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To Dread or not to Dread

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So I recently inherited two Dreadnoughts and I'm trying to decide what to do with them. I'm debating whether to induct them into my BA 4th Co. or whether to ship them off to my Templar crusade. If I keep them as Angels, I know for sure that one of them is going to be a DC Dread but I don't know whether to give it Talons or Fists and I don't know what to do with the other one. I have two Stormravens which usually carry a DC unit and Assault Terminators.


I've not used Dreads before, ever, so I'd appreciate any and all opinions.


EDIT - Forgot to mention, please do not suggest Riflemen Dreads. I will never, ever field one.

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The DC dreads will shred anything AP3 and above with claws, and AP2 with fists. The Furioso is a nice one too, the blood cannon and HF combo can really put the hirt on units in buildings/cover as well as being tough enough to keep going.


My favourite build is probably the heavy gunner, its a TL AutoCannon and AssaultCannon and does very well at holding mid field against light-mid tanks and anythign up to AP3 with ease, i run either a bike squad or rhino group nearby, although a tac screen woudl probably be good this ed. However, if you want to take them in SR's, id suggest a Furioso with fists and a DC with claws and just let 'em go near elites (furioso) or MEQ (DC) and dont forget your magna grapple - its hilarious at the very least :lol:

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Well CC Dreads aren't what they used to be. That said you can't really go wrong with a DC Dread with either fists or claws. I prefer claws since I figure most things that AP3 can't hurt prob shouldn't be charged (i.e Terminators). DCD is pretty powerful, lots of attacks ensures you do lots of damage, Fleet ensures you make combat, None Can Stay My Wrath makes up for AV12. Furiosos are good too but I prefer them with Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer & fist. Magna Grapple is ok, can be handy as a back up for the meltagun but it's a bit of a gimmick.



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Well CC Dreads aren't what they used to be. That said you can't really go wrong with a DC Dread with either fists or claws. I prefer claws since I figure most things that AP3 can't hurt prob shouldn't be charged (i.e Terminators). DCD is pretty powerful, lots of attacks ensures you do lots of damage, Fleet ensures you make combat, None Can Stay My Wrath makes up for AV12. Furiosos are good too but I prefer them with Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer & fist. Magna Grapple is ok, can be handy as a back up for the meltagun but it's a bit of a gimmick.




The downside with the DC dread is that it can be glanced to death by crack grenades, carried by most marines :( that and the fact that you can only field one if you field five DC.

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The Magna-Grapple is viable?


Even if you never get to use the grapple itself (you should, it has potential) it's still an extra S8AP1 weapon on a separate mounting. In other words, not lost along with a DCCW or talon like the flamer, storm bolter and melta is.

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i have an insane dreadlist.



Libby dread

2x Furiosos with talons and grapple

1xfurioso with fists and grapple

15x Death company with pistol/chainsword

2x DC dreads with talons and grapple

1x DC dread with fists and grapple

3x normal dreads with lascannon and fist

10x sniper scouts so i can hold at least one objective.


6 dreadnoughts and a daemon prince at 2k ;op


We have some awesome dreads so it's fun to make full use evry now and again

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Well CC Dreads aren't what they used to be. That said you can't really go wrong with a DC Dread with either fists or claws. I prefer claws since I figure most things that AP3 can't hurt prob shouldn't be charged (i.e Terminators). DCD is pretty powerful, lots of attacks ensures you do lots of damage, Fleet ensures you make combat, None Can Stay My Wrath makes up for AV12. Furiosos are good too but I prefer them with Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer & fist. Magna Grapple is ok, can be handy as a back up for the meltagun but it's a bit of a gimmick.




The downside with the DC dread is that it can be glanced to death by crack grenades, carried by most marines :( that and the fact that you can only field one if you field five DC.


I'm yet to lose my DC Dread to krak grenades, honestly it's not going to happen that much. Say a DCD charges a tactical squad (we'll assume it charges because if it isn't then something has gone wrong) - They're both hitting at I4. Tacticals hit the DCD with their single attack on a 4+, so 10 attacks is say 5 hits, then they need a 6 so say they glance once (0.83), so there's a 0.83 chance the DCD will get glanced, once. DCD has 6 attacks that hit on a 3+ & wound on a 2+ with no save, that tactical squad is toast, & if you have claws... well, good bye circa 200 points of troops.


I'm not saying DCD or close combat Dreads are amazing, they're not; and I accept they've taken a hit but I just don't think they should worry about kraks too much. Charging stuff with 2+, melta bombs or higher initiative & rending is much more of a worry, but then I never charged those things with my DCD in 5th ed. anyway - I have always used my DCD to murder troops in droves & he does a cracking job (especially now that fearless wounds doesn't gut a large infantry squad for us). There really is no better way to remove hordes of infantry in one turn :(




PS. One DCD is enough, I run 9 DC & 1 DCD. If I take another Dread it's a Furioso :)

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The Magna-Grapple is viable?


Even if you never get to use the grapple itself (you should, it has potential) it's still an extra S8AP1 weapon on a separate mounting. In other words, not lost along with a DCCW or talon like the flamer, storm bolter and melta is.


AP2, not1, but still decent !

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when bunch of Imperial guards krakked my Furioso death, I was starting to consider, very seriously the frag cannons + blood fist and heavy flamer combination. You don't consider Imperial Guard blob too much of threat if there's no heavy weapons and commissars... till you find out they have krakk grenades bought...
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when bunch of Imperial guards krakked my Furioso death, I was starting to consider, very seriously the frag cannons + blood fist and heavy flamer combination. You don't consider Imperial Guard blob too much of threat if there's no heavy weapons and commissars... till you find out they have krakk grenades bought...


Err. How? S6 vs. AV13? Did he Immobilize you first?


Listen, Blood Talons are still the best way to get large tar-pit units off the board quickly. In 5th we could often rely on Fearless/No Retreat wounds to help us but now I swear by my DC Dread with Talons, irrespective of AV12. Drop him in via Storm Raven, Fleet gets him there & then just have him ravage as much as he can before he pops it, at the cost of 5 Sternguard I'm happy! Killing troops en masse comes in handy in most missions too.


- Dallas

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i have an insane dreadlist.



Libby dread

2x Furiosos with talons and grapple

1xfurioso with fists and grapple

15x Death company with pistol/chainsword

2x DC dreads with talons and grapple

1x DC dread with fists and grapple

3x normal dreads with lascannon and fist

10x sniper scouts so i can hold at least one objective.


6 dreadnoughts and a daemon prince at 2k ;op


We have some awesome dreads so it's fun to make full use evry now and again

Think you've got a list of dubious legality... Furioso Librarian is still an Elite choice as opposed to an HQ, so you've got 4 elite dreads battling for 3 spots if this is less than 2k. If its a 2k list, then you're missing the second HQ choice (unless I'm mistaken, you still need the compulsory HQ and two troops on the second FoC as well as the first).

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  • 1 month later...
So I'm finally getting around to working on these dreadnoughts. Still thinking of making one a DC Dread with Talons and one a Furioso with Fists.


Any compelling reasons why I shouldn't?


Volume of attacks is the most important thing when using the talons, WS5 and WS6 makes very little difference in most cases when it comes to landing hits (and rerolls to hit can be given by a psyker). The most dangerous things in CC generally go at I 1, so the more hits you get in the better your chance of surviving the combat. That's why I'd go with the DC dread for talons. Rerolling charge and ignoring stunned/shaken is a minor bonus.


As for the furioso I'd strongly urge you to consider the fragcannon. It gives you more options on what to engage, it makes you more dangerous to charge and frankly I don't think the furioso has the number of attacks needed to hold his own in CC.

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I love DC Dreads esp with the new rage, but I have found myself using a Furioso more recently due to its AV13 which is God-like in combat. Partially due to the fact I tend to aim him at troops rather than elites, which they still chew through easily with talons, hitting on 3's wounding on 2's (re-rollable). I have even had him chew though big units of boyz in one turn! Coolness factor though you can't beat the DC dread, and they massacre regularly but I find that they don't last as long, and "None Shall Stay My Wrath" is less useful in this edition due not being needed as often.
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As for the furioso I'd strongly urge you to consider the fragcannon. It gives you more options on what to engage, it makes you more dangerous to charge and frankly I don't think the furioso has the number of attacks needed to hold his own in CC.


Frankly an AP - weapon at the cost of losing an Attack isn't wowing me, even if it is S6, Assault 2 and Rending. I don't see a competent opponent charging an AV13 walker unless they're toting a Fist/Hammer/Klaw/Melta Bombs so dropping the three (MEQ) guys I can statistically expect to kill with my Overwatch shot probably won't stop the Furioso getting slagged.


What am I missing? Wouldn't keeping the Fists (or giving it Talons) and paying the minimal tariff for a Heavy Flamer be a better option?


I love DC Dreads esp with the new rage, but I have found myself using a Furioso more recently due to its AV13 which is God-like in combat. Partially due to the fact I tend to aim him at troops rather than elites, which they still chew through easily with talons, hitting on 3's wounding on 2's (re-rollable). I have even had him chew though big units of boyz in one turn! Coolness factor though you can't beat the DC dread, and they massacre regularly but I find that they don't last as long, and "None Shall Stay My Wrath" is less useful in this edition due not being needed as often.


Just curious, what usually does for your DC Dread? I'm struggling to think of what could reliably damage AV12 that wouldn't also be an issue for AV13, bearing in mind that my Dreads will be carried by Stormraven and are likely to be in CC for most of the game.

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I've had a ton of success with my two Furioso dreads in sixth edition. I run one with frag cannon, heavy flamer, fist, and grapple. The other has talons, meltagun, and stormbolter. I deliver each one via Stormraven and they just rip it up. As an earlier response stated the talons are a great anti tarpit. The frag cannon dread is a mob killer and bunker buster as well. Against horde armies I routinely can kill 10 average troops. My record with him (frag dread) is 16 orcs in one round of shooting. AV 13 is a huge pain for the opponent. As my one friend put it, they generally meet in the middle of the field, high five, and each pick a squad to mow through. I will admit there is a decrease in survivability in 6th. A fist or equivalent weapon can glance you to death. Still, for 125-150 points I have only played a couple of games where I didn't get my points back. Like any unit, they are just a piece of the bigger picture of your army. They have to fit what you are trying to do. Good luck!
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