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Assault Terminators or Sanguinary Guard?


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I would go with the Assault Terminators if it were me. I prefer having an invulnerable save on my expensive units. Plus you can have some stormshields to soak some plasma or power fist attacks. The Sanguinary Guard are more mobile and if you plan to use Dante to make them scoring, then do that... but a single unit of one or the other, go for Terminators.
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Why were we not taking both?!


Otherwise, expected uses aside:


I think if you want to use Dante, take SG.


If you don't want Dante, take Terminators.


- One factor besides Dante would be, do you want JPs or SS?!


(Also, did the SG ever get their power weapon/Glaives options cleared up yet?! Seemed to be some confusion on exactly what the deal with how to treat them as. If not, Terminators = weapon no issues.)

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The role of Sanguinary Guard has changed since we lost our beloved initiative bonus from Furious Charge.


Now, we have to stay away from units such as Terminators(which were easy prey for us in 5th) and concentrate on 3+ armoured targets. It hurts, I know.

What did we got in return? Hammer of Wrath...yeah, cool. That's only 5 attacks at init10 and base strength, though. True 2+ armour saves? Yup, pretty important.

5 re-rolls for to-hit rolls. Nothing new.

Some things I wrote in my analysis(which is now out of date...thanks, 6th!) are still true though.


No invulnerable save means that we have to rely on our speed - or let's say what's left of that. Init 4 makes me feel very uncomfortable, I must admit. That's probably how you feel when you're a normal Marine.

However, charge high priority targets with Powerweapons èn masse. They won't hurt ya while getting sliced and diced by the SG. Terminators, stay away from them, unless you have that psychic power which forces to re-roll successfull armour saves. Even then, it's a bad game of luck.

What else...the banner is even more important now we don't get FC. We need more attacks, from whatever source they may come. And don't forget the Priest!


Still a highly mobile shock assault unit, but the changes to FC hurt us badly.



Assault Terminators are still the juggernauts of any Marine army. They need a transport, though. And there you add at least 200 points for a Stormraven or 250 for the standard LR. Their hammers and shields will nuke anything that's in their way. They are slightly cheaper, but less flexible.



I'd go for Sanguinary Guard. A 2+ save JP unit is unique to the Blood Angels, and it has the option of adding plasma or infernus pistols for anti-infantry or anti-tank roles, depending on your opponent.





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While Sanguinary Guard are obviously way cooler and flashier, I almost always prefer assault termies in a Stormraven. My playstyle centers around smashing a very hard rock into my opponents dangerous units, and assault termies with FnP and librarian for rerolls to hit can deal with almost anything now. Sanguinary Guard are a lot more specialized, and you will have to include some other units to deal with TDA because they can't handle it at all.
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If Taking Dante, then take SG.

If taking Corbulo, then take Hammernators.


Corbulo leading Hammernators is simply an amazing unit. Corbs tanks all normal dakka (ever hated losing a Terminator to a lasgun?) and he simply uses Look Out Sir for anything that's ID AP3 onto the stormshields. This unit is a rock- everytime Ive used them they do amazing job- even when footslogging. Because the opponent shoots at them with big guns, meaning the rest of the army survives so much better :wacko:

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Last night I had two units of Sanguinary Guard vs Necrons/Orks (allied). One with Dante, Banner, Priest, IP, PF. The other with IP x2, and PF. I kept my Libby and Priest with JP in a RAS near the Sanguinary Guard without Priest and put Divination powers (4++ and Re-roll ALL missed hits powers, Divination rocks) nearby for buffs. I hadn't lost a single golden-nipple until turn 4 (1), and it took the combined tarpit of Lash-whip Wraiths, a tricked out Destroyer Lord, and a squad of Mekky Dreadnought (3) to wipe out Dante and gang on turn 5!!! By that time, the game was over. My Warlord power allowed me to get a victory point for every enemy character killed in a challenge. Dante scored me an extra two VP (makes a difference). I held the 4 point objective with an Attack Bike (Fast Attack being scoring in the scenario, so bring those too!), another two attack bikes holding a 2 point objective, and a Tac Squad holding a 3 point objective. I won 12 to 7.


The Sanguinary Guard are more manuverable, and if you're going to bring Dante they are a no brainer. The Chapter Banner gives Dante 7 ST 5 (or 6 with FC) Power attacks at whatever insanely low AP Power Axes are, on the charge. He's a beast, even at Initiative 1. Just toss a priest in for your 5+ FNP (basically a tactical terminators invulnerable save in a lot of ways) and you have some major survivability.

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Why were we not taking both?!


Otherwise, expected uses aside:


I think if you want to use Dante, take SG.


If you don't want Dante, take Terminators.


- One factor besides Dante would be, do you want JPs or SS?!


(Also, did the SG ever get their power weapon/Glaives options cleared up yet?! Seemed to be some confusion on exactly what the deal with how to treat them as. If not, Terminators = weapon no issues.)

kinda stealing the topic here but would it be good if i took sangunary guard and dante and then also took assault termys in a land raider(not sure which version) would it still be viable or to many points?

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It can be done




Sanguinary High Priest Brother Corbulo: R

Sanguinary Priest: jump pack, power sword, meltabombs R

Sanguinary Priest: jump pack, power sword, melta bombs


5x Sanguinary Guards: 1 power fist, 2 infernus pistols R

5x Assault Terminator Squad: 3 TH/SS 2 TLC R

5x Sanguinary Guard: 1 power fist, 2 infernus pistols

5x Sanguinary Guard: 1 power fist


2x Attack bikes: Multi Melta


Stormraven: TL Assault Cannon TL Multi melta EA CR

Devastator Squad 4 x Missile launchers



Total 1750

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It can be done




Sanguinary High Priest Brother Corbulo: R

Sanguinary Priest: jump pack, power sword, meltabombs R

Sanguinary Priest: jump pack, power sword, melta bombs


5x Sanguinary Guards: 1 power fist, 2 infernus pistols R

5x Assault Terminator Squad: 3 TH/SS 2 TLC R

5x Sanguinary Guard: 1 power fist, 2 infernus pistols

5x Sanguinary Guard: 1 power fist


2x Attack bikes: Multi Melta


Stormraven: TL Assault Cannon TL Multi melta EA CR

Devastator Squad 4 x Missile launchers



Total 1750

missing a landraider? or not needrd?

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That's what the Stormraven is for, I'd guess. Corbulo and Terms embark on SR, the rest jumps/deepstrikes.




;) R= reserved CR = compulsory reserve


The points for the Stormraven is 246 including searchlight, extra armour and hurricane bolters almost a LR but the Stromraven is much more dangerous. You can take a LR and slowly crawl across the board, be totally predictable or take a Stormraven to hold the terminators back till T2 or T3. If the terminators were in a Land Raider they weren't going to get out any sooner than T2 or T3 anyway. This gives the bikes and devastators time to remove Stormraven threats and break open some transports for the termies. That Stormraven can be almost anywhere and in assault on the turn it enters play. Your opponent will not like that. You can always jump a shot up low model SG back into the Stormraven after letting out the terminators for fast objective snatching across the board. You cant throw jump packers in a land raider or move them as quickly. The raven matches the Sanguinary Guard playstyle better than a land raider :D

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5x SS/TH assault terminators plus a Reclusiarch/Chaplain with Termie armour and a Sanguinary Priest with Termie Armour is quite the resilient unit to deal with. 2+/3+/5+ saves (except for preist and chaplain) , they get furious charge, they get to reroll hits (little need to reroll wounds with thunderhammers unless your dice are horrible), oh and they are fearless (which is no longer a bad thing). These guys are the core to my army.


If you take Sanguinary Guard you need to take Dante and a Sanguinary Priest to make them compete. Sang. Guard as Troops is very nice, especially when they can deep strike with no scatter. They are not as resilient as as the SS/TH termies however, so you NEED that Sanguinary Priest. I foresee a lot of Plasma weapons in 6th edition and that will wreck Sang. Guard.


Honestly, why not have both Sang. Guard and Assault Termies in your list (1500 on up of course)? 2+ saves is the new black in 6th edition! You can fill in the rest of your army with Troop choices like Assault Marines or Tacticals to help take objectives.

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One other thing, don't forget that terminators can deep strike via teleport. I usually like to drop pod a furioso right into my enemy's face in turn 1, and putting a locater beacon on it (or teleport homer? i forget), gets your terminators in their face reliably when they deep strike. At the very least it gets your opponent firing on your furioso and drop pod and not your troops/transports.
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I really like Sanguinary Guard in 6th


Putting a priest with them makes them more survivable than Terminators to everything other than Lascannons and Power Fists.


You get the 2+ AND the 5+ save from everything that isn't an Axe. And you get the 5+ save same as a Terminator would from Axes anyway.


They are vastly improved in 6th

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I really like Sanguinary Guard in 6th


Putting a priest with them makes them more survivable than Terminators to everything other than Lascannons and Power Fists.


You get the 2+ AND the 5+ save from everything that isn't an Axe. And you get the 5+ save same as a Terminator would from Axes anyway.


They are vastly improved in 6th



Errrr... I think Assault Terminators are looking for that 3++ comboed with FnP as well. Hence my fondness for Corbulo-led Assault Termies--- few units in the game can soak as much fire as they can.

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One other thing, don't forget that terminators can deep strike via teleport. I usually like to drop pod a furioso right into my enemy's face in turn 1, and putting a locater beacon on it (or teleport homer? i forget), gets your terminators in their face reliably when they deep strike. At the very least it gets your opponent firing on your furioso and drop pod and not your troops/transports.

ye but if i bring a storm raven it means i can drop both in the 2nd or 3rd turn and assault as i drop because storm raven is a assault vechile but i do like the idea of the locator beacon and the furioso drop pod it means the enmy wotn know what to kill first coz they screwed either way xD


im also gonna buy a box of assault termies or sangunary guard. if i do buy sangunary ill buy dante at the same time. ill probaly rol a d3 on it :D. anyway if i do buy assault termies should i just do all th/ss or waht?

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