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Abaddon unites all the Traitor Legions (an army blog)

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Hello everyone, Im from Singapore and I have been on and off this hobby for some time. Lately, I have decided to embark on an epic project to display and field all the Traitor Legions under the stewardship of Abaddon. For now, I have only Black Legion terminators (tho painted in Luna Wolves colors) and a squad of Word Bearers.


I have always figured that the Chaos army is an invading force, and by reckoning strike the Imperium all the way to Terra, and not busy itself with small raids and petty spoils. So anyway, here is the start of my force.




I had actually named this piece "Give my best to Guilliman".










The guy on the left is actually inspired by the Chaos Lord in terminator armour in the PC game: Space Marine.




I hope to get more stuff painted soon, and thanks for viewing. :tu:

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Thanks man. Really appreciate it. Aniways, heres a batch of Word Bearers that I managed to paint over the week.




I read ADB's novel The First Heretic, and I knew I had to give my take on Erebus. This is actually based on the prologue where Erebus extends his hand and gave his name to Argel Tal's mother. The words written at the back are actually taken from the opening lines of the Book of Lorgar. Very fitting I felt.










As always, thanks for viewing, and CC are welcome.

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Ahem, pardon me.


Lovely miniatures! Abbadon stomping the Ultra into the magma is great, and I like your Word Bearers too.


What else do you have planned?

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Thanks Keirdale, and yup "A Few Good Men" is one hella of a damn solid movie :woot:


For now Ive managed to procure an old Predator off ebay some time ago at a good price. It was initially assembled as a loyalist tank, but with some conversion, spikes and chains from the Chaos Space Marines starter box, its now almost ready to bring the Imperium to her knees. All it needs are some highlights, decals and weathering. The Rhino on the right was assembled at the same time and came from the CSM starter box.






Whats next, well, I've dusted off some hastily painted BL marines and I intend to re-paint them properly this time. These 5 lads are just among some of the sordidly poorly painted chaps and I promise to do them justice this time round.






In the meantime, allow me to share a little bit more of of what my Chaos army will look like.


Game play Philosophy


Essentially, Im a sucker for combined arms. I believe that the Chaos army should be a force to be reckoned with and its deployment on the battlefield should demonstrate that. Abaddon should be able to tap on all the expertise of millenia of endless warfare - from the time of the Great Crusade and beyond, right up to the HH and till present day. He has 9 traitor legions to unite under his banner, and each legion specializes in a certain field of warfare. Sometimes I likened them to the US army, where you have individual army groups and corps at the government's disposal, (barring any red tape and the likes of it).


For example, the Night Lords are like the 101st Airborne Div, specializing air drop assaults, while the Iron Warriors are like the combat engineers and siege specialists. Alpha Legion, Navy seals and other Spec Ops troops. Of course it is not possible to fit every legion into a modern day army group, but thats just a start for me.


Collecting as a hobby


So to translate that idea, I intend to showcase each of the individual legions' specialty. For a start, the Word Bearers are famed, amongst other things, for their Dark Apostles, their fervour and zeal. Which is why, I've painted the Possessed and converted Dark Angels marines in Word Bearers colours.


For my next project, Im going to start assembling Khârn and his World Eaters - the Shock Troops of the CSM army. Bloodstained, visceral and violent chaps. For now, all I have assembled are these guys. These hark back to the days of WH40K 2nd ed.




Again, I will probably re paint these fellas, as at that point when I painted them, I havent read about washes, highlights and shades. I've also some 16 Berserkers, still intact in the sprue and yet to be assembled. Those will probably come later as I want to focus on tidying up what I have for now.


Eventually, when the army is completed, I would like to see every Traitor Legion represented. Every legion is special to me, and I love every single one of them. A friend of mine did mention that the army would however look like a rag-tag bunch of traitors, with no cohesive colours to blend them. But to me, thats fine. At that end of the day, in the grand scheme of things, the entire universe is a big place, and one cannot expect millions to souls to all look the same.


Thats it for me for now. As with any hobbyist, the excitement of collecting and painting an army is always thrilling, and I hope that I have managed to share some of my enthusiasm with the you guys. The one thing I like about these WH40K forums is that this is the only place where grown ups are able to discuss and share fictitious plastic toys living in a make believe world, without being chastised or frowned upon... :eek


Till next time.

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I lived in Clementi for about 5 years, never saw a Games Workshop around the area. Hope you have a great FLGS to show off those minis. Also love those old school World Eaters.



yup unfortunately there are only 2 shops in Singapore that sell GW products, and there are located in town. One is along Orchard road, (thats where I usually get my stuff) and the other is at Suntec. There used to be many more when I was younger, but alas these have run into financial difficulty.

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