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Chaos terminators with dual LC's - viable in 6th ed. ?


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He was responding to this:

And when we get dragons, they'll probably be able to knock a few out by Vector Striking across them.


We can't count on the dragon "probably" being able to vector strike ground units when the rumors at the moment are indicating that they "probably" won't be able to do any such thing.

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Getting a bit off topic, but the dragon is rumored to be a flier that can vector strike other fliers. Not really something that should be counted on as a ranged anti-terminator option, though there are other such options - vindicators, maybe the rumored melta cannon on the new daemon engine, plasma spam, etc.


Of course, storm shields are pretty effective against those, too.....

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This is the first I'd heard of it being able to Vector Strike anything. The last rumor round-up I saw that talked about the dragon gave it Vector Dancer, which would make it the most maneuverable Zooming Flyer yet released.
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