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Hey there!


I'm just wondering if someone know a place where you can order dice with chaos marks on them?


I need special dice to roll for my characters! :)

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You can order custom dice from Chessex. Minimum order is 10, for us$1 a die plus shipping if you get one custom side per die. You'll have to send them the text or graphic you want.


Here's an example of some custom chaos star dice someone on Warseer got from them.



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Doesn't make that significant a difference. The shape of the edges & corners as they wear down overtime will have a bigger influence. That said, many of these fancy shapes are on the 'six', not the 'one', which would make the one side heavier and thus theoretically more likely to end face down.


But that's the way pip dice already are, so again no real difference from regular dice.


If you want strict probability control, then what you want are casino dice, not vanity dice (and certainly not GW dice), which are also available online, though they can be expensive. More important then the dice for many players is changing the way you roll them as well.

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