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Painting Force weapons


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Hello brothers!


I was wondering if anyone would like to share their force weapon painting recipe's as I'm about to paint Draigo's sword(he's finished except for the sword) and some terms/paladins weapons. Any help would be appreciated as I'm not great on the force weapon painting... :devil:

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I use two washes to make my force/power weapons. Or rather one Glaze, Gulliman Blue, and Darkenhof Nightshade Wash.


I mask half the sword with tape. Making sure that the sword is completely white of course before I start...

Then I add a thinned down gulliman blue glaze layer. thinning it down with a medium.

Next step is adding several layers of pure gulliman blue.

Final step is a few layers of the Darkenhof nightshade.


Oh, the very last thing I do is skull white on the edges, and stripes where I think some reflection can occur.


Once sword takes around 5-10 minutes to complete. Painting a set of swords will increase the speed, as you don't need to wait of for the wash to dry up.




Here is a badly taken picture, and badly cut out from the background.

I'm also an airbruser and a taper. Personally, I found glazing to be frustrating as I don't have the patience for it. I use blue painters tape, but masking tape should work fine to cut off half the sword. First off, pick what type of affect you want. Fire, ice, poison, etc and go from there.

I started by basecoating the sword black and masking off two sword sides (opposite sides, opposit halves.). With an airbrush, this is very simple, you just need a little practice. Start with your dark color (in my case, scab red) and progressively move to a brighter color each layer, also while moving in from your previous color. Some might say go from a lighter color to a darker color, but the opposite seemed a little more forgiving if you screw up.

Without my paint in front of me, I don't remember the colors I used, but this is my end result on my first two tries (haven't done many more yet)



You can do this with Blues to look kind of icy, green to be poisonous, red to be flamey, purple to be fabulous... you get the idea. Let us see how you do!

Thing is. I don't know how many of us actually have an airbrush. And patience is not really an issue if you make it right with washes and glaze.


For me it takes for a full 10 man unit around 30-40 mins.

This includes adding tape to the minis.

Best part is... there is no cleaning up after.


Airbrush requires well... an airbrush. Requires preparation of paint. Requires multiple jars if you want to do it quick, otherwise you need to clean the current jar you have.

After each color you need to clean the airbrush slightly, before adding the new one.

For me, the process of airbrushing is longer. The result is better no doubt (if you can handle it that is).


I have an airbrush my self, but I don't rely on it really. The time and all the cleaning just takes to much of my time :tu:

With GWs new washes/glazes I find it hard to go back to painting swords with an airbrush.

I painted the blade in base coat black.


Then I applied a liberal patchwork of dark blue.


Next I drew out lightning style markings in light blue over the blade edge and all corners. This gave the effect of the blade looking crystaline/glowing with energy.


Finally I highlighted certain areas of the light blue in white. This is mainly on blade and in particular dense areas of light blue. This gave the effect of it crackling with energy.

sadly i am currently deployed to afghanistan and cant post pics, but for me, i base the sword black, the boltgun and finally paint the entire blade mithral. Then use Asyrmen Blue wash and apply CAREFULLY BUT LIBERALLY. coat the entire blade, both sides. Once dry, paint over with gloss varnish

I use the technique from over in the Tutorial section (LINK), but I followed the colors from GW. I like the idea that different colors indicate the mastery level, and when I paint my Librarian I'll either do his warding staff up in red and orange or purple like Draigo, or maybe a mix of the two. Obviously mine aren't as nice as GW or the tutorial :lol:



I have a different approach from the 'shiny metal' airbrush look.


I go for a 'crackling with energy sword of flame' look, by starting out in a dark shade, then working up brighter and brighter tones of colour toward the center of the sword in erratic shapes.


It is best seen in dreadknights here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=247439

I´ve never really liked the "official" power weapon scheme - in my opinion the airbrush approach makes it look like cheap costume jewellry - but I guess it´s a matter of taste :)...


I just paint it a dark metal colour, and then use brighter and brighter glazes in a "sloppy" way down towards the hilt of the sword and on selected places along the blade. The result looks like this (apologize for the crappy pictures in advance:




This picture of the inside of the cowl gives a better idea of the effect:



sadly i am currently deployed to afghanistan and cant post pics, but for me, i base the sword black, the boltgun and finally paint the entire blade mithral. Then use Asyrmen Blue wash and apply CAREFULLY BUT LIBERALLY. coat the entire blade, both sides. Once dry, paint over with gloss varnish



I use the same method


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