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Remake of a chaos army


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Two armies, two sets of answers.

Why did you make an undivided Chaos army?

Originally, it was a Word Bearers list based around the IA article. I liked the idea of being able to take evil chaplains and get a 4+I save- there were no invulnerable saves in the 3.0 codex aside from terminator armor, and that was patched in later.


I later did a Black Legion army; the goal was to make an all- infiltrator force because the NVR and 4.0 rules made transport vehicles into worthless deathtraps.

What do you like the most of them?
Each was different. I liked the Word Bearers more because of the whole "evil chaplain" feel. Plonking down daemons was fun, too. Some of the 3.5 daemon packs were really interesting, moreso than the current herp-a-derp CSM stupidity or the current less- powerful Codex daemons.


Do you play with only one legion or many legions?
Only ever one at a time.


Do you think is it good to create a warband with only hints on the fluff of a canon legion or just following all the canon for your army?
The new canon obliterated the old legions. They were unified in the IA era and the 3.5 codex; the 4th edition codex destroyed all that.
Do you feel constrained or restricted about the fluff when you are making an army of an established legion?
Nope. I had a load of fun with the old legion fluff. The new stuff isn't anywhere near as interesting because every legion is now the Black Legion.
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