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Stormraven tactica

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The stormraven is one of the best support units in the game. Thanks to 6th ed and the new flier rules.

It gets skyfire, interceptor, power of the machine spirit, hover, transport, assault vehicle, and deepstrike special rules.

All variants get AV12,ceramite plating(Anti-melta), can transport 12 infantry and/or 1 dred and 3 hullpoints...

Blood angel models get, skies of blood and 4 bloodstrike missiles.(anti-tank)

Grey knight models get, the aegis, psychic pilot, shadow skies(same as SOB), and 4 mindstrike missiles.(anti-psyker)

...Nose gun options are...

.Twin-heavy bolters... Probly the worst of all the options. 3 S5 shots limit it to anti-light infantry only. (GK version with psyammo is good)

3 shotsTL@36”.


.Twin-linked multi-melta... Great anti-tank, but with its short range it means you have to be on top of your target to be effective.

1 shotTL@24”(12”+d6)


.Typhoon Missile Launcher... Great long range anti-tank, anti-flier weapon with krakmissiles or anti-infantry with fragmissiles.

2 shots@48”

...Turret gun options are...

.Twin-linked assault cannon... Good all round short ranged weapon. Lots of shots with rending whats not to like?



.Twin-linked plasma cannon...

Medium range anti-heavy infantry, anti-IC, and anti- light vehicles. But... Useless against other fliers and cant snap shot.

1shotTL blast@36”


.Twin-linked lascannon...

Good long range anti-tank, anti-flier, anti-fortification.


...Optional door gun...

.Hurricane bolters...

its high volume of fire make it good for anti-hoard but short range kind of hurts.

6shots TL@24” or 12shotsTL@12”...

...Other options...

.Extra armor... Almost worthless in 6th ed. IMO a waist of points.

.Spotlight... With all the new missions including night fighting. You might think you need these but you don't. Your a flier you can just fly with in range and blast them. So save the points.

.Locator beacon... If you really need it mid-game get it. Otherwise save the points.

(GK only options)

.Truesilver armor... Anti-psyker.

.Warp stabilization field... It lets you teleport the stormraven. Kinda useless in 6th ed.

.Psybolt ammo... Possibly the best up grade ever. +1S to all your bolter and assault cannons. Yes please, but BA can't have it. ;)

So now on to the different load outs and there uses...

...The ”gunship” raven...(+GK with psy-ammo)

TLAC,TLMM,and hurricane ,bolters.

With all of its 24” weapons (except for the blood strike missiles) this raven is the close support fighter.


High volume of fire even after all the missiles are gone. The best of the assault-transport ravens.


Short range weapons. To really use it you have to be very close so you can be taken out quickly to massed ground fire or long range aircraft/antiaircraft.


...The ”raptor” raven...(+BA)

TLLC and TML...

This variant of stormraven excels at air superiority. Its long range and high strength weapons make this one of the best air to air and counter anti-aircraft of all the current fliers.


Long range and high strength weapons. The longest effective range of all the stormravens. That range makes this version the most survivable as you can stay out of range of it's biggest threats. The alpha strike on the turn you arive is awesome. 2 kraks 1 lascan 3 bloodstrikes( yes 3, POTM gets you +1 over the normal 2)@48”. Versatility of targets. It is primarily equiped for anti-tank/flier but it can be help full against hordes with frag missiles.


While this variant can transport. Its load-out is long range support so sticking it in the thick of it is counter intuitive to its battlefield role.

though it could be good for dropping troops on an out of the way objective, for some easy points. Ammunition.. Once the bloodstrikes are gone you only have three shots a turn for the rest of the game. If you add hurricane bolters it would help in both ammo problems and transport departments but it gets expensive.

...The ”anti horde” raven...

TLPC,TML,and hurricane bolters.

This variants main role is to drop templates and rapid-fire hurricane bolter fire on large enemy units. Anti-ork/tyrnids.


ap2 blast weapon. TML. good med-long range shooting with good high volume short range shooting. Ok at anti-tank. good transport craft.


Blast weapons can't snapfire and can't hit fliers. Blast weapons aren't very accurate. Limited anti-tank/flier. Very expensive.

...The ”tank hunter”...(+BA)


This variant excels at strafing enemy armor. Fly in fast hit something and evade then fly off into ongoing reserves for another run. Best taken as the 2nd or 3rd raven in the army.


Hit and run anti-armor/flier tactics. Its cheap for a raven. Mix of range weapons makes it acceptable for long range and better at close range. High strength, low AP weapons.


Limited firepower. Very few shots per turn. Not a good transport. limited purpose. Its kind of a one-trick-pony. No anti-horde capability.


>...SR Tactics...<

*...The fast drop...*

On the turn you arrive from reserve. You can move 18-36”. Move the raven into drop location and blast something. On your next turn switch to hover mode( fast, skimmer) then before you move the raven. Drop off your cargo. Then if your raven is in a enemy hot zone move flat-out away from them for the 4+jinx save and turn it into a good direction for the following turn when you return to flier mode. This will get your drop troops(both jump and non jump troops) into assault position and avoiding a SOB/SS drop. If you have to SOB you lose your assault and possibly some troops. Only use SOB as a last resort!

*...Hit and run tactics...*

At certain times you may not want your raven on the board. Like when your opponent has fliers in reserve or if you were forced to evade the last turn. So by flying in then hitting a target on one turn then flying off the board on the following turn. This will keep you raven safe during your opponents turn and setting you up for another strafing run on your next turn.

*...Rule the skies tactics...*

The two biggest threats to the stormraven is other fliers and fortifications. If you want to keep your ravens flying you must kill your opponents fliers first then try to destroy the anti-aircraft. Also watch out for the double twin autocannon dreds, hydras, and large units like loota's. Their sheer volume of fire can take you down fast. These type of units should be third on your list of targets.

If you can eliminate or avoid these hazards you can move around with near impunity.

Well I hope this helps some of our newer brothers in taking over the skies. Good luck.

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