 713.

Along with their training cadre from their Angels of Redemption progenitor chapter, the new chapter receied the geneseed, implant zygotes, rituals, and other paraphenalia of indoctrination and a signifigant amount of material support from the Dark Angels. At the chapter's founding, Captain Mehalalel of the Angels of Redemption's First Company was named Chapter Master by the High Lords of Tera... But on consultation with the Grand Master of the Dark Angels of the era, Master Mehalalel appointed Chaplain Lamech of the Dark Angels as the new Chapter's First Captain. This great controversy came to be known as the Mehalalel Schism -- although a few survivng records indicate it may also have been known as the Mehalalel Heresy at the time.

Several of the High Lords of Terra and many Chapter Masters from outside the Dark Angel's geneline felt that Mehalalel was attempting to defy the will of the Emperor and the wisdom of Robute Gulliman. The Speaker for the Chartist Captains called the chapter "A base accountant's trick," and the Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites denounced them for "rebuilding the legiones astartes in open defiance of the holy throne!"

The Dark Angels and their several successor chapters still had a great deal of influence in the young Imperirum, as well as many anceint bonds of loyalty and mutual aid with other chpaters, the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the Navigator Houses. Despite calls for the disolution of the new chapter, a compromise was reached. The Angleus Redemptio were assigned to a homeworld, Metzada, in the galactic southeast of the Ultima Segmentum, far from the Dark Angels or the Angels of Redemption in the Segmentum Obscurus.

Auditors named by the Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites and the Inquisitorial Representative were tasked with reporting to the High Lords of Terra and the Senatorum Imperialis of the Imperium once each century on any improper levels of collusion between the chapters.

Little record of the chapter exists between the resolution of the Mehalalel Schism and the final decades of that catastrophic period in Imperial history known as the Age of Apostasy. During this years and the Age of Redemption which followed (roughly 020.M37 until 040.M38) the Imperial Cult grew in power as never before and enormous numbers of suspected Heretics are rounded up and executed. The Angels Redeemed are often in the to pursue traitors, persecute iconoclasts, and purge renegades from within the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes by command of the High Lords of Terra. As a result, the chapter develops a reputation as experts in the systematic destruction of other Adeptus Astartes forces that have strayed from the proper path.

Chapter Approved Scheme M.40
Brother Sergeant Haran, Third Company Second Tactical


The Angels Redeemed wear armor party per pale, vert and argent or to put plainly their armor is dark green & pure white, halved down the center, in the exact manner as the Angels of Redemption. The chapter badge is a winged sword, usually rendered in dark red, in the style of the Dark Angels. Company affilitaion is not indicated anywhere on personal armor, although small geometric badges are displayed on vehicles. Squad affiliation was indicated by the squad number in dark red on the knee, although not on Termintors.

This close adherence to the livery of their progenitors, although not forbidden by the Codex Astartes, only fed the controversy of the Mehalalel Schism. As part of the compromise, the Angels Redeemed agreed to always display the Aquilla in bone white and that specialists among their chapter, such as Librarians and Techmarines, would adhere more closely to the Codex Astartes.


To an outsider, the organisation of the Angels Redeemed is much the same as Codex Chapters, ten Companies each of one hundred fighting men. It is at the higher levels of command that the Dark Angels become quite different to standard Chapters and different in subtle ways from the other Unforgiven. Each Chapter has a number of senior officers and specialist troopers who stand apart from the main body of Space Marines, and in the Angels Redeemed these men are known as the Inner Circle. Only warriors who have fought through the ranks for many years and have proved their loyalty to the Chapter time and time again are allowed to progress into the Inner Circle. It is these sinister individuals who shoulder the burden of the Angels Redeemed\' secret shame and it is they alone who decide who is worthy to join their ranks. Each company of the Angels Redeemed is led by a Master of the Chapter who has passed through the Deathwing into the Inner Circle.

The First Company of the Angels Redeemed are where the greatest difference between other codex Chapters lies. The 1st Company is known as the Deathwing, veterans who only ever take the field of battle in Terminator armour. Unlike other Unforgiven successor chapters, the Angels Redeemed do not have a seperate company for the Ravenwing. Instead those veterans most skilled at high speed attack are simply left in the assault units of their original Battle Company, with the sergeants and senior members being introduced to the outer ranks of the Inner Circle. The remainder of the Chapter is organised along strict Codex lines, with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Companies forming the Battle Companies, the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th the Reserve Companies and, lastly, the 10th Company is made up of Scouts.


The Angels Redeemed Chapter gives praise to the God-Emperor of Mankind but, much to the chagrin of the other Unforgiven, they do revere Him-On-Earth as a deity. Unlike most First Founding Chapters or their immediate successors, the Angels Redeemed venerate their Primarch far less than the Emperor. They worship the God-Emperor as the founder of the Imperium, as their creator, and as the divine ruler of the Universe. To the Dark Angels the Emperor is not a man, but a god-made-flesh, and his worship has largely absorbed the monothesistic religion native to their homeworld of Metzada.

Standard of Succor
One of the Three Sacred Standards

But, much to the dismay of the Ecclesiarchy, they reject absolutely the authority of that organization. Ecclesiastical missonaries are forbidden from setting foot on the "sacred soil" of Metzada, under penalty of death, and the few regiments of Imperial Guard that the Angels Redeemed have permitted to be raised from the native population over the millennia, under oaths sworn by the Departmento Munitorum to the Chapter, have had no representitives from Commissariat or Ecclesiarchy assigned to them, instead native-born men and women of the unique rank and title of "Commissar-Chaplain" fulfill both tasks. All of Metzada's Commissar-Chaplains have received their trainning under the auspices of the Angels Redeemed Chapter's own Chaplaincy.

The driving force of the Angels Redeemed is the hunting of those Fallen Dark Angels who were swept into the vortex that destroyed Caliban, a secret goal shared with most of the Unforgiven Chapters. Due to the extreem distance that seperates the Angels Redeemed from their Founding Chapter and fellow Successors, the Angels Redeemed have often had to pursue this goal without aid and with utmost secrecy. This has had a two-fold effect on the chapter. First, the presence of Arbites Auditors and close scruitiny of the Inquisitorial Representative during the Chapter\'s formative centuries led to the effective disbanding of the Ravenwing as known to other Dark Angels Chapters. Second, the need to still hunt and capture the Fallen meant that Chapter still needed to train to do battle with and quite regularly engage in conflict with other Imperial Space Marines.

Thus, over the last several millennia, the Angels Redeemed Chapter have become experts in battling their brothers. They have turned their relationship with the Adeptus Arbites and the Inquisition around, they are no longer regarded as suspects but as allies. The Angels Redeemed Chapter is now often used to purge traitors, iconoclasts and renegades from within the ranks of the Space Marines by the High Lords of Terra. They are regarded as experts in the systematic destruction of other Adeptus Astartes forces that have strayed from righteousness, viewing such targets as both worthy of the Emperor's wrath, as well as frequent hiding places for the Fallen. Too date, the Angels Redeemed are known to have destroyed three renegade chapters: the Immortal Hearts, Knights of Eternity, and Living Flame.
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As a second founding successor Chapter to the first Space Marine Legion, the Angels Redeemed gene-seed is pure and without flaw. There are no know aberrations in the Angels Redeemed gene-seed which makes the reluctance of the High Lords of Terra to utilise it in the founding of new Chapters perplexing. This reluctance probably stems from the ancient Mehalalel Schism.

Imperial Record LI-3s / A11 LI-3s
Name Metzada
Segmentum Ultima Segmentum
Sector Unknown
Subsector Unknown
System Mehalalel
Population [/td]
Class Adeptus Astartes Homeworld; Knight World
Tithe Grade Adeptus Non

Home World

According to legend, the original settlers of Metzada were the descendants of neo-primativist cult from Terra during the Dark Age of Technology, their vessels blown off-course and left stranded on the planet by a Warp Storm. During the final years of the Great Crusade, Metzada would become one of final worlds returnned to the Imperium by the Ultramarines Legion. Metzada is the third planet (of six) in what woudl later be named the Mehalalel System, and as the southernmost point of the Ultima Segmentum, this distant sector would have no name -- merely map coordinates and a navigator\'s chart number -- until 057.M32.


Metzada is a hot and mountainous planet, and most of its citizens live in the mountainous regions, where the altidue and snowmelt creates deep and dense forests. The mountain ranges are seperated by vast deserts, oceans of lifeless silt-sea.

During its long isolation, the original neo-primativist cult that settled Metzada had regressed to a feudal soceity, centered around numerous heirditary theocratic fiefdoms, with medieval technologly base and several competing sects of the same monotheistic state religion. With the arrival of the Angels Redeemed chapter, the native heretical religion was eradicated and replaced by the chapter\'s cult (although some in the Ministorum claim the chapter adopted the native beleifs). The feudal and technologically-primitive local states were guided into evolving into technologically advanced soceities -- while maintaining their feudal social order. Today Metzada, under the mostly hands-off rule of the chapter, flourishes. With the advanced technology of the Astartes available to the most poweful of the nobles, with the effect of preserving the feudal social order of the world. The chapter carefully shifts their favor from noble house to noble house, creating a near constant state of war between the feudal kingdoms in order to maintain a heavy martial focus and provide a strong base for chapter recruitment. In times of great need, the chapter master can assert his status of \"High King,\" and unite all the feudal kingdoms with little disagreement.

The Towers of Heaven, the Fortress-monastery of the Angels Redeemed, is located directly atop the northen magnetic pole, more than 1,000 kilometers of silt-sea seperate the Fortress-monastery from any source of fresh water. This Towers of Heavenis one of the holiest sites to the native population and the first test any recruit to the chapter must face is simply arriving at its gates.

Note: your tables are weird because you have line breaks in them. Take them out, and your tables will be OK.


Also, Metzada is not as subtle a reference as you might think. :D


Angels Redeemed


This is a non-standard name, and not one that (IMO) sounds good. Also, calling them that at their founding would be very strange for the Unforgiven.


Note: For some reason, unknown to me, the BBCode Tags that I am using for the captioned images seems to change when I post this. I type it one way, hit "Post," and then when I go back to edit it, the brackets on the tags have moved. I have no idea what is causing this, but it is making this process a royal pain.


Not sure exactly what you mean, here. Captioned images do switch back and forth when you edit a post (the image will be above, then below, then above, then below). The secret is to work on the text in a separate document, then cut and paste it into the forum.


Chapter #713 of the Adeptus Astartes, formally named the Angleus Redemptio but more commonly known as the Angels Redeemed was founded in the wake the inter-legionary wars of the thirty second millennium. Tradition places the date at 4001001.M32 -- the very first day of the millennium. The chapter is therefore over eight thousand years old, making it a chapter of the Third Founding. Upon its inception, the High Lords of Terra gave it the chapter number 713.


They wouldn't have reached chapter #713 at that point (the second founding produced twenty or four hundred chapters, depending on whether you prefer numbers that are stupid on one level or numbers that are stupid on two levels. Unless Space Marine attrition rates are a lot higher than they seem to be, the foundings aren't churning out hundreds of chapters each time).


Your date is also incorrect. It should be 0001001 or 1001001, depending on whether you consider a founding to have taken place on Mars or on Terra (0 (Terra) would make more sense, IMO).


Also, there was nearly a full millenium between the Heresy and the Third Founding. So it's not exactly in the wake of the inter-legionary wars. Which should be capitalized. And we can all do math, so we know that M32 was a while ago (though it was 9000 years ago, actually).


Auditors named by the Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites and the Inquisitorial Representative were tasked with reporting to the High Lords of Terra and the Senatorum Imperialis of the Imperium once each century on any improper levels of collusion between the chapters.


Why would the Dark Angels be dumb enough to inform the High Lords all of this was happening in the first place? Space Marine chapters are secretive - if a DA were to wear the livery of the AoR, how could the High Lords tell the difference?


The Angels Redeemed are often in the to pursue traitors, persecute iconoclasts, and purge renegades from within the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes by command of the High Lords of Terra. As a result, the chapter develops a reputation as experts in the systematic destruction of other Adeptus Astartes forces that have strayed from the proper path.


Why would the High Lords call on a DA successor for such tasks? The High Lords mistrust the DA and their ilk.


Plus, if they're Unforgiven, what about the whole, well, being Unforgiven thing? They're semi-traitors from a long line of semi-traitors. One would think that would be a little hard to reconcile with being Imperial attack dogs.




We can see your color scheme. It doesn't need its own section.




Too detailed. Tell us what's different from the norm, not what's the same.


But, much to the dismay of the Ecclesiarchy, they reject absolutely the authority of that organization.


Er...most Marine chapters sort-of do this - the Ecclesiarchy basically agrees to leave them alone. That's where Rosariuses come from.


Second, the need to still hunt and capture the Fallen meant that Chapter still needed to train to do battle with and quite regularly engage in conflict with other Imperial Space Marines.


Since Fallen are usually found individually, or at most in small groups, it would mean nothing of the kind.


Thus, over the last several millennia, the Angels Redeemed Chapter have become experts in battling their brothers. They have turned their relationship with the Adeptus Arbites and the Inquisition around, they are no longer regarded as suspects but as allies. The Angels Redeemed Chapter is now often used to purge traitors, iconoclasts and renegades from within the ranks of the Space Marines by the High Lords of Terra. They are regarded as experts in the systematic destruction of other Adeptus Astartes forces that have strayed from righteousness, viewing such targets as both worthy of the Emperor's wrath, as well as frequent hiding places for the Fallen. Too date, the Angels Redeemed are known to have destroyed three renegade chapters: the Immortal Hearts, Knights of Eternity, and Living Flame.


I have never found the whole "we take down renegade Space Marines" angle to be nearly as cool as authors think it is. It was a bad idea when Abnett did it with the Space Wolves, it was a bad idea when Bligh did it with the Minotaurs, and it's not a better idea now that you're doing it. It's basically saying "My Space Marines are so tough they can take down even other Space Marines", and that's an idea fraught with so many negative adjectives I cannot express them here. Making your guys arbitrarily better and special (as such a distinction does) is rarely a good thing.


Plus, if there are enough renegade chapters in a particular region for there to be a chapter that specializes in fighting them, something is seriously wrong.


* * *


Not uninteresting. Idea of a DA successor that's relatively cut off is interesting. Idea of one that works with the Inquisition is interesting. I don't think the schism works due to several logical flaws, but the concepts behind it are neat.


Anything in particular you're after out of this IA? Things you want to explore, ideas you wish to express, etc? ;)


Oh, and a Knight World is an Adeptus Mechanicus planet which provides food to Forge Worlds whose inhabitants protect their herds with mecha. A Feudal World is a world with a feudal population.

Metzada isn't meant to be that subtle of a reference. It isn't reflected in this article, but all of my squad names, sergeant names, and a majority of my characters are sporting Hebrew names.


Angels Redeemed is a non-standard name and calling them that at their founding seems strange for the Unforgiven... but it is not their formal name, which is actually just Latin for "Angels of Redemption" with the tenses changed. A point that I am trying to stress is that at their Founding, the new Chapter really was trying to pull and end-run around the Codex Astartes are just keep operating as a Legion.


Chapter #713 was reached by guesswork as much as anything... I know of 40 or so "official" Second Founding Chapters that Games Workshop has written about, but it seems logical to me to assume the numbers would have been higher. Ultimately, who can really say what odd bits of Administratum paper work arcana are involved in Chapter numbers?


Your date is also incorrect. I don't think so... Working backwards, it was the 32nd Millennium (.M32), it was the first year (001.M32), on the first day around noon (001001.M32) and that the only date in the historical record was written by a source in contact with someone on Terra or the Sol system but not actually there themselves (4001001.M32[/i]).


As for M32 being 9,000 or 8,000 years ago... well, that depends on when "now" is, doesn't it? It also assumes that all the facts in the record are correct, a dangerous assumption in the Imperium. Note up in the useless fluff bits in the top of the article that the "Input Date" is 990.M41, which is 9989 years...


The inter-legionary wars reference is poorly worded and I will revise it.


The Adeptus Arbites Auditors were ordered to keep tabs on the chapter as part of the High Lords of Terra's administrative wrist slapping at the very dawn of the Chapter's existence. The Dark Angels are highly secretive and this chapter is no different... But they were being antagonistic towards the "no more legions" rule when this group got up and running. So for the first few centuries they had to deal with having the High Lords of Terra looking over ther shoulder and had to play nice.


Why would the High Lords call on a DA successor [to punish Renegade Chapters]? The High Lords mistrust the DA and their ilk.[/b] I've never been able to understand why people think the Dark Angels are mistrusted by the rest of the Imperium. They are described time and again as one of the greatest, most famed, and most respected of all the Chapters. We as players all know about the hunt for the Fallen, the betrayal of Luther, and all the dirty laundry... the rest of the Imperium most certainly does not.


As far as the Knight World bit, it was my understanding that Knight Worlds were most commonly planets that belonged to the Collegia Titanica, but that the most important part of the classification was that it had advanced technology in the hands of the nobility of an otherwise feudal world. By way of comparissin, a forge world usually is ruled by the Adeptus Mechanicus directly, but some like Kiavahr (the Raven Guard home planet) are not.

Metzada isn't meant to be that subtle of a reference. It isn't reflected in this article, but all of my squad names, sergeant names, and a majority of my characters are sporting Hebrew names.


Fair enough. It at least makes sense as a planet name.


Angels Redeemed is a non-standard name and calling them that at their founding seems strange for the Unforgiven... but it is not their formal name, which is actually just Latin for "Angels of Redemption" with the tenses changed. A point that I am trying to stress is that at their Founding, the new Chapter really was trying to pull and end-run around the Codex Astartes are just keep operating as a Legion.


The Dark Angels aren't that dumb. You don't continually not get annihilated by the Inquisition or wipe out Black Templar crusades by being obvious. If they were going to sneak around the Codex Astartes, publicly announcing that they're doing so is moronic, and that's what naming the chapter the Angels of Redemption again would be doing. If they wanted to avoid legion strictures, overrecruiting or giving the chapter a different name but still working it like a puppet would seem easier and safer.


Chapter #713 was reached by guesswork as much as anything... I know of 40 or so "official" Second Founding Chapters that Games Workshop has written about, but it seems logical to me to assume the numbers would have been higher. Ultimately, who can really say what odd bits of Administratum paper work arcana are involved in Chapter numbers?


"It was a simple task for them to include the Grey Knights amongst the growing roster of Space Marine Chapters, bestowing upon them the designation Chapter 666 - an oddity, as at the time there were barely four hundred Space Marine chapters commissioned" - C:GK p 7


It wouldn't be an oddity if they handed out numbers willy-nilly.


Your date is also incorrect. I don't think so... Working backwards, it was the 32nd Millennium (.M32), it was the first year (001.M32), on the first day around noon (001001.M32) and that the only date in the historical record was written by a source in contact with someone on Terra or the Sol system but not actually there themselves (4001001.M32[/i]).


So your claim is that the only date in the historical record for the Third Founding is not recorded on Terra (where it would logically have been announced), or on Mars (the second most logical place for it to be announced, and where most of the work would have taken place), but instead somewhere else entirely. Despite the fact that the Adeptus Mechanicus maintain records of the geneseed of all chapters at every founding but the 13th (which rather suggests they might have noted down when it took place). And despite the fact that this would seem to have been a somewhat ceremonial occasion, what with the way it took place on the first day of the new millenium and all that. Hell, there's probably pictures of a High Lord cutting a ribbon or something.


Also, 2 is in contact with the Sol System but not there, not 4.


As for M32 being 9,000 or 8,000 years ago... well, that depends on when "now" is, doesn't it? It also assumes that all the facts in the record are correct, a dangerous assumption in the Imperium. Note up in the useless fluff bits in the top of the article that the "Input Date" is 990.M41, which is 9989 years...


I was allowing for some rounding, for I am generous of spirit (M41-M32 = 9000).


The Adeptus Arbites Auditors were ordered to keep tabs on the chapter as part of the High Lords of Terra's administrative wrist slapping at the very dawn of the Chapter's existence. The Dark Angels are highly secretive and this chapter is no different... But they were being antagonistic towards the "no more legions" rule when this group got up and running. So for the first few centuries they had to deal with having the High Lords of Terra looking over ther shoulder and had to play nice.


You misunderstand. The whole incident that prompted this makes no sense.


Again, the distinction between an AoR and a DA is probably something an Arbiter is not qualified to discern without the cooperation of the Astartes (or them wearing different colored armour). Why would the DA not just send the Chaplain over in AoR livery? If the Arbiters were assigned already, the DA would be stupid to try things like you suggest. If they were assigned later, why did the DA tell people they were misbehaving?


This entire schism idea has the Dark Angels, masters of keeping secrets, jumping up and down trying to attract the High Lords' attention to their dangerous plot. The DA come across as fools who got caught when they basically told the High Lords they were doing something wrong.


Why would the High Lords call on a DA successor [to punish Renegade Chapters]? The High Lords mistrust the DA and their ilk.[/b] I've never been able to understand why people think the Dark Angels are mistrusted by the rest of the Imperium. They are described time and again as one of the greatest, most famed, and most respected of all the Chapters. We as players all know about the hunt for the Fallen, the betrayal of Luther, and all the dirty laundry... the rest of the Imperium most certainly does not.


"There are no know aberrations in the Dark Angels' gene-seed which makes the reluctance of the High Lords of Terra to utilise it in the founding of new Chapters perplexing. " - IA: DA

"They are highly suspicious of outsiders and often appear unreasonably aloof and intransigent. Indeed there have been a number of occasions where the Dark Angels have withdrawn suddenly and with no explanation from a warzone when confronted by an Imperial Inquisitor or Missionary." - IA: DA

"Some claim that the Chapters have some hidden agenda to which they give priority even over service to the Emperor himself. Even when they do fight alongside other forces, the Dark Angels keep their own counsel, communicating little with their allies and brooking no interference in their mission." - C:DA p 10


As far as the Knight World bit, it was my understanding that Knight Worlds were most commonly planets that belonged to the Collegia Titanica, but that the most important part of the classification was that it had advanced technology in the hands of the nobility of an otherwise feudal world. By way of comparissin, a forge world usually is ruled by the Adeptus Mechanicus directly, but some like Kiavahr (the Raven Guard home planet) are not.


Knight Worlds are Feudal Worlds where the Ad Mech provided Knights to the nobility. The proper term for a world that has a feudal population is Feudal World.


Kiavahr isn't a Forge World. It's a Hive World that happens to have a lot of industry (note the mention of Hives in IA: Raven Guard). Forge Worlds are owned by the Adeptus Mechanicus - it's inherent in the term.


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