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Chaos Decimator weapons

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Just looking at this rules update for the decimator daemon engine and wanted peoples opinion on wether im interpretting the weapons rules correctly. Am I correct in believing that you can replace both seige claws for butcher cannons......henceforth creating a somewhat interesting mobile heavy weapon platform. Apologies for lack of question mark and bad grammar. I have broken my shift key.
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Nice, thanks for that, i thought i might be misreading. Been holding out on new models til the new chaosstuff comes out. Ive just finished converting a World eaters contemptor and was planning on running 2. However im waiting for the official FW Cchaos contemptor for my second contemptor model. Been debating a decimator for a while but now i'm really tempted.


How effective has your twin butcher cannon loadout proven so far....and do many people do the old refusing to let you use FW stuff trick.

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People are happy to see FW stuff as long as you explain them how they works. I'm a narrative player, and I enjoy cool games more than one sided crap.

So yeah, my friends are ok.

The Decimator is nice, indeed. Those Butcher Cannons are fearsome. Destroying sentinels (I like way I picture a sentinel taking huge caliber rounds), killing off some stuff. But I'm kinda unlucky with my mark of Nurgle. The reroll often makes my Decimator dead once and for all. Which makes me a sad panda.

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The Decimator is nice, indeed. Those Butcher Cannons are fearsome. Destroying sentinels (I like way I picture a sentinel taking huge caliber rounds), killing off some stuff. But I'm kinda unlucky with my mark of Nurgle. The reroll often makes my Decimator dead once and for all. Which makes me a sad panda.

Looks like the Butcher Cannon is good for killing just about anything. That thing has about the same damage capability as an entire squad of ML havocs.

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It's funny, I can find it with Google, but can't seem to figure out how to navaigate to it from the FW home page. FW Downloads


They're referring to the overall 'Vehicle Upgrades' pdf that lists all of the FW kits and how they behave in 6th. For several Chaos entries there is a footnote #6, but #6 explanation is missing from the pdf, so it's are to tell what it stands for.

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is the decimator with 2 butcher cannons really 235 points for the same unit that grey knights pay a little over a hundred for? (psyfleman dread)

Except ours is range 36 and not twinlinked...?


Just curious

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is the decimator with 2 butcher cannons really 235 points for the same unit that grey knights pay a little over a hundred for? (psyfleman dread)

Except ours is range 36 and not twinlinked...?


Just curious

I don't have a current GK codex, but a wrecked Psyfleman doesn't have a chance to stand back up, and has lower front armor. It also has a slightly weaker statline.
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A buddy of mine picked one up and equipped it with twin Storm Lasers. He said it's been absolutley wrecking his opponents, especially PA armies. He usually uses it to headhunt command squads, sternguard, wolf guard, etc.
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is the decimator with 2 butcher cannons really 235 points for the same unit that grey knights pay a little over a hundred for? (psyfleman dread)

Except ours is range 36 and not twinlinked...?


Just curious



Training wheels are, indeed, training wheels.

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