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Variel the Flayer

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Howdy all,


Since I don't have my copy of Blood Reaver with me on holiday I was wondering if you guys could help me. Is Variel the Flayer an apothecary who flays/skins his fallen brothers after apothecarying them? It's been a while since I read the book and I was writing about an invented character of mine who does that, but then I realised I might just be subconsciously copying A D-B.


Thank you in advance peeps,



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but then I realised I might just be subconsciously copying A D-B.


Hey, it happens. Every time I write something I really like I have a moment of uncertainty where my brain tells me the only reason it's any good is because I probably unconsciously plagiarised it. Mostly it's just paranoia, but sometimes it is "bleed through."

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Since I don't have my copy of Blood Reaver with me on holiday I was wondering if you guys could help me. Is Variel the Flayer an apothecary who flays/skins his fallen brothers after apothecarying them?


Only the one that didn't survive, iirc.

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but then I realised I might just be subconsciously copying A D-B.


Hey, it happens. Every time I write something I really like I have a moment of uncertainty where my brain tells me the only reason it's any good is because I probably unconsciously plagiarised it. Mostly it's just paranoia, but sometimes it is "bleed through."


Yeah, well, that's postmodernism for you. WE CAN NEVER BE ORIGINAL.


Anywho, I'm sticking to the story. He's different enough for me to at least CLAIM that it's my own invention :D

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