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attack bikes, bikes and land speeders

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Bikes in general is ok. Attack bikes is the best choice with the extra wound. Add Multimelta. :lol:

Landspeeders are more difficult with low armour (10) so not so viable now a days.


I personally use Baal predators with ac/hb.


Much depends on the rest of the army. ;)

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Bikes yes, speeders no.


Bikes are good and fast and tough, however, cannot be a troop choice in BA like they can be in Vanilla Marines with a biker Captain. But they are still good, search for Blood Rodeo. There was a popular build using bikers as a shield for jumpers.


Speeders look cool, but that's about it.

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depands what you want to do with them . If you want them to do anti tank then buying 2 attack bikes with mulit melta is better. they are fast have good weapons and most of all are cheap[in points] .


bike squads face the problem of not being cheap , not being troops and having problems with melee[they have higher T which is good, but fewer attacks] . An option around this is to take a codex SM capting [through the ally rules] give him a bike a storm shield and a relic blade and take the same squad of bikers you would take out of the the BA dex , but as ally. you may have noticed that BA cpts arent good[in fact they are bad] , sm are a lot better and they make bikers troops.

So a cheap cpt would both give you an ok melee character[ str6 ap 3 with +2sv /+3 sv t5 so immune to ID unless its str 10 or a special rules] .

But again if it is just to have anti tank , get MM attack bikes you will want them in most of your armies anyway.

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Well if you're thinking about bikes/speeders then I assume you want dedicated anti-tank then?


Multi-Melta Attack Bike. Perhaps the best unit in the whole marine arsenal.


I run 3 units of 2, yes buying 6 bikes at £16.50 (think they were £12.50 when I bought mine, sigh) is hard on the wallet but if you're strapped for cash try looking at independent stores like Weyland Games or ebay etc. Multi-Melta Attack Bikes are such a strong choice that even 2 will improve your army. If you can only afford a few then just get them & see how you like them, add in more as you can afford it or get them painted.


Landspeeders got a boast in 6th ed. mainly because they can Deep Strike & fire 2 Multi-Meltas now but I've found that I have no problem taking them out, they're a bit of a one trick pony. Bikes are a pain in the ass. They're T5 so basically aren't getting insta-killed anymore, T5 with 2W & a 3+ & Jink is great, they're fast & tough & can really deal with tough targets. In fact, I often find that my IG/SM opponents focus on them way too much, they're scared of them :yes: Against Nids just shoot them at their MCs, 24'' range isn't bad & with measuring you'll easily be able to stay >18'' & <24'' out, S8 AP1 is basically stripping a wound each time you hit.


So, I say Multi-Melta Attack Bike.



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Is anyone planning on fielding lots of Attack Bikes with a Priest? FNP versus missile launchers and lascannons would be beneficial.


I did it in 5th, lots. Now I find Priests a bit meh & I've found that having them near a Librarian is better. Presience & Shield makes them sweet!

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They already get 'Shield' if they move though so adding FNP would effectively give bikes two cover saves. Also, as far as I know, you can't mix codex and rulebook psychic powers so I don't think you can get both Prescience and Shield on the same libby.
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They already get 'Shield' if they move though so adding FNP would effectively give bikes two cover saves. Also, as far as I know, you can't mix codex and rulebook psychic powers so I don't think you can get both Prescience and Shield on the same libby.


Good point! I'm still not adding a SHP though. I have no place to put him :(


Where does it say you can't mix codex & rulebook powers?



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They already get 'Shield' if they move though so adding FNP would effectively give bikes two cover saves. Also, as far as I know, you can't mix codex and rulebook psychic powers so I don't think you can get both Prescience and Shield on the same libby.


Good point! I'm still not adding a SHP though. I have no place to put him ;)


Where does it say you can't mix codex & rulebook powers?



In the rulebook it says that you take powers from your codex or powers from the rulebook. You can't trade one and keep 1.

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They already get 'Shield' if they move though so adding FNP would effectively give bikes two cover saves. Also, as far as I know, you can't mix codex and rulebook psychic powers so I don't think you can get both Prescience and Shield on the same libby.


Good point! I'm still not adding a SHP though. I have no place to put him B)


Where does it say you can't mix codex & rulebook powers?



In the rulebook it says that you take powers from your codex or powers from the rulebook. You can't trade one and keep 1.


Alright, thanks. Didn't catch that one.

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Since 6th I find attack bikes (t5 & 2 wounds) more survivable than speeders (2 hull points hurts).

That being said I still run speeders occasionally, usually 2X Heavy Bolters. That allows me to keep my distance from small arms. They usually do OK.

Regular bikes are OK depending on the rest of your army. It depends on what role you need them to fill.


As a side note if your considering 6-8 bikes and an attack bike consider the Dark Angels Ravenwing Battleforce. You get 6 bikes 1 att bike 1 speeder & 3 Dark Angel upgrade sprees all at a reduced price. ( It's like getting the speeder and the upgrade sprees free.


Also if you get attack bikes or speeders think about magnetizing the weapons. It make them much more flexible when your building a list.


@ The guy asking about double Hvy Flamer Speeders. I don't think that's survivable considering speeders vulnerability to small arms (2 hull points) and the new vehicle assault rules.

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Speeders are better with long range weaponry aka typhoon rockets/heavy bolters. They can zip around the backfield and lay down some firepower. Use them with target priority and they can become troublesome for the opponents.

They are nearly twice as expensive compared to attack bikes though.

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