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Ok. I've got my 500pt list done. Where do I go for my 1000pt list? I guess making the Assault squads 10 man (7 standard, 2 melta, 1 sergeant) is a good start taking me up to 695 points.


I was thinking a Dreadnought. but I'm unsure of what to put on it. Should it be a DC? Twinlinked Lascanons?

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DC come with Boltguns. I'd be pretty miffed if they didn't come with them!


You probably want DC at some point so a few boxes of DC for 'bits' as well as DC models will do you fine, not everything can be used for Tacs/RAS (some stuff has DC crosses on it etc).


- Dallas


Even so, a ten man tactical box costs less than a 5 man dc squad


As a BA player you will want DC at some point so you buy DC, you use the extra bits for your RAS to look mint, hey there are loads left over from your DC as you get loads of bits in that box. I hear that Tactical squads are getting re-released soon, a brand new box! I'd never build a whole Tactical squad from DC boxes.

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Ok. I've got my 500pt list done. Where do I go for my 1000pt list? I guess making the Assault squads 10 man (7 standard, 2 melta, 1 sergeant) is a good start taking me up to 695 points.


I was thinking a Dreadnought. but I'm unsure of what to put on it. Should it be a DC? Twinlinked Lascanons?


If you took a Death Company Squad you could unlock a Death Company Dread. That would probably mean getting a Stormraven at some point.


If you want shooty Dreads then I think 2 x Twin-linked Autocannons are great, but AFAIK that means Forgeworld Tl-Autocannon arms.


I really rate Sternguard & Vanguards, but they can get pricey fast.


Multi-melta Attack Bikes are great too.


If in doubt, pick something you think is cool & ask around for best set ups! I'd probably play a bunch of games & then you'll get a feel for what your army needs.


- Dallas

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When is that box likely to come out?


Well it's all still rumours but June next year is a date I keep hearing. 10 months is probably too long to wait though.


Copied from BOLS;


Originally Posted by Vovin@Warseer via Theonering & games-workshop

Games Workshop rumored release plan


200465011440203 Space Marine Space Marine Tactical Squad PL a14 Len_A 02 cc


What's the advantage of DC Dread?


Fleet, None Shall Stay My Wrath, Rage so 6 attacks on the charge, Furious Charge. Only down side is AV12 vs. AV13 (Furioso) & you need DC to unlock it. My lists always try to have a DCD.

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When you get to buying models, DO NOT buy the generic Assault Marines or Tactical Marines. Instead, buy Death Company boxes. You get the same amount of dudes, plus way more stuff AND a bunch of Blood Angel bits to make your dudes look awesome instead of boring. You can use the DC kit to make DC (obv), Assault Marines, Tactical Marines, Priests, Librarians, Chaplains, Captains, maybe even some of the special HQs. They're a great kit, and provide everything you need.


EDIT: For a 500 Point list, I'd do:


Libby with JP and Force Axe = 125

Priest with JP and Power Axe = 90

5 Assault Marines with Meltagun, Power Sword and Infernus Pistol on Sergeant = 140

5 Assault Marines with Meltagun, Power Sword and Infernus Pistol on Sergeant = 140


Total = 495, so some dude gets a meltabomb.


One IC goes with each squad. The Sergeant takes challenges, while the ICs wipe out the rest of the squad with their WS5, AP2 weapons.

So I'm interested in taking some BA allies, but sadly, this rather nice list includes a Psyker, and as a BT, thats not gonna fly. Do you guys have another HQ who serves the same purpose, but without the pesky psychic powers?

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