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Wanting to sell painted models...

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Hey, not even sure that I'm posting this in the right area... :P


Basically I'm wanting my hobby to pay for itself (or at the least pay for a bit of itself) by buying some models, painting them and putting them on ebay.


Just wondering if you guys can give me any tips or whatever on what will be easiest to sell..


I can paint to a good table top standard at least, and I'm not too fussed about which army I'm painting. I was considering getting the AOBR box set and painting that up as a starter project, I've priced everything I'd need to do that and it'd cost me about £120 (the rulebook/dice/etc would be in it too), so that would be the price I would sell it for. However it is quite a number of models to be doing on my own (I usually paint up to 5 or so at a time...) and I really hate the DeffCopters... I was wondering if that would make a good start or would it be better to paint up character models and sell them (~£20) to keep my hobby going. The only problem with single models is that I'm living in the Caribbean right now and getting stuff here is a bit of a nightmare so I'd have to buy a few of those at a time too.


Have any of you sold models, and if so, did you find that they sold easily or did you have to re-list them at lower prices? Is £120 a good price to sell the boxset for? (I'm not after profit really)


Any stories (even horror ones) about selling would be great too.


Also, I do not have any of my models here right now, and won't have til November once I've been home, so I don't have any pics of models I've dione so far, sorry.

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I've sold two armies on Ebay, Blood Angels (fully painted, decalled and based) and Space Wolves (Fully assembled) and made a about a 20 percent profit on both of them. I only consider the profit on what I paid to buy the models originally. For me, the assembly and paint work was part of my fun originally, so when you consider the time and materials put into building the army, there was probably no profit and actually a loss. I recommend taking pictures of what you've done, both from tabletop view and close up and put the pictures up and ask what people would pay for this level of work. Average out the responses and base your pricing on that. For example, let's say three people respond. One says they would pay 3 dollars per model, another says 5 dollars per model and the third says 6 dollars per model. 3+5+6=14. 14/3= 4.66. For the ease of calculating, lets average that down to 4.50 per model. There are 10 space marine models in the AoBR set, so let's say 45.00 for the squad. The squad costs about 15.00 to buy separately from the boxed set. I would start the bidding at 30.00 and have the buyout price at 45.00. That's just for the one squad. The Deffkopters and Dread are much larger models, so let's assume double the price for those, or 9.00 per model. I'd say your estimation of 120.00 for the set is very reasonable.

Although there are no issues with requesting some tips and pointers on how to start up on commission work; please tread very carefully.


As per the B&C rules, we do not allow trading/selling (actively) on the B&C; and should the thread turn to that particular that direction, we will have to close the thread as a violation of the board policies.


Other than that, please feel free to contribute thoughts and ideas :yes:

Thanks for the replies guys.

I don't think commission work would work for me as I work six days a week and being in the caribbean, getting stuff here is a pain... So I think just painting up a set and then selling it will work fine. Then maybe the odd character model. Like I said not looking for profit, just trying to kill some of my free time (Statia is a very small island with little to do....) And I'll be merely selling them to cover costs (so I can justify my purchases with the fiancee)


Could anyone recommend which army to paint the marines and orks in with my first box? Just out of the ones that I'll get the decals with in the set.


Thanks for the help.

Go ahead and paint them as ultramarines and goffs, in my opinion. Ultramarines are popular, and you would have many people who would be looking to add to their existing armies. You're much more likely to get a buyer if it matches something someone already has. Same deal with the goffs. Maybe paint the deffkoptas as evil sunz (i.e. red) for kult of speed players.


Also, I'd say 120 dollars is selling yourself short, if your decent, but 120 pounds/euros would probably about right. DO you have any examples of your work?



Thanks for the replies guys.

I don't think commission work would work for me as I work six days a week and being in the caribbean, getting stuff here is a pain... So I think just painting up a set and then selling it will work fine. Then maybe the odd character model. Like I said not looking for profit, just trying to kill some of my free time (Statia is a very small island with little to do....) And I'll be merely selling them to cover costs (so I can justify my purchases with the fiancee)


Could anyone recommend which army to paint the marines and orks in with my first box? Just out of the ones that I'll get the decals with in the set.


Thanks for the help.


Commission work doesn't have to be to a deadline, there are many other factors involved that clients consider more important. These are, in roughly the order I think my clients value them:


1) Communication. If you're not contactable, forthright about where things are, how much money of the client you're effectively 'holding' and 'due on completion' etc, you need to be. An open policy with your clients puts them at ease. I recently had to remove a very large commission from an artist who wasn't communicating well with me (I deal with the clients). The client was informed that there were issues, and that I acknowledged exactly how much I had been paid. Even with what I paid out to the artist, the client knew their money was safe, which leads on to point 2:


2) Trust. The client is either sending you a considerable value in models, or a considerable payment before you even begin. They need to know a) that your quality is up to par and ;) that you'll complete the job and not rip them off. If a client trusts you, you'll get more freedom in both time and creative input. You may cut deals to do something a little extra (like Golden Demon entries) if its something you have an itch to do. As long as the client believes you'll either refund the client in full or hand the piece over at the end, you'd be surprised what some collectors want doing.


3) Quality - Price - Time balance. These three are variable and will in combinatin with your level of trust determine how attractive your service is to clients and how much you can charge. Assign each a score from 1-3 as follows:

1 - Basic Tabletop (good 'gamer' standard, 6 on CMON), Cheap Cost, Very Slow / as and when

2 - High end Tabletop (good 'painter' standard, 7-8 CMON as squads), Average Cost, Average Turnaround 1 wk working/ 15 minis to high end tabletop (2 hours each)

3 - Competition Grade (very good 'painter' standard, 8.5+ CMON),High cost, Very Fast Turnaround 1 wk working / 30 minis) (1 hour each)




If you can score yourself at 5 points or higher, you've got a good chance of getting clients and building that trust. Ther rate you get clients depends on the trust. Now for going rates, high end tabletop rates about £12.50 per mini.


The more you post around showing you know your stuff, carry yourself professionally the more you build that trust in *potential* clients. You need to show you can deliver a good '5 point or better' service.


A really good method is to paint up a squad / model for ebay and in your ebay listing mention you take commissions. You can get out-of-ebay bookings, and actually charge what your work is worth. AND the client gets what they WANT rather than just what's available. In terms of what to paint, I'd strongly advice Dark Angels (so get some in now), as they're the posterboys for the 6th edition box set and will sell well. Black Reach, by all means paint and sell, but you won't get so many hits or so much money. Don't bother setting a high starting bid, people will pay what they want - start at a dollar, or a pound. No reserve. If it's good, it will make profit. If not, well, it tells you you're not good enough yet. Or you're unlucky. Or have bad photography...


Ah yes; For both ebay and commission work; GET GOOD PHOTOS. Tripod, backsheet, good light. Don't get lazy in showing what it takes you bloody hours to do. Not if you want to be paid for those hours, anyway. :-)


I'm gonna stop rambling now. Good luck with it.



Nice post dude, really answered a lot of my questions and some things I was just wondering about. Its gonna be November before I can get anything done (Unless I pay a fortune for DHL to post my stuff out here...) Appreciate you taking the time to answer me so thoroughly, cheers.

@Winterdyne (Again..)


So do you think I'd be better off just getting a couple of Tactical Squad boxes bought and maybe a couple of DA character models? Also, slightly off topic, do you get transfer sheets in those tactical boxes, and if so, for which armies??

Tac squad boxes would be a good place to start. Also, keep in mind that there are Dark Angels upgrade boxes out there too. If I were a customer, I would expect sculpted chapter markings instead of decals, but that could just be me. However, you do get transfer sheets in tac squad boxes, and dark angels are included. I believe the others are ultramarines, salamanders, white scars, iron hands maybe, and perhaps some fisty tings.


Also, magnetizing the weapons options might be a good selling point as well. I don't recall which weapons come in the tac squad box, but I know the only heavy weapon is the missile launcher, which is fine because that's the most popular. I think there is 1 each of flamer, melta, and plasma, but I could be wrong. But anyway, I would magnetize what you can. Good luck man.


Keep the questions coming too. I'm learning from Winterdyne as well.



2-3 DA Veteran sets, Two Tactical Squads, a Commander and a Terminator squad. The DA Veteran sets provide variety bits for everything else and possibly a squad of bolter veterans. They also include Deathwing components for the termies.


I wouldn't magnetise, can be more trouble than its worth.



Unfortunately, don't know if I can afford all that right now, esp not knowing if they'll sell. But...I had a look at some things, I could get 1 vet squad, 1 tac squad, 1 termie squad and the DA company master (with his awesome feathery helmet...) And all the bits and pieces I'll need to paint and base em. A total of £120 ish. Which hopefully I'll make back... Hahaha. Will that be a good start do you reckon? Don't wanna buy too much at first, but because I'll be out here again after buying it, don't wanna buy too little either... Cheers.

The Warhammer 40,000 6th edition starter box is supposed to be Dark Angels vs. Chaos. Both Chaos and Dark Angels sales will increase with the release of that set. Timing your paintjobs to coincide with new releases of the same army / force is a good idea to get more money.
Alright, ordered a shedload of stuff last night... Just gotta wait til October before I can get my grubby mitts on it.... I was considering keeping a blog on here once I start painting them all, and about how easy/difficult it is to paint and sell them... (Obviously I won't be advertising them here) Just a few words on how its going once in a while I reckon. Would anybody be bothered to read such a thing??

Doing a WIP thread and/or Blog never hurts. Blogs are hit-and-miss. There are a thousand-and-one Painting Blogs out there and it can be hard to generate interest.


I prefer the a WIP thread. You get direct and constant feedback and a lot more give-and-take with the people reading. I personally am a good example of someone who started a WIP thread and it turned into me making resin kits to sell. I wouldn't have nearly as much motivation and/or exposure without the thread.

Don't know much about selling minis, but I do know a lot about selling :)


Regarding commissions, then follow Winterdynes advice. Then in order to get clients, then you'll just need to spread showcase your work. WIP blogs at various sites such as B&C and Whineseer, you'll get input from potential buyers, and then support this by having a signature link to your own gallery site.


Photos, photos, photos. Since you're living at a god-forsaken island in the caribbean (really sounds awful :P), your customers won't be able to stop by and have a look. So set yourself up with a small studio, with good lighting to make those minis sell themselves. Even a 11.1 CMON score will look shabby and in need of a clean up, if you just snap a fast photo with a crappy cell phone. Put it bluntly, your customers won't actually buy your minis, instead they'll buy your presentation of them.




Now, regarding what to buy. Then keep up with the power creep, if space wolves with missile launchers are all the rage, get those. If its poncy space glam rockers, then get those. Also, if you're doing whole armies, make sure to leave an opening for getting more, or make sure that there'll be enough points to make varied builds in the most popular points range.

You might like to consider going second hand. Unless the models are total right offs, you should be able to get cheaper minis from that never ending supply of kids who get bored of them and want some cash.

Scrape off the flash, maybe disassemble to fix poses then providing the paint isn't too rough, respray without stripping. At the very least it will give you some cheap minis to practice on and which you can still sell.


Thanks for the tip, I've already ordered my DA company master, terminator squad, DA vet squad and a tactical squad. I've got a couple of push fit marines at home, which I will paint up to show my 'table top' standard that I will paint the squads to. I've also got a bunch of other stuff to do as well, Sanguinary guard to finish, a Mumak to start as well as 2 1/6 scale Guyver models to do and an Ork Warboss fom the AOBR set to practise on. Whew... A lot of stuff before I even start my DA guys. But I gotta lot of free time after work here. :D


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