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Salamander Bike Squad


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so is it legal for me to mount some space marines on lizardman saurus cavalry? i think it would look sweet in my salamander's army and really the only thing that would really be different is the height....and the part about dinosaurs not being bikes i guess....
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I think this falls squarely under the 'Rule of Cool". Just don't try to take advatange of the models differences in dimesnions, and I don't think anyone will have a problem seeing it lined up against them.


A word of caution, though: If you're using the saurus cavalry as bikes, don't also use them for allied 'thunder lizard cavalry' or 'daemonic lizard mounts', etc. One model alteration = one rules set for them.

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that seems fair enough. if anything id be at a disadvantage with them being taller... ill just be sure to mention that.... and as a second part to that, do you figure some fluffy bs about spitting acid for the bolters would work or do i just glue them to the side of its head haha
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If people aren't fine with you using them as bikes you could always ally in Space Wolves and use them as Thunderwolves, which could be more appropriate re. dimensions. Either way, make sure your opponent knows what the counts as what and do at least mention/ask before playing.
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I personally build all my guard rough riders on marine scout bikes, with high elf spears. Nobody's has an issue with it yet, just have to tell people that they're rough riders before the game starts. though honestly most guess it.
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